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See His Glory in the Sky |
Time with Jesus - Saturday, 04 May 2013
Hi all,
God’s Glory! What exactly is it?
We are inclined to think of the pillar of fire by night and of cloud by day in
the wilderness. We may think of the
glory cloud that came down around Moses while he was on Mt Sinai. We may think
of the bush that burned and was not consumed. We may think of the presence of
God who passed by Moses when he was in the cleft of the rock. Indeed, these were
expressions of God’s glory. But although these episodes were wonderful and
glorious, something was yet to take place that revealed the glory of God in a
unique and life-changing way.![]() |
God's Glory in the Scrolls |
The angels who appeared to the
shepherds caring for the flock outside Bethlehem when Jesus was born, brought
with them the radiance of God’s glory. Luke wrote: -8 That night there were shepherds staying in the fields
nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. 9 Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terrified. Luke
2:8-9 NLT But there was a greater expression of God’s glory still to
Some year ago, Phyllida and I
were praying about something we were attending that day. The Lord told us that
we would see the glory of the Lord that day. We were very excited about what we
would see. Exactly what it was, we really didn’t know. That day we were
literally “taken apart” by the church leaders. It was a painful experience. Discussing
it later that evening, we agreed that what we had been through, was as close to
a crucifixion as we were likely to experience in South Africa, in the
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Reading About His Glory |
Then the truth dawned on us. If
you want to see the glory of God, go back in time to Calvary. There on that
hill, between two thieves, God’s Son was crucified for you and for me. Angels
must have stood and looked on in amazement and horror. God the Father permitted
the greatest miscarriage of justice this world has ever known or seen. The
second person of the Trinity, God Himself, allowed men to crown Him with thorns
and nail him to a cross and leave Him to die. There He hung, suspended by nails
somewhere between heaven and earth, stark naked. People had beaten him, abused
Him and spat upon Him. Yet He allowed all this to take place. He went to His
death just as Isaiah had predicted. 7 He
was oppressed and treated harshly, yet He never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, He did
not open His mouth. Isa 53:7 NLT
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God's Glory Expressed in Humility |
Never think it was the nails, the
abuse, the whipping, the crown of thorns or the presence of the other two
thieves which held Him there from ±09h00 to ±15h00. It wasn’t the terrible darkness that came upon
that part of the world so that the sun was darkened, that kept Him there. He
was waiting until the priest’s knife flashed to sacrifice the first lamb for
the temple worship at the time of the evening sacrifice. At that moment, our
Lord and Saviour gave up His Spirit and died. There was only one “thing” that
kept Him there. That “thing” was love! “Amazing Love; how can it be, that Thou
my God should die for me?” are the words penned by Charles Wesley.
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The Glory of the Empty Cross |
This was the greatest expression
of the glory of God this world has known or seen. The crowds missed it. They
saw nothing, other than an unjust crucifixion. Even now, as we think back on it,
we are shocked that God’s glory could be expressed in this way!
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Men see
nothing. God sees everything.
Today’s meditation is on the
Glory of God.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland
Time with Jesus – Saturday, 04 May 2013
These devotionals are the intellectual
property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy
and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Phyllida and I were married on 12th
December 1981 and had a short honeymoon at Linga-Longa Guest farm just
outside of what was then called Warmbaths. I say this because, back in those
days, we were both what was called “tape worms”. We spent many honeymoon hours
listening to various people speak on audio cassette tapes. Derek Prince, Ed
Raebert, Bob Mumford etc. We don’t hear much from them lately. Besides which,
audio tapes have given way to CD’s and DVD’s.
We both remember listening to a tape by a man called
Bob Whittaker. He was speaking about “Handling the Glory Of God!” He had
written a short book that was meant to be a companion for the tape. We still
have it somewhere!
The essence of the Bob’s teaching was that God will
not give His glory to others. In terms of the Lord’s model prayer: 13
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and
the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Matthew 6:13 KJV Note that the glory
belongs to God. Later Bible translations, based on corrupts manuscripts, have
excluded; “for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.
Amen.” Please don’t ask me why.
The difficulty with having to deal with the glory of
God is that preachers and teachers have to learn how to “handle” it. By this
I mean that everything we say and do in His Name comes to us by His grace. We
haven’t earned it or deserved it. If the truth be known, we “deserve” the
very opposite. It’s a little bit like the things we receive from our parents.
We receive from them because we are their children and they love us! Why?
They love us because they are our parents. They chose to have us. Even if we
were unplanned and unwanted, they chose to have us. Why do we love them?
There is only one answer that makes sense. We love them because they loved us
first. Actually they gave us our first “love lessons”. Our example is
explained by John in his first epistle. 19 We love, because God loved us first.1
John 4:19 GW
So how do we handle God’s glory? One commentator
said, “very gently”. I agree! In some ways, handling His glory is like driving
a road-tanker full on Nitro-glycerine. Bob Whittaker’s comment was that you
give the glory straight to the Lord. No sticky-fingers! When you have done
something in His name and you are applauded for it, reflect the glory back to
Him. The more you do so, the more He will let you handle. But if you are
unfaithful handling His glory in small things, it’s highly unlikely there
will be a next time! Humility for every Christian should be a lifestyle. God
detests people who “show-off”. So let’s all take a good look inward and put
things right!
Jim and Phyllida
4 I have brought you glory on earth. I have
finished the work you gave me to do.
John 17:4 NIrV
34 Jesus said,
"My food is to do what my Father sent me to
do. My food is to finish his work.
John 4:34 NIrV
4 While it is still day, we must do the work of the One
who sent me. Night is coming. Then no one can work
John 9:4 NIrV
49 Jesus said
to them, "Why were you looking for me?
Didn't you realize that I had to be in my Father's house?" 50
But they didn't understand what he meant.
Luke 2:49-50 GW
4 When Jesus heard the message, he said, "His sickness won't result in death. Instead,
this sickness will bring glory to God so that the Son of God will receive
glory through it." --- 40 Jesus said to
her, "Didn't I tell you that if you believe,
you would see God's glory?"
John 11:4 & 40W
52 Jesus grew in wisdom and maturity. He gained favour
from God and people.
Luke 2:52 GW
52 Jesus became wiser and stronger. He also became more
and more pleasing to God and to people.
Luke 2:52 NIrV
22 and the
Holy Spirit came down to him in the form of a dove. A voice from heaven said,
"You are my Son, whom I love. I am pleased
with you."
Luke 3:22 GW
22 Everyone said good things about him. They were amazed
at the gracious words they heard from his lips. "Isn't this
Joseph's son?" they asked.
Luke 4:22 NIrV
9 Here is the
new song they sang. "You are worthy
to take the scroll and break open its seals. You
are worthy because you were put to death. With your blood you bought people
for God. They come from every tribe, language, people and nation. 10 You have
made them members of a royal family. You have made them priests to serve our
God. They will rule on the earth."
Revelation 5:9-10 NIrV
Are you by your actions bringing glory
to the Lord?
Is it automatic and are you feeling
What is it that’s driving you? Are
medals what you seek?
Would you like to “chuck it up” in an
unhappy streak?
Have you asked Him recently about the
things you do?
Have You His approval? It all depends
on you.
Many people follow Him for money in
the bank.
When the day is over, who is it whom
you thank?
Is this just an exercise to
demonstrate the gift,
He gave you for preaching? Your
motives, do you sift,
To find if what you’re doing is to demonstrate
your skill,
Before your little fan-club to give
them all a thrill?
If you somehow vanished, would anybody
Or even make a comment that you’re no longer
Who receives the glory? Is it all your
The truth is always something between you
and God alone!
Can you know for certain? You may have
started well,
But are you still with Jesus? That’s
something folk can’t tell!
It’s easy to fool people with a
religious phrase.
But what about your home-life? Criticised
or praised?
Your family can tell us how you have
been today.
If someone went and asked them, what
is it they would say?
Has greed become your master in heart
and mind and soul?
this is unsavoury. Is Mammon in control?
It’s either gold or Gospel. The two of
them don’t mix.
Your heart is where your treasure
lies. You could be in a fix,
If you think you can please yourself! Then
you have got it wrong.
But if you turn from evil, it won’t be
very long,
Before God gets the glory and you
don’t mind a bit.
Jesus must be glorified, or you will
never fit,
Into the grand equation that Jesus
Christ has penned.
And He’s Whom you must satisfy right
at the very end.
So find your magnifying glass and have
a look inside.
What is it you’re looking at? God’s
glory or your pride?
Everything you do for Christ; will
make His glory shine.
If they’re only done for you, I think
you should resign!
Give Him all the glory. It isn’t yours
to keep.
Fame is not an issue for an obedient
Jim Strickland
Written 4th
May 2012