Time with Jesus - 28
Sept. 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
Time with Jesus – 28 Sept. 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright
protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it
is for non-commercial Christian purposes
I’m told that I suffer from a problem that is common among men. A
problem their mothers, wives and daughters don’t struggle with. I’m told I
don’t see something, even when I’m looking at it. The problem is, “Darling,
do you know what’s happened to XXXX”. In my experience, limited though it
might be, I find that when I can’t find something, my wife can put her hands
on it, finding it within seconds. Usually there is no comment when this
happens. Certainly not from my dearly beloved. But inside my head, I imagine
I can hear her saying something about me never being able to find anything,
even when it’s staring me in the face! On the other hand, the female of the
species seems to have a homing instinct on anything and everything the male
misses, even with both eyes closed and her mind on other things!
Eugene Peterson comments on this obliquely in his translation of 1
Corinthians: -7 men and women, who far too
often butt heads with each other, submit their "heads" to the Head:
God.1 Cor. 11:7 MSG I think it
means that men often submit to a sort of “blindness” to the things of God.
Women see this masculine blindness. They have the ability to show their men
where they have mislaid their faith in Him.
Of course, blindness to the “things” of God is not always a gender
issue. Those who truly love the Lord Jesus, see Him in everything. The
heavens themselves declare His glory. We can’t miss it. His glory is
everywhere. Watch a sunrise and be amazed as colour returns to the trees and
grass. Listen to the sound of His creatures welcoming the new day. Sometimes
called “the dawn chorus”, it’s well named. It’s the chorus of praise to God
His creatures produce, in response to each new day. They see and hear Him.
It’s only mankind who miss it.
Those who believe in Him and have crowned Him Lord also see and hear
Him in His glory. They know that 28 "In
him we live and move and exist.' As some
of your own poets have also said, 'We are his children.' Acts 17:28 NIrV.
Those who don’t want to believe, do so because they prefer the darkness
to the light. (John 3:19) They refuse to
believe, because they would then be responsible, to the One Whom they have
rejected. Yes, they do see! But because they don’t want to believe, God lets
them go. They remain in a state of delusion and become more determined to not
believe, than previously. Like those referred to earlier, they can’t see even
when they are looking at Him. They need someone to come and find Him for
them. Ladies, this is where you are very often so like the Holy Spirit! You
point things out and find what is missing. You have a God-given ability to
help your husbands “find” God. The One whom they accidentally and sometimes
deliberately “mislaid”.
Jim & Phyllida
For the choir director:
A psalm of David. 1
The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies
display His craftsmanship. 2 Day
after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known.
3 They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.
Psalms 19:1-3 NLT
The heavens declare Your glory Lord, no matter where we look.
They speak with such a clarity, from every little nook,
And cranny of the universe. They seem to “pulse” with light;
And even unbelievers must say that this is right.
They say it had its origin and happened just by chance!
They seem to miss the order in this vast galactic dance.
They say a great explosion, somehow had taken place,
And everything we now can see, in every part of space,
Started off from nothing. But what they cannot see,
Is where did “nothing” come from? It’s very strange to me!
They say the space around us, has somehow always been.
But space must have an origin; and none of them are keen,
To say it was created. It always has been there.
There wasn’t a beginning of which they are aware.
But what about the forces – the “laws” which they can find.
Didn’t they originate in a designer’s mind?
Who made the law of gravity which makes the whole thing go?
And what about the speed of light? Who fixed it? They don’t know?
What of the laws of motion? Why do the planets spin?
And what about the laws of sound? Perhaps they want to pin,
All this on some freak accident that happened long ago?
The possibility it’s God, they do not want to know!
The reason is quite obvious. If they admit He’s there,
Then they would be accountable. And they are all aware,
That if they are responsible, to someone way up high,
Then they will have a problem, the moment when they die.
So they remain dogmatic. They “bellyache” and moan.
They say He’s non-existent. His truth they will not own.
They much prefer their ignorance. It suits them rather well,
And do not have to bother that there just might be a hell!
They do not want to listen. They do not want to see,
The glory of God’s universe which speaks abundantly.
They think that they are clever. But God says they are fools.
They do not want to bother with Jesus and His rules.
If they decide against Him, He’ll let them go their way.
And in their foolish ignorance each one will have to stay.
They all behold God’s glory. But they refuse to see
The wonders of His handiwork; and His Divinity.
Jim Strickland
Written 28th
Sept. 2012
20 Ever since the world was created it has
been possible to see the qualities of God that are not seen. I'm talking
about his eternal power and about the fact that he is God. Those
things can be seen in what he has made. So people have no excuse for what
they do.
Romans 1:20 NIrV
17 Yet he did not leave
himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from
heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and
Acts 14:17
3 When I look at your
heavens, the creation of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have
set in place- 4 what is a
mortal that you remember him or the Son of Man that you take care of him?
8:3-4 GW
41 The sun has one kind of
splendour, the moon has another kind of splendour, and the stars have still
another kind of splendour. Even one star
differs in splendour from another star. 42 That is how it will be when the dead come back to life.
When the body is planted, it decays. When it comes back to life, it cannot
Corinthians 15:41-42 GW
3 Those who are wise will
shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will
shine like the stars forever.
12:3 NLT
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