Time with Jesus - 9 Dec 2013
Hi all,
Phyllida and I were in Syria for about 10 months on
1999. I was there to assist with the commissioning of an oil fired power
station for PEEGT, the Syrian authority similar to Eskom in RSA.
J & P Wedding |
We were living
in Homs, a town much in the news lately in their civil war. We loved the
experience. The Syrians are/were an extraordinarily friendly people and we both
got on very well with them. About 90% of the people were Muslim. The remaining
10% comprising Greek Orthodox Christians, a number of Jews (this surprised us
greatly) and other faiths. At one time, Syria was administered by France, so
several French customs were established.
The big “shock” for Phyllida and I was
their call to prayer from the various mosques. 5 times a day the people
responded to the call. Most of the men went to the mosque for prayer. Some
simply knelt down on their prayer mat in the street and prayed, with their
faces toward Mecca. The women were equally devout but not many went to the
mosque; too busy with family and other household chores.
Generally speaking, the men don’t mix with the women in
public. We found that many events were either all male or all women affairs.
This was not strictly enforced because of the influence of the Greek Orthodox
women. They were more “liberated” than the Muslim women and tended to mix more
readily with the opposite sex. Even so, the men sat together and the women likewise
and looked at each other.
We had an opportunity to talk with several Muslim
ladies. We wanted to know how they met their husbands. The ladies laughed at
the question. Then we were told that in Syria there was no such thing as
dating. Usually one of them spoke to their brothers and sisters and expressed
an interest in the respective man or woman.
At that point the young man would
visit the parents of the lady and ask their permission to meet, with a possible
view to marriage. If the parents agreed, the couple we allowed to meet.
However, they were constantly chaperoned by a close member of the “bride’s”
family. This was strictly enforced.
I recall on one occasion when Phyllida and
I were invited for dinner at the home of the prospective bridegroom, the
“bride’s’ younger brother stuck to the couple like glue. The system was
extremely formalised. The young man was expected to propose marriage to the
young women and from then on, the two were permitted to meet subject to the
presence of the chaperone.
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Ark of the Covenant |
In many cases, marriages were arranged by the parents of
the bride and groom before the couple met. We thought this would be resented by
the young man and woman involved. I recall asking if they were happy with this
arrangement. We were told her parents knew far better who would make a good
husband for her. The idea of choosing someone themselves was thought to be
“novel” and not a good idea.
On reflection, they have a good point. Since the
unmarried male/female relationship is so different from what we have in RSA, they
are probably correct. They also have a very small divorce percentage so
something must be right.
Phyllida and I have thought about and discussed this on
many occasions. From personal experience we both “shot ourselves in the foot”
when we chose our own wife/husband. We made disastrous choices. Our parents
would have made much better choices than we did. As a further complication, we
know that if my parents had said anything about the suitability of the woman I
planned on marrying, I would have carried on with my intentions anyway! Phyllida
says she would have done the same if her mom or brothers had “warned her off”.
We are such contradictory, proud and arrogant people. We
fight for our right to be wrong. Furthermore at 20 and 24 years, we know almost
nothing about life and what we should be looking for in a marriage partner. We
both greatly regret that we didn’t discuss this with our family. If we had,
perhaps we would not have made such bad choices.
Since my becoming a marriage officer, Phyllida and I
have tried to pass on this wisdom to the couples we have met who want me to
join them in marriage. It’s rather difficult. The couples are little different
from what we were in the days we first married. To even suggest that they might
be about to make a bad choice goes over like a “lead balloon”. So we say very
little unless they are looking for information. Then we are in a position to
How do we change this? The only way we know is to teach
young people what is meant by a Godly marriage. Unfortunately, you can’t start
with this when the couple are physically mature. It has to be started while the
boys and girls are approaching puberty or earlier. Furthermore, we have to go
against the flow of current thought and attitudes toward sex. We live in a
country where those who wish to remain chaste until they are married are seen
as weirdoes and freaks. Couples “shack up” and live together without being
married. Indeed, some couples refuse point blank to have anything to do with
In essence, the problem is commitment. Many don’t like
the idea of being “stuck” to one partner for the rest of life. We must change
this perception. We can only do it by example. We must let our children see for
themselves living examples of what it means to be in a covenant of marriage. We
need to get to the point where a young lady and a young man will say to their
parents, “I want a marriage like yours. I want to love and be loved by someone
the way the pair of you love each other”! That’s when you will know that
parenting has been worthwhile.
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
Time with Jesus – 9 Dec 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright
protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it
is for non-commercial Christian purposes
and I have both been divorced. Subsequently we met and married. It’s not
something we are proud of. It’s a statement of fact. We believe that at the
root of ours and every other divorce is sin; this combined with youthful
ignorance. During adolescent years we know what is right and wrong regardless
of the opinions of others, God included! So we married and later broke
covenant with our former spouse. Marriage was under attack by Satan and his
cronies. It still is. God hates divorce and from personal experience, we also
hate it. One reason is it makes a mockery of covenant commitment.
grew up knowing the Bible was in two “parts”; the Old and New Testaments,
often called the Old and New Covenants. The associated significance was more
or less unknown. We knew divorce was wrong, but had no idea why. Our initial
years as Christians did nothing to address our ignorance. If we were asked
why divorce was wrong we would say naively, “because God said so”! A good
reason, but not an explanation. Then as we started to come to grips with
Scripture, we began to get a glimpse of what marriage is all about. It’s
about covenantal commitment.
Like most
young people, we looked at the “quaint” words and practices of the typical
wedding ceremony. Why did the bride wear white? Why were rings exchanged? Why
did the bride take the husband’s surname? What completely confounded us was
that after marriage, the bride and groom became “next of kin”. It was a
complete mystery. How could two members of unrelated families become next of
kin? Why was there a reception? What about the “honeymoon”? Why were the
couple supposed to be virgins? What was the importance of the shedding of
answer all these questions is impossible in the available space here.
Sufficient to say, that the couple entered into an unbreakable and everlasting
blood covenant commitment. This was not just a fancy legal contract between
two people. It was much more than that. From that day on the couple were
regarded as one. He was Mr Fred Blogs. She was Mrs Fred Blogs. They were
required to lay their lives down for each other. Her blood became the blood
of their covenant commitment visible to God. In many instances their
respective parents demanded to see the evidence of this. The only way out of
a covenant was by death. You didn’t quit. Divorce was impossible. This was
marriage in God’s eyes and was permanent. So important is this seen by God
that when Phyllida and I married, we were told He would regard us as virgins,
in spite of us both being parents. We wept when He told us that. That’s
probably the greatest reason why we value marriage so highly. We’ve been forgiven
and will never willingly break our marriage covenant! Never again!
Jim &
"Bring My faithful people to Me--those who
made a covenant with Me by giving sacrifices."
Psalms 50:5 NLT
Have you made a covenant with God Who reigns on high?
Has He reassured you that when it’s time to die,
He will draw you to Him? We really need to know.
If we are uncertain, then which way will we go?
Life is an apprenticeship for us to learn a trade.
Not to work for “Brownie Points”, so we can make the grade.
That will never happen. Self-effort is a trick,
If you try to do it, you’ll founder like a brick
When placed into the water. That’s just what God intends.
It’s only when you’ve died in Christ, that’s when the Father sends
The precious Holy Spirit. He will enable you
To do what He has purposed and to His will be true.
A covenant is only made when somebody has died.
It isn’t all about the way religious folk have tried!
You’re saved by cutting covenant. You give your life away.
Just like the bride and bridegroom upon their wedding day.
No longer are they separate. The two of them are one.
Their former independence is finished, dead and gone.
Within the bridal chamber, her virgin blood is shed.
The marriage consummated, they share the marriage bed,
As man and wife together; their singleness behind,
They will raise their offspring, the way the Lord designed!
They’re called Mr and Mrs and share a common name.
Henceforth and for eternity, we see them as the same.
Back in the Old Testament, the wife would call him “Lord”.
He’d be her protector, defended by his sword!
Our covenant with Jesus is very much the same.
We give ourselves away to Him and we take on His Name.
The blood of the New Covenant by Jesus has been shed.
He is now our husband. Our former life is dead.
We have no independence and we should call Him “Lord”.
But since He’s God almighty, He’s worshiped and adored.
We have also promised to honour and obey,
Everything that He requires at any time of day.
As a “wife” of Jesus, we have no human rights
We surrendered all of them. No more are they in sight.
We have just one purpose; to serve Him ‘til we die.
Nothing’s more important for the likes of you and I.
Jim Strickland
December 2012
28 so
also Christ died once for all time as a sacrifice
to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with
our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for Him.
Hebrews 9:28 NLT
15 That
is why He is the One who mediates a new covenant
between God and people, so that all who are called can receive the eternal
inheritance God has promised them. For Christ died to set them free from the
penalty of the sins they had committed under that first covenant.
Hebrews 9:15 NLT
24 Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given
me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me
because you loved me before the foundation of the world.
John 17:24 ESV
27 And then he will send out the angels and gather his
elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.
Mark 13:27 ESV
4 Even if you are scattered to the most distant country
in the world, the LORD your God will gather you and bring you back from there.
Deuteronomy 30:4 GW
16 For
the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the
voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from
their graves. 17 Then, together
with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up
in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 NLT
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