Friday, January 3, 2014


03 Jan 2014

Hi all,
The Lord has been speaking to Phyllida and me about preparing the bride for her heavenly bridegroom. It is clear that this is the next phase of our ministry together.
Yesterday we were reminded of a vision I had in Fish Hoek. At the time, Phyllida was the Chairlady of Aglow. Once per month the ladies would meet in one of the halls in Fish Hoek for praise and worship, a short message, prayer and ministry. It was an all ladies meeting but men were not excluded. In those days I would take Phyllida to the hall, stay a few minutes and then leave to attend to whatever it was that had to be done. Later, I would slip back into the hall and sit at the back, waiting for the meeting to conclude.

On one particular occasion, I was quietly minding my own business, sitting at the back of the hall. Suddenly I had a vision of a bride. This was no ordinary bride. She was the most exquisite bride I’ve ever seen. To say she looked absolutely stunning is an inadequate statement.
I’ve seen a number of brides in my life. I remember seeing Lady Di, in her wedding dress, when she married Prince Charles. More recently, we saw Kate Middleton in her wedding dress when she married Prince William. There is no question that these two brides were glorious; beauty personified for their respective bridegrooms and the general public. That’s how it should be. However, neither of these beautiful women could compare with the bride I saw in my vision. Looking at her was a breath-taking experience. I shared the vision with some of the Aglow ladies after the meeting.

When I arrived home, I felt constrained to write down the vision. That’s when I started writing the poem I’ve called “Come”. It was written slightly differently. As a marriage officer and from personal experience, I have a good idea of what goes through the bridegroom’s mind while standing at the altar waiting for his beloved. That is when it occurred to me that I should compose the poem from the bridegroom’s point of view. The problem was, I was to try and put down in verse, something of what the Lord Jesus would be thinking and feeling when He marries His Bride.

Now I realise that it is only possible for me to write things down in terms with which we are all familiar. I cannot describe the reality of heaven. But I could express something of what many men feel while standing at the altar. In this way it would be possible to convey the excitement and wonder of the occasion of Jesus’ wedding to His bride. Note: I’ve used familiar terms to describe the indescribable. I’ve also taken liberties with some of the features customary to a typical Western World type Christian wedding. 

For example I’ve referred to a “honeymoon” in the poem. I make no claim to some new revelation that Jesus will take His bride away on honeymoon. The poem is thus more of an allegory than fact. What it does do is express, somewhat inadequately, Jesus thoughts at His wedding. It is not intended as a new doctrine. It stems from imagination rather than reality. In spite of this you may sense in your spirit something of what Jesus is “experiencing” as he stands waiting at the altar for His Bride.

Phyllida and I believe the “Bride of Christ” should begin to focus on the forthcoming wedding to Jesus. He expects His people to be “ready” when He returns. So let us prepare for His return. Let us begin preparing in much the same way a woman prepares for her wedding. You ladies know what I mean. We men struggle with the concept of being part of the Bride. We need the Holy Spirit’s help, alongside your help, such that when the day dawns, we will all be ready for the greatest day in our lives!

Jim & Phyllida Strickland 

Lord, what is the picture that You would have me paint.
A very special portrait for a very special saint.
A picture to bring comfort and help her try to see,
What’s about to happen to the one betrothed to Thee.

I’d like to try and show her how You feel about Your bride.
The keen anticipation You have bubbling inside.
I’d like to draw the veil aside so she can take a peek,
At all the preparations; and then to ask You, speak
To her about the wedding, and of the part she’ll play,
So she may get a glimpse of what will happen any day.

See the decorations. See what’s been prepared.
Nothings too much trouble. No expenses spared.
Look at all the tablecloths. See the fine detail.
Everyone a masterpiece on a gigantic scale.
Made from purest linen, enhanced with fine damask.
Hand stitched by the angels who exalted in their task.

Look at all the dinner plates laid out in perfect rows.
Fashioned out of diamonds. Observe how each one glows!
The goblets on the table, designed to look like bells,
Were chiselled out of marble as thin as oyster shells.

See, the candelabra, with aromatic oil,
Shining like a million suns with light which cannot spoil.
The fragrance and the perfume have been carefully selected.
There’s only just a trace of it. But it can be detected;
Recognised by everyone as what they each prefer,
Combined with flower blossoms, and just a hint of myrrh.

The seats around the table were specially made for Me;
Hand crafted to perfection from solid ebony;
Inlaid with polished walnut and rosewood decoration,
And scarlet velvet padding for a royal coronation.

The room is large and airy. It’s circular in size.
No matter where a person sits, they’ll look into My eyes.
No matter where a guest may be, each one will sit beside
The honoured bridal party, the Bridegroom and My bride.

The entertainment’s perfect; The music is sublime;
Conducted by an angel and composed by the Divine.
The timbre’s soft, yet lilting, to set the heart on fire,
Accompanied in harmony by the angelic choir.

The Church is a Cathedral. It’s specially designed,
To cope with the invited guests. The walls have all been lined
With panelling of cedar, upon which has been draped,
Tapestries of golden thread, all beautifully shaped,
And woven in the texture of pure translucent silk.
Exquisite in their artistry, in frames as white as milk.

The altar is behind me. I’m standing right beside.
My heart is filled with longing. I’m waiting for my bride.
I’m filled with expectation and terribly excited.
My love is reaching out to her, and with her I’m delighted.
The guests have all been seated. The organ has begun
To play a Royal Wedding March. I feel I want to run!
I want to run and catch you and hold you very tight.
I’ve waited, O so very long, and now the time is right

I gaze in expectation at the carpet on the floor
It stretches right from where I am beyond the Church’s door.
It’s coloured red as crimson. Its pile is deep and plush.
No one has ever walked on it. Then suddenly, a hush
Descends upon the people. The moment has arrived.
That instant in eternity for which creation's strived.

I hear the trumpet signalling it’s fanfare of delight.
I lift My eyes and I behold a real breathtaking sight.
For, standing in the doorway is the woman of my dreams.
The only one I’ve ever loved. The one who truly means.
Far more to Me than anything or anyone I’ve known.
The woman I am longing for to share our Heavenly home.

I gaze at her enraptured. She is a stunning sight.
She’s wearing a white wedding gown of shimmering, liquid light.
It has no spot or wrinkle, or stain of any kind.
The outline of its symmetry is perfectly defined.
It reaches from her shoulders to just above the ground,
Alive with pleats and swirling folds where shadows can’t be found.

Her veil is woven gossamer that’s overlaid with lace.
It stretches from her coronet, obscuring her shy face.
Her bouquet’s made from orchids, white as the driven snow,
Which compliment her wedding gown and helps to make it glow.

My hands spread out in greeting. My only thought is, “Come!”
“Come to Me, My darling!” Her beauty strikes Me dumb!
I almost can’t believe it. It’s too much to take in.
At last I’m looking at My bride! Here is My next of kin.

I hear the music’s playing. She’s walking down the aisle
The journey takes forever. It seems a million miles.
My heart inside is pounding. It’s beating like a drum
And all I want to say to her is, “Come, My darling, Come!”

At last she is in front of Me. I take her by the hand.
We turn and face My Father. In front of Him we stand.
“Do you take this woman?” I hear My Father say.
“Will You love and honour her, regardless? Come what may?

So, in front of everyone, our marriage vows we make.
We promise to be faithful and then I gently take
The veil that was obscuring your face so I can see
An unobstructed vision of the woman made for Me.

Now I see her clearly. I gaze into her eyes.
The woman I am looking at’s not hard to recognise.
Lovelier than sun rise on roses dabbed with dew.
The one who takes My breath away; My precious one, it’s YOU!

Can you see the picture? Do you understand,
What it is I’m saying as I reach out with My hand?
Can you feel the tension of what is in the air?
Comprehend what has been done in order to prepare
For the special moment when I will take My bride,
To live with through eternity - forever by My side?

Tell this to My daughter. Tell her what I see.
Tell her that I love her. She’s sanctified for Me.
Say I’ve been protecting her each moment, every day
Smoothing out the obstacles strewn all along the way.

Tell her that I see her as a girl of seventeen,
Radiant and virginal; the portrait of a queen.
Not a spot or blemish; completely wrinkle free.
Ultimate perfection personified for Me.

Isn’t it fantastic? Isn’t it sublime?
Isn’t this a miracle direct from the Divine.
Isn’t this the vision that’s coursing through your soul?
The thing you have sort after and set up as your goal?

For I’ve watched you dreaming and know what you desire.
Know you have a love for Me, that’s set your heart on fire.
Watched you face life’s problems. Know what you can do.
Understand your weaknesses, and I would say to you.

“Do not be downhearted, bothered or perplexed.
I‘ve seen what you’ve been doing, and know what happens next.
So, can reassure you, there’s nothing you need fear,
For I will take the pain away and dry up every tear.”

“Take courage now My daughter. The wedding has been planned.
The invitations have been sent to all throughout the land.
The bridal chamber’s been prepared. The honeymoon is booked.
The wedding feast will soon take place. The food is being cooked.
There’s nothing left outstanding; no detail left undone.
You know that I can hardly wait, and so I bid you, “Come!”

“Come to me the way you are. Put on your wedding gown.
It is robe of righteousness, as soft as eider down.
You can’t improve upon it, regardless how you try.
I gave it to you as a gift, which money cannot buy.”

“You do not need cosmetics. Your beauty’s not skin deep.
Put aside your jewels. The crown I give, you’ll keep.
Your hairstyle’s unimportant. A perm, you do not need.
And as for your accessories - put them aside, I plead.”

“So, finally, My precious one, to you I am appealing
Come and wear My wedding ring. I say again with feeling.
Come and join your bridegroom and be My blushing bride.
For this is the inheritance for which you’ve often cried.
United with your lover, your husband and your King.
To sit with Me in glory and wear My wedding ring.”
Jim Strickland - 1998

Monday, December 30, 2013


Time with Jesus - 31 Dec 2013

Hi all,
This is the last daily devotional I’ll be distributing for a month or so. They have been sent out every day for 3 years and I feel I need a bit of a break. Not that Phyllida and I won’t be busy. There are still lots of things to do!

My focus is going to be on the book I’m publishing. It will be called, “Verse, Metre and Rhyme for your Quiet Time”. I’ve located a publisher. Hopefully, most of the arrangements are well in hand. I’m using most of the poems sent out over this past year. Each poem is coupled with a Scripture so it’s very much a case of a daily Scripture verse or verses, composed in rhyme and metre. The book is A5 paper size and comes to about 500 pages.

It’s going to be primarily an e-book to keep costs down. There may be a few paperback books printed, depending on the interest generated by the e-book. As mentioned previously, I’m not seeking to make money from the book. I’d like to recover the cost and that will be fine.

The decision to publish the book was taken in September. We realised that time is running out for both of us and we thought we should leave a legacy for our family and friends to remember us by. It seems wrong to have been given this gift of writing poetry and not to have done something with it. To do nothing would be similar to the servant who buried his master’s money. The master was not pleased at all. So the book will be published and printed. It will be distributed in terms of demand. The publisher is in UK.

Phyllida and I feel we need a break. My struggle with anaemia is ongoing. We are assured that it is not leukaemia. However, no one seems to be able to find out why I’m not absorbing iron the way I should! Phyllida and I are very comfortable with this being in the hands of the Lord. We’ve both passed the number of years the Lord has said we should have, (70 years) so we are not particularly bothered about our future. As Paul stated, “to be with the Lord is far better”.
There is one thing we would still like to do. We would like to visit Israel again. God willi
ng, it will be in September/October 2014 or February 2015. I’d love to take Phyllida to Niagara Falls. I was in Canada in 1970/3 in a little town called Simcoe, and was able to get to the falls on a couple of occasions. Taking Phyllida there would be something of a sentimental journey. But I love sentimental journeys, so it would be fun for both of us. We should also go to Victoria Falls but that trip doesn’t appeal right now.
For the past 3 years, it’s been great fun. It’s been a challenge at times. However, thank you for putting up with my ramblings as the days have passed by. Thank you for the messages of support and your prayers. We will both revisit our plans for this devotional later in January. We feel the style will have to change to make things more easily read. Furthermore, we need to hear from the Lord about continuing.
morialYad Vashem Children s Memorial

Jim & Phyllida Strickland 


Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus – Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Joshua, the Son of Nun is perhaps one the greatest heroes of the Old Testament. So “great” that the fifth book of the Old Testament bears his name. He descended from the tribe of Ephraim, the youngest son Joseph. As we know, Jacob had twelve sons and a daughter by his four “wives”. Leah and her slave Zilpah; as well as Rachel and her slave Bilhah. (All legitimate back then) Jacob’s favourite wife was Rachel. According to their laws of inheritance Jacob’s eldest son was the beneficiary. Jacob would have liked to leave everything to Joseph, his first son by Rachel. But Joseph was eleventh in the line of succession and could not become head of the family when Jacob died. That honour should have gone to Reuben followed by Simeon, then Levi then Judah. But Reuben, Simeon, and Levi had disgraced themselves. So when Jacob died, Judah became head of the family. Before he died, Jacob adopted Joseph’s two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. On his death, his two favourites were Judah (Leah) and Ephraim (Rachel).
This is very important. Judah, the son by Leah was Jacob’s “natural heir”. Ephraim, the son of Rachel was his “preferred” heir. Thus there was an unofficial contest between the House of Judah and the house of Ephraim. This ultimately led to the division of the country into the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Ephraim called Israel.
It’s fascinating to understand that Joshua was an Ephraimite and Caleb was from the tribe of Judah. It adds a further dimension to the wilderness wanderings and the conquest of Canaan. A careful reading of Scripture indicates that they were the only two adults who left Egypt and went into Canaan. It was not a “contest” in the true sense of the word in those days. But one from each “house” went in!
Joshua’s name means “Yahweh is deliverance” or “opulence”. The name is spelled Hoshea in some places. Its meaning is much the same as the one we know as Jesus. In some respects they have similar functions. Jesus came to save His people from their sins. He brought us His great deliverance. Joshua delivered Canaan into the hands of God’s people. He may or may not have been opulent. But His namesake, Jesus Christ certainly was. 9 You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that by His poverty He could make you rich.2 Cor. 8:9 NLT There is another comparison which I like to use to describe Joshua. He went in and captured the Promised Land. Jesus did the same with me. At my request He “invaded” me. I’m certainly not the promised land. But my name is Strickland. So I am permitted to say that at my request He invaded and conquered the :”Strick” land. One day it will be complete and Phyllida and I will then go home with Him!
Jim & Phyllida
1 When Joshua was an old man, the LORD said to him, "You are growing old, and much land remains to be conquered.
Joshua 13:1 NLT
The Lord God came to Joshua and spoke to Him one day.
He was told,
You’re getting old.
There’s still a long, long way,
To go before the Promised land, is conquered and defeated.
Allot the land.
As I have planned.
And see the task completed!
12 It's not that I've already reached the goal or have already completed the course. But I run to win that which Jesus Christ has already won for me.
Philippians 3:12 GW
It’s not as though I’ve reached the goal. There’s much that lies before.
But I will run,
Until I’m done;
And can’t run any more.
The course the Lord has set me, I haven’t yet fulfilled.
Until I do,
I’ll follow through.
The way the Lord has willed.
48 "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matthew 5:48 NASB
Jesus gave His followers a difficult direction.
Your very best,
Won’t pass the test.
It falls short of perfection!
You must be as perfect, as My Father up on high.
Live like your King,
And I will bring,
The how, the where and why!
5 For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, 6 and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, 7 and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love.
2 Peter 1:5-7 ESV
Faith is the beginning point, from which we all must grow.
Add quality,            (virtue)
To knowing Me.
And self-control you’ll know!
Add steadfastness and godliness and brotherly affection;
Mixed with the love,
Of God above,
You’re reaching for perfection!
9 I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding.
Philippians 1:9 NLT
Beloved in Christ Jesus, in Philippi I pray.
Your love will grow,
And overflow,
Increasing day by day.
And that your understanding and knowledge of the Lord,
Will multiply,
And reach the sky.
And Jesus is adored!
9 That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." 10 But it was to us that God revealed these things by His Spirit. For His Spirit searches out everything and shows us God's deep secrets.
1 Corinthians 2:9-10 NLT
Man has no conception, of what God has prepared;
For those who Love;
The Lord above.
It cannot be compared,
With all we can imagine. They’re hidden and concealed.
His Spirit shows,
What no man knows,
And by Him is revealed
9 So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God,
Hebrews 4:9 ESV
If Joshua had given, God’s folk a Sabbath rest;
Why did God say,
There’d come a day,
In which they would be blessed?
So there remained a God ordained, Sabbath rest for those,
Who rest in Him.
The Servant King.
Whom they as Saviour chose!
17 People of Judah, you will see the king in all of his glory and majesty. You will view his kingdom spreading far and wide.
Isaiah 33:17 NIrV
Isaiah told the people of Judah they would see
The glory
And the Majesty
Of Jesus come to be
They’d see the Master’s kingdom, spreading far and wide.
A fortress strong.
Where nothing wrong,
Will ever step inside.
Jim Strickland
31st December 2012