Saturday, July 23, 2011


It’s sometimes very hard to grasp the things the Lord has done.
We try and find perspective and discuss things with His Son.
But often what has happened is far above our thoughts.
And on these occasions, our intellect resorts,
To seeking for an answer in terms of what we know.
That’s often when we find that it was not the way to go.
We fail to see His purpose when He does what He thinks best.
Our little minds confuse us and we think it is a mess.
But even when its painful, we know that it was right,
For Father only does that which is pleasing in His sight.
We’d love to take it up with Him, but it’s a waste of time.
He never makes mistakes because He is the Lord Divine.
We think He is mistaken, but that is never true.
And we would love to know the why for that which He does do.
The problem’s our perspective. The scene is far to close.
We do not have His wisdom and so we get verbose,
In speaking of solutions that we would like to see.
Its then we find our error and how wrong it seems to be.
The word Isaiah gave us back in, oh so long ago,
Described a suffering servant that we didn’t want to know.
We like to think of Jesus as a king upon a horse.
But as a man of sorrows? That’s foolishness of course.
We only see the upside of the things we see occur.
To think of Jesus suffering creates an awkward stir.
It really shouldn’t happen to our Saviour and our God.
Why should He have to suffer underneath a Roman rod!
Why should He need the discipline of suffering and pain?
Why should He feel the agony of death so He could gain,
Some physical advantage that will help us understand,
That suffering is something that Father God has planned?
Why should we have to learn this? Why can’t we just relax?
Why do we need experience to keep us all on track?
If we could understand it, we’d try and find a way
Of ducking underneath it in some satanic way.
But Father God knows better. He knows that we must learn,
To do what is essential so in hell we needn’t burn.
And then when it is over and our time on earth is done,
We’ll know why we were treated exactly like His Son.
Jim Strickland – written Sunday, 24 July 2011