Thursday, November 14, 2013


Time with Jesus - 15 Nov 2013

Hi all,
What is a masterpiece? We often think of a music composition; a Beethoven Symphony; Handel’s Messiah; the singing of our favourite singers; perhaps Pavarotti or Elvis Pressley? Some think of a work of art. The enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa is familiar throughout the Western world.
Mona Lisa and Michael Angelo
The original painting we know as the Mona Lisa, is in the Louvre’ in Paris. Don’t bother trying to see it. The last time Phyllida and I visited the Louvre’ in 2008, the painting was in an air-conditioned, bullet proof, glass cabinet. There was a line marked on the floor in front of the portrait, beyond which members of the public were not permitted. There was a continuous line of those who were, presumably, tourists. We were all shuffling slowly past the painting. 
We could not stop because of others pressing in from behind. At the same time, we were doing our best to keep up with those in front of us who had already walked slowly past. The closest any of us could get was about 3 metres from the painting. Burley French policemen “encouraged” us to keep moving. There were no seats. Visitors were not permitted to lean on anything, to relieve the pain of sore feet. Coming out of the Louvre’ I thought that the visit was perhaps the French understanding of a day trip to Hell. So if you really want to see the Mona Lisa, buy an expensive art book containing a picture of the her.

Incidentally, the Brits have learned something from the French. If you wish to see the Crown Jewels, you will be made very welcome. First you will pay for the privilege of looking at the magnificent array of everything from salt and pepper pots exquisitely made from silver or gold to crowns encrusted with diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds and an assortment of precious and semi-precious stones. There is no doubt that on display is wealth on a mega-scale. I’m told that the Imperial State Crown weighs ±7 pounds. 
That doesn’t sound like much. However, Queen Elizabeth considered it necessary to walk round wearing it for a number of days to prepare herself for doing so on the day. Apparently she got the idea from her father, George 6th, who did the same thing! Those jewels look and are beautiful. But when you wear that crown and carry some of the other objects of monarchy, don’t stumble.

Having paid your entrance fee to see the crown jewels, you are guided toward the actual entrance. Here, the Brits really have gone one better than the French. You step forward and onto a moving conveyor belt. If you’ve been to modern airports you’ll know what I mean. The belt proceeds slowly past the crown jewels which are visible behind what appears to be glass case. The glass is just out of reach for two reasons; to protect the jewels and to keep sticky finger-marks off the glass. At the end of the conveyor belt, you must step off and keep up with the people in front. If you don’t the conveyor belt piles others up behind you until you have no choice but to move. In a way it’s a bit like a ride on a fairground roller coaster. 
If you want a second ride, you must pay a second time. The cost of a second ride on the “crown jewels conveyor” is the same as the first. Not that this is surprising. I’m told that a number of the crown jewels are from the Scottish Crown. Our comment concerning a visit to see the crown jewels in UK is similar to that of trying to see the Mona Lisa. You see them far better in an expensive Art Book. Furthermore, you can look at them in your book whenever you like, without having to fly to Paris or London.
People who read this message may wonder why I’m so scathing about national treasures. Certainly the British Crown Jewels and the content of the Louvre’ are magnificent. They do represent some of the very best “things” that this world has “on offer”. 
Rolls Royce
If you couple this with things like Rolls Royce motor cars, the Taj Mahal, the Pyramids of Egypt and so many other well-known items, is it legitimate to “scoff” at such treasures? The truth is, these mere “baubles” have no comparison with that which God has planned for his people. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians points out that if we can imagine it, it’s a poor image of that which He has prepared for those who love Him. Nothing the human mind can think or imagine comes close to what God has for those who love Him. 9 However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived-- these things God has prepared for those who love him"-- 10 for God has revealed them to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 1 Cor. 2:9-10 TNIV

Think about this for a moment. The majesty and physical beauty of the Taj Mahal, cannot be compared with the magnificence of the New Jerusalem. The city God is preparing for us will make the Taj Mahal look like a squatter’s shack! The Mona Lisa and her smile cannot be compared with what we shall see on the face of our Lord when we are with Him. Compared with the smile on Jesus’ face, the Mona Lisa will look like daubing on canvas of a child of four. A Rolls Royce is the pinnacle of automotive engineering. But what is it compared with the vehicle described to us somewhat inadequately in Ezekiel 1? 
Artists Impression of Ezekiel's Vision
The UK Crown Jewels are beautiful. But Jesus has a crown of life for His overcoming followers. We won’t have to practice wearing it so that we don’t stumble. It will fit like a glove and glow with the very life of Jesus Christ. The jewels will shimmer like an amethyst in cross polarised light. Our heavenly home will not crumble and decay like the pyramids of Egypt. In our new home, Jesus will be the light and there will be no more darkness, sickness, pain, tears or death. We will not have to resort to moving conveyor belts to catch a quick glimpse of God. We will be with Him and see Him forever. This is God’s Masterpiece.

Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Artists Impression of New Jerusalem

Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus – 15 Nov 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Most of us have become so accustomed to mediocrity that we struggle when we try to think that we are special. We look at individuals who have made great achievements in life and we tend to think of them as so much better than we are. We delight in being “average”. No better or worse than others. John L Mason in his book “An Enemy Called Average” challenges this type of thinking. He says God has a unique gift and calling for YOU - purposed for only YOU to accomplish.
An examination of Psalm 139:1-18 gives us David’s perspective of himself. You could say that the Psalm is telling us what David thought about God and, more importantly, what God thinks about David. This entire portion of Scripture is revolutionary in thought for most of us. What we should do is read it as though you are the author and God is speaking directly to you. Incidentally, this is the best way to read Psalms like this. I’ve several favourite verses in this Psalm. The one I’d like to refer to is, 14 I will praise You; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Psalms 139:14 MKJV
What it tells us is that we are not average and mediocre. Each one of us has been fearfully and wonderfully made. I like to think that God has hand-crafted me for a special purpose and destiny. Something that only I will ever be able to achieve. He has done exactly the same with you. In imagination, think about Michael Angelo. Perhaps his crowning work was painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or perhaps the carving of the statue of David. In my mind’s eye I can almost see God thinking about these two great works of art. He wanted to create a man who would “do” them. So He took a man in his mother’s womb and began to shape into him everything he would need for being an artistic genius. I’ve no idea how He did it. I can imagine Him moulding artistic ability, imagination and determination. All the qualities Michael Angelo would need to produce these great works of art. God gave him a purpose and a destiny!
Every one of us has a purpose and a destiny. They are woven into us like some magnificent tapestry. God has made us as unique as Michael Angelo. Will we reach for it with the same determination as Michael Angelo? If not, why not?
Jim & Phyllida Strickland
10 For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
When told we are God’s masterpiece I sort of shook my head.
I glanced into the mirror. “A Masterpiece” I said?
“I certainly can’t see it. I think I’m rather plain”.
I know I am conceited and often rather vain.
I see that I am balding and overweight a tad.
You say that is a masterpiece! I’m sorry. Not this lad.
I can see the wrinkles; they’re covering my face.
A wee spot of arthritis, and much too old to chase
A pretty girl around the room. My joints are far too slow.
So where You find this “masterpiece”. I’m sorry, I don’t know.
Then the Master spoke to me. “Please take a look again.
You are little different from all the other men.
I knitted you together within your mother’s womb.
It started at conception, and in that quiet gloom,
I made a special person, someone who’s so unique,
You’ll never find another, no matter where you seek.
Your fingers I have fashioned. Your lips, your eyes, your nose.
Your brain, your heart, your arteries. I crafted all of those.
It wasn’t accidental. You didn’t just evolve.
There wasn’t any difficulty I could not resolve.
I put in place your hearing. Made sure you can digest.
Your liver, spleen, arms and legs were made the very best.
Exactly what I wanted is how I crafted you.
My son, your accusations are totally untrue.
I made you to perfection! No detail overlooked.
All this was done in secret. Your birthing day was booked.
No detail was found missing, for you to have a life,
Filled with a Holy purpose and free from every strife.
There was a minor problem. Someday, you’ll have to die.
You’ll receive sin’s penalty like every gal and guy.
For somewhere in your body your cells are getting old.
That’s why your body’s slowing. Soon you’ll be dead and cold.
But do not be discouraged. I’m yours and you are Mine.
Death can never hold you and at the proper time,
I will raise you up again and evermore we’ll be
Living with My Father throughout eternity.
Jim Strickland
15th November 2012
17 The king commanded them to quarry large, expensive blocks of stone in order to provide a foundation of cut stone for the temple.
1 Kings 5:17 GW
7 The temple was built with stone blocks that were finished at the quarry. No hammer, chisel, or any other iron tool made a sound at the temple construction site.
1 Kings 6:7 GW
5 You also are like living stones. As you come to him you are being built into a house for worship. There you will be holy priests. You will offer spiritual sacrifices. God will accept them because of what Jesus Christ has done.
1 Peter 2:5 NIrV
20 You are a building that is built on the apostles and prophets. They are the foundation. Christ Jesus himself is the most important stone in the building. 21 The whole building is held together by him. It rises to become a holy temple because it belongs to the Lord. 22 And because you belong to him, you too are being built together. You are being made into a house where God lives through his Spirit.
Ephesians 2:20-22 NIrV
10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
1 Peter 2:10 TNIV
9 For we are both God's workers. And you are God's field. You are God's building.
1 Corinthians 3:9 NLT
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV
5 Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
2 Corinthians 5:5 TNIV