Monday, March 12, 2012


Time with Jesus - Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Hi all,
The “Theory of evolution” is so entrenched, that to disagree with it is one step short of treason against science. Highly qualified and well educated men are convinced that it is true. Our schools and tertiary educational establishments teach it and state that those who think otherwise are religious fanatics, or idiots, or both.
I’m willing to admit that in the days in which this hypothesis was presented to the public, it sounded both logical and plausible. Initially it was not well received for a number of reasons. Perhaps the most likely one was that it was at variance with the Biblical account. Over a period of time the hypothesis grew in popularity and general acceptance. Science was “flexing its muscles”. Rationalism had begun to be popular. If you couldn’t see it, it was unproven. Faith in God was taking a pounding. After all, God was invisible and was therefore beyond proving. This being the case, much of the scientific community reduced the creation account to the level of mythology.
There was another factor which made Darwinian evolution popular. People didn’t want to believe in God. He was an embarrassment. In particular, if you believed in God, it meant that you were accountable to Him. But if you rejected the concept that God was real, an alternative to the creation account was essential. Put simply, if evolution was true, the existence of God could be denied.
Generally speaking this is true today. People do not want to believe in God. The evolution hypothesis has become convenient. Its veracity cannot be doubted because science has “proved” it to be true. God is no longer “necessary”. So why bother believing in Him?
Scientific opinion in the 21st century has not changed. As a result, evolution has been universally accepted as truth. Public opinion and international education opinion slobbers over this hypothesis and accepts it as universal truth. But it is still only a hypothesis. It remains unproven, except to those minds who cannot tolerate the possibility that they may be wrong! To randomly go from nothing to the incredible complexity of human or other advanced forms of life on this planet is mathematically impossible. It demands intelligent design.
The theory is a forgery and a hoax. Scientifically it remains unproven – popular, universally accepted, but still unproven. One day the people of this planet will wake up and find they have been conned. Satan will have achieved a major victory. Tragically, many of those who have been “conned” will share his fate.
Today’s meditation looks at the question of believing and seeing.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Believing is Seeing

“Seeing is believing”, is the way most of us work.
We shouldn’t be surprised at this. Not even in the Kirk.
This is the way we operate, in every part of life.
You cannot ever marry an imaginary wife!
You cannot ever swim by an imaginary beach.
If nobody is listening, it’s difficult to preach.
So how can people worship a God they cannot see?
When I am a-praying, who’s listening to me?
There really is no answer. Not where God’s people live.
We cannot be repentant without someone who’ll forgive!
We cannot say we’re sorry, for the things which we have done.
If nobody is listening, we needn’t have begun!
But there are certain factors in which we have to trust.
If we believe in nobody our life has really bust!
There’s evidence around us. We see Him in the stars.
He’s evident in nature and bits of ancient jars.
This world is far to complex too have happened randomly.
The proof of a designer is everywhere to see.
There’s many who will doubt it. “God is a myth!” they say.
But if you don’t believe in Him! That won’t drive Him away.
Your doubts can never change Him. God’s never been impressed.
By rows of Man’s conclusions pinned like medals on the chest.
Perhaps you’re a philosopher and have a PhD?
Perhaps you’re a professor and teach Divinity?
If you believe there is no God, the Word says you’re a fool.
Intellectual giants: go back to Sunday School.
Take a tip from children. They know how to believe.
They’ll give you each the lessons you’re needing to receive.
Classify Charles Darwin, the same as brothers Grimm.
Things sound very logical and yet the truth is slim.
Keep your fairy stories for babies in the crib.
Look at all the beauty that came from Adam’s rib!
So if you think I’m raving and mentally deranged?
Note, I’m very normal and Jesus hasn’t changed.
He’ll welcome you this morning or any other day.
Darwin’s dumb hypothesis has led men far astray.
Science has deceived you and you have swallowed whole,
The biggest load of rubbish that destroys the human soul.
Jim Strickland – Written  13th March 2012