Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We have such strange ideas about how the Lord appears.
We think of Him as human with eyes and nose and ears.
Now this is true of Jesus, He has a human frame.
But resurrection bodies may not look all the same.
His Father is a Spirit; we know that it is true;
But what this means exactly is unknown to me and you.
But how do we describe Him? Perhaps you’d like to guess?
But if you form a picture you’re really in a mess.
For that would be an idol constructed in your mind;
Another god to worship you’ve mentally defined.
So what does Father look like? No man can comprehend;
But if we look at Jesus, this problem’s sure to end.
So how do we describe Him? We really cannot say.
Except He looks like Jesus in a very special way.
But does He have ten fingers, two legs, two arms, two hands?
It’s really most unlikely. Why should a Spirit “stand”?
The question is ridiculous. He cannot be confined,
Within the little box that we can dream up in the mind.
The spirit world is different from everything we know.
It isn’t a dimension we can recognise and show.
So people use expressions we all use every day
To speak about the Father in a comprehending way
We say “anthropomorphic” a rather ghastly phrase,
To use for the Almighty and to understand His ways.
We say “His arm’s not shortened” But it’s not meant to be,
A picture of Almighty God. It’s used for you and me.
How else can we describe the One Who’s indescribable?
No language in the universe can even start to tell,
Of Him who is omnipotent; not limited at all.
The brains of human beings are simply far too small
To seek out the unsearchable Who’s Holy, Pure and True.
He’s infinite, omniscient and omnipresent too.
So how can human beings express or try to phrase
The God who is inscrutable and called “Ancient of Days”?
The limitless Creator, unfathomably deep;
The Alpha and Omega Who has no need to sleep.
Without a need for anything or anyone at all,
Who loves His whole creation be it large or very small.
Who thought a few “additions” would swell His family;
And so for His great pleasure, He created you and me.
Jim Strickland – written Wednesday 4th May 2011