Monday, February 27, 2012


Time with Jesus - Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Hi all,
It was a Sunday evening in October 1960. I had just committed my life to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. For most of the next couple of days, Jesus Christ thrilled and excited me. Then, progressively, over the next few weeks, doubts started to multiply in my heart. These doubts are best summed up by the question, “How do you know you have been saved?
I must admit, apart from being excited about Jesus Christ, everything seemed so normal. I didn’t feel any different. In fact, I felt much the same as I had done before my conversion. I distinctly remember being shown words in the Bible. “So what”, I kept on asking? “What is this all about? What is there about the Bible I can trust? There was very little in it I could understand anyway. Furthermore what had the antics of a bunch ex Egyptian slaves, roaming round the wilderness carrying a weird tent and its furniture got to do with it? Genesis and Exodus were easy enough to read; but what about all those odd regulations and sacrificial rituals in Leviticus? Where was God in all this? Where was Jesus? Furthermore, why should I trust it? They said it was the Word of God. But how did I know it was God’s Word? Everything was as clear as mud and twice as murky. I didn’t know it then, but I was experiencing a head on attack by Satan or one of his pals. I think I would have quit, but I was quite enjoying it and getting to know the other young people in the church; especially the girls. Sometimes I think I was attracted to Christianity by the ladies. O well at least I’m willing to admit it!
Then something very important happened. I started attending the Prudhoe Street Mission on Saturday afternoons. Shortly thereafter I began responding to calls for salvation. I kept going to the front regularly. I needed assurance of salvation. The people helped me considerably. Then came 1961 and Billy Graham’s Greater Manchester Crusade. They wanted counsellors. I volunteered on the basis that it would help me with my understanding of being a Christian. I didn’t get to meet Billy Graham. But the counselling and choir sessions were being led by Cliff Barrows in the Prudhoe Street Mission. It was during these training sessions that I began “soaking up” Christian truth and getting answers to my questions. Of course, I didn’t get all the answers. What I did get was a passion for Jesus that is with me today.
This experience taught me one unforgettable lesson. I learned that God is greater than my heart. I had so many questions that needed answering. But somehow, He kept me going on with everything. In other words, His Word was bigger than my doubts. I felt condemned by what I didn’t understand. But He was and is greater than my feelings! Now I try and keep short accounts with God. By regular confession and repentance I’m able to stay close to Him. As a result, the words in John’s first epistle help me continue. 20 It's also the way to shut down debilitating self-criticism, even when there is something to it. For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves. 21 And friends, once that's taken care of and we're no longer accusing or condemning ourselves, we're bold and free before God! 1 John 3:20-21 MSG
All this comes from beginning to know the Word of God. No longer are there any questions in my mind concerning its validity.
Today’s meditation deals with Divine love and assurance.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Blinded by Love

No matter where we run to, from God we cannot hide.
He knows us intimately; what’s going on inside,
The heart of every person. Be they Christian or not,
The way that we react to Him. That puts us on the spot.
He penetrates our Spirit, with light ineffable;
And He continues doing it. He carries on until,
We come to the position, where we have made Him Lord.
Where sin has been defeated, by His great and mighty sword.
He doesn’t take a holiday. The Lord is never tired.
He knows our every motive for the things we have desired.
The things we think are hidden, in the recess of our soul,
Are lit up like a lighthouse to display our every goal.
Adam couldn’t fool Him from the time he ate the fruit.
He’d disobeyed the Master. The man could not refute,
His terrible exposure, to the God Who reigns on high.
And understand because of it, that He was bound to die.
Humanity had fallen. With all destined for hell.
Until the Saviour came and rang the “liberation” bell;
And by the Holy Spirit, could break the bonds of sin;
Return again to Father and truly enter in.
But still we have a problem, for Satan’s on the prowl.
He hunts around to get us like a predatory owl.
But he is unsuccessful, if Jesus is our King.
And we desire to serve Him much more than anything!
Christ provides the method, by the Holy Spirit’s power,
For Christians to be “sinless”, every moment, every hour.
Confession and repentance from sin will keep us clean;
And He will keep us spotless, no matter where we’ve been.
But Satan is a liar. He tells us we are lost.
He says that we are wicked; and we must pay the cost,
Of something that’s forgiven. He makes us feel condemned;
And that it is impossible to ever make amends.
But God has made a promise and assures us we are saved.
That we have been forgiven for the way that we’ve behaved.
Perhaps our heart condemns us, but God is so much more.
And He’s the One to turn to, to obtain the final score.
His truth brings the assurance of the facts about our fate.
While we are serving Jesus, the devil is too late!
God’s given us the victory, no matter how we feel.
And we can keep on serving Him with fervency and zeal.
So do not be misguided; Satan’s lies can make you blind.
But while you are obedient, God love is what you’ll find!
Jim Strickland – Written Tuesday, 28 February 2012