Friday, June 3, 2011


Moses’ face was shining as he came back to the camp,
Reflecting the Lord’s glory more than a neon lamp.
It must have been disturbing on that far off distant day,
For as the folk approached him, they had to back away.
But what exactly happened? Why did his features shine?
Because He’d drawn a bit too close and talked with the Divine.
God’s presence always does this. He’s like a million suns.
It feels so overpowering; We’re told His glory stuns
And causes people to fall down. We cannot come too near.
His radiance and purity is something we should fear.
A sinful man cannot approach such awesome holiness.
His overwhelming virtue and total wholesomeness,
Would utterly incinerate and crush us instantly.
A little speck would not remain of either you or me.
The glory of The Most High God is more than we can take.
And so He hides His radiance for all of mankind’s sake.
Of course this was a problem that only God could cure.
There had to be a special way for mankind to be pure.
That’s why He sent a Saviour. But Jesus wore a veil.
It didn’t look like Moses’ one, for Moses’ one would fail.
But Jesus was the Son of God. His glory was Divine.
And so he wore an “overcoat”. No one could see His “shine”.
His “overcoat” was fleshly. His mortal frame contained,
The glory of God’s presence; His radiance restrained!
We know three people saw it upon a mountain peak.
James and John and Peter, all claimed to hear Him speak
To Moses and Elijah. And then they saw break through,
The glory that was in Him; a sample was on view.
It made them feel quite helpless; they mumbled out some words.
And in this strange condition, the voice of God was heard.
“This is My Son, so listen to what He has to say”
Don’t bother building Him a tent; those days have passed away?”
They never quite forgot it; and John himself has told,
The story of what happened and what he saw unfold.
Who else has seen His glory? We know of one or two.
They saw the Saviour on the cross; that was His glory too.
His mangled, sin stained body revealed infinite love,
Displayed for all humanity; how much the Lord above,
Would go so that His people could come to Him unharmed.
His Mercy and His Justice “kissed” and both were fully calmed.
That’s why Isaiah called Him our mighty “Prince of Peace”.
Jesus made it possible for Holy Wrath to cease.
Now, when we see His People, we see upon each face,
The glory of the Living God made visible through grace!
Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 04 June 2011


The story of the bridesmaids found in Matthew twenty five,
Is a warning to God’s people, that the way to stay alive,
Is living like a person who is properly prepared.
The cost of our not doing so, should make us rather scared.
We see from Jesu’s parable, they started out with ten.
But only five were watchful. We know what happened then.
The five who had the foresight to have extra oil on call,
Were taken by the bridegroom into the banquet hall.
The others didn’t make it; and they were locked outside;
Excluded from the bridesmaids, the bridegroom and His bride.
The story is a shocker! It speaks to me and you.
It tells us all precisely the thing we need to do. 
For those who are not ready for the Son of God’s return,
Will finish in the fire that forevermore will burn!
Our lifestyle in the interim must be such as is aware,
That there is much temptation and a lot of sin out there.
We mustn’t be diverted from the straight and narrow way.
The cost will be exclusion from His Kingdom on that day.
Such things as wasteful living and the worries of this life;
Like drunkenness and other things like wickedness and strife,
Will never be admitted to the Kingdom of the Lord.
So lets us all get rid of that which Christians can’t afford.
There is a way to do it; by watchfulness and prayer!
To look out for the signals that our Lord is nearly there.
We realise what happens; the early days of Spring,
Predicts that Summer’s coming. It’s a fact; a certain thing.
The signs are very obvious. We know it is at hand.
And that’s the illustration we see throughout the land.
It isn’t rocket science. It’s not theology,
That tells us He is coming. It’s clear as clear can be.
His coming may be sudden like the labour pains of birth.
We may not know precisely when He returns to earth.
But since we are God’s children, His people of the light;
And don’t belong to darkness, or the people of the night;
Christians will be wide awake and fully in control.
Not the sorry victims of a faith that isn’t whole!
So buckle on the armour of love upon the chest;
Put on salvation’s helmet; obey Him and be blessed!
He will not disappoint us. He’ll whisper in the ear,
Of each of His disciples and say, “I’m drawing near”.
And we will be admitted to the Masters Wedding Feast.
He will make us welcome as a faithful royal priest.
Not longer as a bridesmaid, but a member of His bride.
To live with Him in Glory, forever by His side!
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 03 June 2011