Thursday, August 11, 2011


Her father said, “Get out of here, I will not see your face.
This thing you’ve done is horrible, so get out of my place.
The little girl was only twelve and  mostly she was good.
She’d always done as she was told exactly as she should.
So what had caused her father to treat her in this way?
What had she done so terrible upon that dreadful day?
But nonetheless she left the house and walked down to the gate;
With tears a-streaming down her face she wept about her fate.
Why has my daddy done this? What is it I have done?
I know I broke that precious vase but we were having fun.

What can I do to mend it? If not, where can I go?
The more she thought about it, the more her tears did flow.
She was a helpless prisoner. She couldn’t cope alone.
Where could she turn and go to now she was on her own?
But daddy was still watching her. Although she couldn’t see,
And then just moments later, “Come in my love” said he
We wonder why he did it for she was traumatised.
She felt she was rejected and that is no surprise.
Her great “brute” of a father had thought it was a joke.
He had behaved atrociously; He was a “nasty bloke”.
It’s very sad in some ways the Lord must deal this way.
And though He wasn’t nasty, not that or any day,
His people were unfaithful. Their sins had mounted up;
The time had come for them to drink of this most bitter cup.
And so the Babylonians had carried them away,
Their town and temple ruined; In Babylon they’d stay.
But Father God was watching. He couldn’t give them up.
He knew that there would be a day when once again they’d sup.
For Father God is faithful and would not let them go.
The day would come when once again, Jerusalem they’d know.
But all of them were weeping when taken off in chains.
The thought of what had happened still traumatised their brains.
They thought it unbelievable that God would do this thing.
But they’d had plenty warning of what their sin would bring.
Our God is not vindictive. He’s merciful and just.
His punishment is righteous. His covenant they’d bust.
But He returned a remnant to Jerusalem again.
When they had spent sufficient time in Babylon in pain.
This is the major difference between daddy and the lass,
And how He takes them back again when time had come to pass.
They may have been rejected, but they would be restored;
And once again the people would serve the Sovereign Lord.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 12 August 2011


The wonder of deliverance is so hard to describe.
It is a revolution of what goes on inside.
One moment you are held in chains you don’t know how to break;
And then a sort of miracle allows you to forsake,
The thing which had a grip on you with bonds as strong as death
Then suddenly you’ve been set free! It makes you catch your breath!
Perhaps the best example that has been known to date,
Is how two million Israelites completely changed their fate.
One instant they were Pharaoh’s slaves, the next they were set free,
And they escaped from Egypt and all they’d known to be.
At first there was a struggle with the Egyptian gods;
But they were all defeated for God had fixed the odds.
The Lord had come to save them and lead them to the land,
That none of them had ever seen outside Egyptian sands.
The Lord had sent them Moses; that great prophet of old.
I’m going to lead you out of here is what they all were told.
And since he had the backing of God who reigns on high,
Those who observed the Passover saw Egypt’s firstborn die.
God opened up the Red Sea so they could walk straight through.
When Pharaoh’s army followed them, they saw what God could do.
All of the Egyptians were quickly swept away,
When God restored the waters and they all died that day.
Of course this was dramatic and since that well known date,
The Lord has brought deliverance and changed the people’s fate.
He did it with the Judges and many of the Kings.
He brought them back from Babylon as though on Eagle’s wings.
He saw them build the temple and then the city walls.
He saw them when His only Son began life in a stall.
He saw them when they crucified and laid Him in the tomb.
He saw them when He rose again and smashed that darkened gloom.
And each one was deliverance. When God set people free,
And each one in a special way, an opportunity;
For men to be delivered. Perhaps His best known prayer;
He taught to His disciple and Christians everywhere.
Deliver us from evil”. Oh Lord, that’s what we need.
Unless You Lord deliver us then evil will succeed.
But this one thing is certain and absolutely sure;
He still brings His deliverance when we seek to be pure!
Jim Strickland – written Thursday, 11 August 2011