Friday, May 27, 2011


Why do so many people think that Jesus doesn’t know,
The things that they are doing and the places that they go?
Perhaps they do not realise he also knows their thoughts,
Their little “indiscretions” and their favourite types of “sports”?
There’s nothing that is hid from Him. Indeed, He knows it all;
Back from this very instant to their new born infant bawl.
Perhaps they need reminding He knows what they will do,
Until the final moment for their death will be “on cue”.
The end and the beginning; to God are all the same;
He even knows the details of your great, great grandson’s name!
He knows about our wickedness down to the smallest dot.
That never will be something mislaid or He forgot.
In fact He is omniscient! His memory complete.
You cannot catch Him off His guard; and no man can delete
An instant in His memory. “The wicked and the good”
All will stand in front of Him the way that He once stood,
In front of Pontius Pilate. What will the verdict be?
A gruesome crucifixion or will you be set free?
His judgement will be perfect. We’ll get our true reward.
We’ll have an opportunity to give the Sovereign Lord
The reasons for our actions. But nothing we can say,
Will ever be sufficient to answer Him that day.
The verdict will be “guilty”. We broke His Holy law.
The penalty – our banishment from Him forevermore.
Cast into outer darkness like a perished rubber band,
Unfit for any purpose in God The Father’s hand.
No one will get away with it. One little tiny sin,
Will be enough to justify the trouble we are in.
There’s nothing anyone can do. The verdict guaranteed.
No person can be good enough, No ritual or creed,
Can change the situation and what we have to face.
The only possibility is Jesus and His grace.
For as we stand before Him, consigned to go to Hell,
His loving eyes will soften and we will hear Him tell,
The world He came and took our place. The penalty was paid.
That by His sacrificial death a way to God was made.
He gave to us His innocence and took on Him our guilt.
His death and resurrection and by the blood He spilt,
We can receive a pardon and we can be set free.
And that is what the King of Kings has done for you and me.
He always knew He’d do it. Before the world began,
He knew the dreadful price He’d pay for each and every man.
So now, if we’ll believe Him, and take Him as our Lord.
We’ll come into the fullness of His Father’s just reward.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 27 May 2011


Father God, the dawn is breaking through;
The morning's come and with it comes the light.
The sky has taken on a rosy hue;
In celebration of the end of night.
The sounds of morning fill my listening ear.
The birds cry out aloud to one another
Joyously declaring, "Daybreak's here.
Come and worship God my feathered brother!"
The dogs are barking in the quiet street;
As if to say, "We've waited long enough
To see the darkness vanish in defeat.
The sun will soon arise and call night's bluff!"
The shepherds shout as vocally they scold
Somnolent cows and seek the mournful bleat
Of some poor sheep that's wandered from the fold
In search of something different to eat.
The world seems sluggish as it slowly wakes
And rubs away the sand from heavy eyes;
As gradually it's slumber it forsakes;
To stretch itself, then finally arise.
My God, this parable applies to me.
For, like the world, I've also been asleep.
I've lain in bed and dreamed of what should be
And wandered off just like an erring sheep.
But now the day has dawned; The Son is here;
The light of God is dawning in my soul.
You've caused my foolish fears to disappear;
Your righteous Son arose and made me whole!
You've set me free to rise up like a bird.
On eagles wings I soar into the sky
And joyously declare what has occurred;
That Jesus is the Christ, the Lord Most High!
Just like a puppy dog, I yelp with glee
To celebrate the victory I've seen.
The 'night' has gone! The Son has set me free;
He's called the devil's bluff and washed me clean!
You've helped me wipe away the things that bind
My eyelids tight and hence cause me to doze.
So Lord, I stretch my spirit, soul and mind
And rise to do those things Your Spirit shows!

Jim Strickland – Sent out Thursday, 26 May 2011


The goodness You have saved up Lord for those who reverence You.
Not only in the Life to come, but also on Earth too,
It’s lavished on Your people; where all on Earth can see
The blessing of Your followers; Your magnanimity.
To see Your deeds in action, beyond what they expect.
To watch the mighty mountains as they quake with their respect.
And yet, though people see it, They’ll see You bless far more,
Than anyone can contemplate directly from Your store.
This isn’t surprising. We have such shallow minds.
   We’re locked into a system in which the devil blinds,
Our eyes to not expecting the things which we have seen,
Or ever could imagine. That’s very small and mean.
And yet within our spirits His Spirit starts to share,
The things which are made relevant to those who know and care
Enough to be Your servants; a little glimpse or two,
Is granted to the people who are searching after You.
O Lord You are before me. You are at my right hand.
So I cannot be shaken. In You alone I stand.
Therefore my hearts rejoices; my tongue is always glad;
My body is secure in You. So I cannot be sad.
I know you won’t abandon me; the grave can’t hold me tight;
Your holy one will not decay nor turn His day to night
For LORD You have made known to me the path of life I need.
And I will dwell eternally where joyfully You lead.
Your love is meteoric; Your verdicts fill the seas.
Your purposes titanic, And though somebody flees,
They cannot get away from You. They can’t fall through the cracks.
For even as they’re running, You’re right behind their backs.
O Lord, show them Your goodness; O Lord cause them to feed,
Upon the mighty banquet You’ve made for those who need,
You more than they can ever know. Fill up from Eden’s springs,
That they indeed will also find protection ‘neath Your wings.
Give all mankind a tiny glimpse of your cascading light.
Fill them with a love for You; Correct their endless night.
O God, please be their Saviour. Draw them into You ways.
Teach them Lord, to trust in you, that they may spend their days
Rejoicing in the Living God so they too may receive,
The blessings of the things You have for those who will believe.

Jim Strickland - Wednesday, 25 May 2011


                Now let us all serve
With sinew and nerve
The One we all love and adore.
For as all we give
He’ll cause us to live
And worship our Mater much more.

                 As Moses’ face
Was veiled in that place
Let Jesus’ gifts be revealed.
There’ll be no surprise
When He opens our eyes
To things that we thought were concealed.

                Fulfilment is found
Where God’s gifting abounds
And we flow harmoniously.
The ultimate end
We needn’t defend
For sinners converted we’ll see! 

                The way we behave
Is the truth that will save
The people who need to repent.
For they’ll turn around
Where His people are found
And go where His Spirit has sent.

                His burden is light
It isn’t a fight
To do all the things He desires.
Just listen and do
And all will come true.
And His people will all be on fire. 

                We don’t want a flake
Or anything fake
To walk in the way we should go.
So fill us with power
To move hour by hour
In all of the things that You know.

                Let us take on
The Christ who’s the One.
And walk in the gifts He will bring
For all that we do
Will only come true
When Jesus is truly our King.
                 Give thanks for the gifts
And the way that they lift
And carry your people on high.
We won’t interfere
When You Spirit draws near
And Jesus will cause us to fly.
                 God’s gifting is sure
It’s Holy and pure
And we will bring Him all the praise
And if we are humble
We won’t cause to stumble
The people who walk in Your ways.
                We’re not all the same
And we worship the name
Of Him who is more than complete.
And as we harmonise
And cast out all lies,
We’ll all behold Satan’s defeat
                Our body’s at rest
And we will be blessed
When all of our people are one.
The warring will end
When our knees we all bend
And all of our quarrels are gone.
                So let’s celebrate
That as from this date
The gifts of His Spirit we’ll see.
And as we mature
We’ll begin to endure
And everyone here will be free.

Jim Strickland - Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Why did they need a priesthood way back in Moses’ days?
He would meet the Most High God and learn about His ways.
He would go and talk with Him inside a special place.
There within a special tent they’d both speak face to face.
Sometimes he called on Joshua, to visit with the Lord.
But even when all three were there, they met in one accord.
Now Moses was a prophet, he never was made priest.
     But he made the appointments when their discussions ceased.
He chose his elder brother, just as the Lord had said;
And Aaron was appointed the brand new priesthood’s head.
With Nadab and Abhiu as the assistant priests,
And Ithamar and Eleazar to help if they deceased.
The High Priest special garments were wondrously arrayed,
To minister to God most High. But look and see displayed,
The ministry of Jesus in everything he wore.
Every detail was precise; “Make this and nothing more”.
The people’s place of worship was equally designed,
With even the minutia deliberately defined,
To point to the Lord Jesus the day that He would come;
For He would be our Great High Priest, His Father’s only Son.
Now Jesus entered heaven; our Minister is there!
Within God’s tabernacle; that place without compare.
Now Moses was the person who took Joshua along;
And every time he did it, he wasn’t doing wrong.
In fact the Lord approved it and Joshua was unharmed.
So when our Saviour takes us in, we needn’t be alarmed.
For when the introductions with Father are complete,
He’ll see we are “in Jesus” and therefore we can meet.
There won’t be any danger, we will not be destroyed.
And by the blood of Jesus, God will not be annoyed.
Then, like the tribe of Benjamin, we’ll live beside the Lord,
Preserved from every danger, the Father could afford.
So let us thank our “Moses”.  For everything He’s done,
To crush the power of Satan and enforce the victory won.
His death upon that cross was carried out for you and me.
We’re in a place where it had been impossible to be,
Without His intervention. Because He is our friend,
We’ll visit with our Father and have life without an end!
Jim Strickland – written Monday, 23 May 2011