Friday, May 27, 2011


The goodness You have saved up Lord for those who reverence You.
Not only in the Life to come, but also on Earth too,
It’s lavished on Your people; where all on Earth can see
The blessing of Your followers; Your magnanimity.
To see Your deeds in action, beyond what they expect.
To watch the mighty mountains as they quake with their respect.
And yet, though people see it, They’ll see You bless far more,
Than anyone can contemplate directly from Your store.
This isn’t surprising. We have such shallow minds.
   We’re locked into a system in which the devil blinds,
Our eyes to not expecting the things which we have seen,
Or ever could imagine. That’s very small and mean.
And yet within our spirits His Spirit starts to share,
The things which are made relevant to those who know and care
Enough to be Your servants; a little glimpse or two,
Is granted to the people who are searching after You.
O Lord You are before me. You are at my right hand.
So I cannot be shaken. In You alone I stand.
Therefore my hearts rejoices; my tongue is always glad;
My body is secure in You. So I cannot be sad.
I know you won’t abandon me; the grave can’t hold me tight;
Your holy one will not decay nor turn His day to night
For LORD You have made known to me the path of life I need.
And I will dwell eternally where joyfully You lead.
Your love is meteoric; Your verdicts fill the seas.
Your purposes titanic, And though somebody flees,
They cannot get away from You. They can’t fall through the cracks.
For even as they’re running, You’re right behind their backs.
O Lord, show them Your goodness; O Lord cause them to feed,
Upon the mighty banquet You’ve made for those who need,
You more than they can ever know. Fill up from Eden’s springs,
That they indeed will also find protection ‘neath Your wings.
Give all mankind a tiny glimpse of your cascading light.
Fill them with a love for You; Correct their endless night.
O God, please be their Saviour. Draw them into You ways.
Teach them Lord, to trust in you, that they may spend their days
Rejoicing in the Living God so they too may receive,
The blessings of the things You have for those who will believe.

Jim Strickland - Wednesday, 25 May 2011

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