Friday, May 27, 2011


Why do so many people think that Jesus doesn’t know,
The things that they are doing and the places that they go?
Perhaps they do not realise he also knows their thoughts,
Their little “indiscretions” and their favourite types of “sports”?
There’s nothing that is hid from Him. Indeed, He knows it all;
Back from this very instant to their new born infant bawl.
Perhaps they need reminding He knows what they will do,
Until the final moment for their death will be “on cue”.
The end and the beginning; to God are all the same;
He even knows the details of your great, great grandson’s name!
He knows about our wickedness down to the smallest dot.
That never will be something mislaid or He forgot.
In fact He is omniscient! His memory complete.
You cannot catch Him off His guard; and no man can delete
An instant in His memory. “The wicked and the good”
All will stand in front of Him the way that He once stood,
In front of Pontius Pilate. What will the verdict be?
A gruesome crucifixion or will you be set free?
His judgement will be perfect. We’ll get our true reward.
We’ll have an opportunity to give the Sovereign Lord
The reasons for our actions. But nothing we can say,
Will ever be sufficient to answer Him that day.
The verdict will be “guilty”. We broke His Holy law.
The penalty – our banishment from Him forevermore.
Cast into outer darkness like a perished rubber band,
Unfit for any purpose in God The Father’s hand.
No one will get away with it. One little tiny sin,
Will be enough to justify the trouble we are in.
There’s nothing anyone can do. The verdict guaranteed.
No person can be good enough, No ritual or creed,
Can change the situation and what we have to face.
The only possibility is Jesus and His grace.
For as we stand before Him, consigned to go to Hell,
His loving eyes will soften and we will hear Him tell,
The world He came and took our place. The penalty was paid.
That by His sacrificial death a way to God was made.
He gave to us His innocence and took on Him our guilt.
His death and resurrection and by the blood He spilt,
We can receive a pardon and we can be set free.
And that is what the King of Kings has done for you and me.
He always knew He’d do it. Before the world began,
He knew the dreadful price He’d pay for each and every man.
So now, if we’ll believe Him, and take Him as our Lord.
We’ll come into the fullness of His Father’s just reward.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 27 May 2011

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