Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The prisoner’s face was ashen. He was seated in the dock.
The jury would be coming back just after .
The trial had been so frightening; it made him feel ashamed.
He knew they’d find him guilty, not innocent as claimed.
He knew that he deserved it for all that he had done.
He didn’t think they’d catch him and it that it was good fun.
He took an opportunity to look and see the judge.
He’d known him for so many years and knew he wouldn’t budge,
From handing down a sentence in spite of all the tears,
That he would soon be crying for “going down” for years.
He listened to the verdict; it was guilty on each count.
All that was still missing was the size and the amount.
How long he’d be in prison and what about the fine?
And then the judge began to speak to get things into line.
The fine was astronomical, far more than he could pay,
And he would be in prison until his dying day.
And then the judge’s gavel banged down and it was done.
For him, his life was over before it had begun.
Then suddenly the judge took off his wig, his cap and gown.
He strode into the witness box and quickly glanced around.
He said His name was Jesus, The fine He’d fully paid!
He’d sacrificed His life and added He’d agreed to trade,
Places with the prisoner so he could be set free;
And added this was possible by God’s Divine decree!
The court was in an uproar; they knew that it was true.
The prisoner was pardoned – the proper thing to do.
This story of the “miracle” will someday be a fact.
The trial inside a courtroom that is literally jam packed,
With people in attendance who have come from far and wide,
To see the final outcome and if justice was applied.
The prisoner on trial that day, you know who it will be?
An average sort of sinner the likes of you and me.
There’ll be no excuses and all will be exposed.
Nothing will be hidden and everything disclosed.
Everyone will know of the enormity of sin,
That you and I committed and the hopeless mess we’re in.
But after passing sentence the Lord will intervene,
And tell the court his precious blood has wiped the record clean.
We all will then be pardoned, if Jesus is our Lord.
Not that we deserved it, for no one can afford
To pay the price demanded for all that we have done.
But we will be acquitted on the merits of God’s Son.
For He has paid the penalty; God’s court will let us go.
For Christ has made us righteous, as pure as driven snow!
Jim Strickland – written Thursday 12th May 2011