Thursday, July 18, 2013


The Decision is Yours!
Time with Jesus - 19 July 2013

Hi all
Which Way?
How easily do you make decisions? Can you make them quickly or does it take you ages to make up your mind? I suppose, for most of us, it depends on the nature of the decision. “Shall I get up this morning or stay in bed?” This rather depends on what you have to get done and your circumstances. If you are on holiday, it doesn’t really matter, unless you have a deadline to keep.
How Not to Take a Decision
Forty years ago I lived in Canada and worked for Ontario Hydro. It’s more or less the Canadian equivalent of Eskom. Back then, I was a shift worker in a power station on the banks of Lake Erie. At the time it was one of the biggest power stations in the Western World. Shift work presented one or two challenges for the staff. The first was that you were not permitted to leave the job until your replacement had arrived and “signed in”. There were 3 shifts, each working 8 hours per day. For most of the year this was not a problem. During the winter, it could be difficult. Canadian winters could be severe with roads blocked with snow. The Ontario Roads workers did their very best to keep them open. But on the odd occasion, the power station was “snowed in” until road snow-clearing was complete. 
Decisions - Decisions
During these times, the staff had to remain on duty. The plant could not be shut down. Electricity was needed in much the same way as it does in South Africa. It was hard on the staff at the power station not being able to go home. But it was seen as an emergency situation and everyone was prepared for such an eventuality. In this sense, the “decision” was out of our hands. No one could go home until their relief arrived!

Our bodies also function that way. Can you imagine what life would be like if your heart decided it would like the day off? What if your foot decided it wasn’t on speaking terms with your leg, making it impossible to walk! As I write this message, The Queen is awaiting the arrival of her first great grandchild. Now Queens don’t like to be kept waiting. But in this instance, Kate’s body and her baby will decided when he/she will make an entrance into the world. Without surgical interference, the baby will have the last word. Like Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth may not be amused. But the future monarch will make the final decision regardless of any other opinion.
Mathematical Certainty?
There is another area in which decisions cannot be made. In the late 1940’s I learned that 1 plus 1 was 2. This did not require legislation. The Constitutional Court could not overrule. Even if Parliament agreed unanimously that 1 plus 1 was 3, it would not make any difference.

There are other things that are “cast in concrete”. The speed of light was decided by God. To the best of my knowledge, it has been unchanged ever since. Today, you may desire to assert that the world is flat. Perhaps you have sufficient oratorical ability, personality and character, to convince the entire population of this planet that the world is flat. Guess what. The world would still be round. (Well sort of) King Canute could not command the sea not to ebb and flow. Much as I would like to, I cannot decide that I won’t grow old. (Some say I’m there already)
There is something else we cannot decide. Sin is sin in every age. God has decided that it will be so. 
You've made your Choice?
We cannot get up tomorrow and say we’ve decided that shooting the President is not a sin. (Sorry about that!). It is a sin and the wages of sin is death. We cannot take this to the Constitutional Court or appeal to the United Nations. God has decreed that we will get paid in full for sin. Furthermore, He has decided that it only takes one sin in life to qualify you and me for a ride on hell’s red hot and ever burning “magic roundabout”. The one God has designed, is unbearably hot and completely fire-proof. It also runs for eternity. There is no way to get off. It’s a question of “welcome aboard for the ride of your death”! (Not life).
Welcome to
The Magic Roundabout
Fortunately, God is not a sadist! The “magic roundabout” was designed for the devil and his buddies, not for people. People only go there because they choose to do so. We don’t have to. We can make a decision not to go there. We must make that decision before we die. 
Your Choice - Heaven or Hell?
For those who choose the better alternative, (life Himself) He asked His Son to do what was necessary to take care of the “magic roundabout”. He did. He decided to “swallow the thing whole”! Of course it still exists but it is now “inside Him”. (All Creation is "within" God) To the riders, it doesn’t seem any smaller. That’s because they are riding on it. But for those who decide to give themselves to Jesus, the whole thing is about the size of a microbe! If they “swallowed it themselves” the impact on them would be ± ⅔ of ⅛ of 0.

The Ride of your Death
Now’s the time to make the greatest decision it is possible for any human. What are you going to do about sin and salvation? You have a choice; the Son of God or the “Magic Roundabout”? Take your pick! It’s your choice!

Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus – 19 July 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
“Decision, decisions”, said the man grumpily as he lay under the bedclothes. “Hurry up my dear, it’s time to get up and go to church” said his wife. It’s Sunday you know!” she added sweetly. “I don’t want to go. I think I’ll stay in bed this morning.” he replied somewhat petulantly. “But you must” replied his wife. “You’re the minister!”
Decisions are never easy, particularly when they disturb our comfort zones. No doubt this passed through the minds of many of the people who had wandered round and round in the wilderness for the past ± forty years. No doubt life was repetitive. They had worn the same shoes and clothing for the duration. All they did was follow the cloud by day and the fire by night. Then, in the morning, they wandered round in the wilderness looking for the manna that would feed them for the next 24 hours. It wasn’t very exciting. The presence of Moses brought them a certain amount of comfort but so many of their parents had died en route to where they were going. The days had stretched into weeks; the weeks into months and the months into years. But those days were drawing to an end. They had just defeated the Ammonite Kings, Sihon and Og and were about to go in and take possession of the Promised Land.
We are all fairly familiar with this background. What we often don’t spot is how similar this is to our own Christian experience. No matter where we are on the journey of life we have the Jordan of our own personal life to cross. The other side is beckoning us on and we have to take our courage in both hands and go across.
We’ve had a number of battles with our opponents. They have been defeated in the strength and power of the Lord, while we were still wandering round in our own self contrived wilderness. Personally, I identify with this phase in an extraordinary way. After committing my life to Jesus in 1960, there were a number of personal battles in front of me. I found that the Lord had performed the miracle of deliverance from sin, but there were some battles He expected me to go through. Yes, these things would be confronted and defeated in and by His power. But the fact is He required me to play my part. By way of illustration, God provides the saving power. But we have to do the repenting. In Acts, Paul tells the Athenians, 30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30 ESV. The facts are clear. God provides salvation. But He commands us to repent. No repentance, no salvation! So you and I have trials and tests of the Promised Land in front of us. He is with us and He will give us the power to win. But we have to do it. We can and will if we submit to Jesus and obey His Word.
Jim & Phyllida
3 It's like the dew on Mount Hermon flowing down the slopes of Zion. Yes, that's where GOD commands the blessing, ordains eternal life.
Psalms 133:3 MSG
They could never have achieved it, if they’d been all on their own.
You cannot defeat a kingdom if you’re standing all alone.
First of all they beat King Sihon, then moved on to trounce King Og.
These two Ammonitish armies, crashed like falling off a log.
They conquered it right from Aroer to Mount Hermon’s frozen peak.
All along the Arnon Valley to the Salt Sea dead and bleak.
From the foothills of Mt Nebo from which Moses saw the land.
All of this they saw and conquered, just the way the Lord had planned.
God was with them, strong and mighty and He settled like the dew;
Like the Lilly of the Valley; like the cedar trees that grew.
Why was this? Because they listened and His teaching fell like rain,
It came down like falling raindrops, on the grasslands of the plain.
Tender plants began their growing, reaching upward to the sky.
Fertile and in huge abundance; giving praise to God most High.
All of this was just a foretaste of what God was going to do.
He would speak a word in season, doing what He wanted to.
All the land would bud and flourish; Yielding seed and making bread.
Not a single Word was wasted, doing just what He had said.
Not a Word would come back empty; it accomplished His intent.
No man ever could resist it; it achieved just what He meant.
After they had crossed the Jordan, they began to take the land.
Thus they entered into Canaan by the Master’s Mighty Hand.
This is not an odd occurrence for the Israelites of old.
Those of us who are God’s people, if we do as we are told,
Also can attain the victory, everywhere we place our feet.
One with God can’t be defeated. In His power we are complete!
Unity must be our watchword, as we face the Master’s foes.
Harmony! How good and pleasant; covers us from head to toes.
Yes indeed it’s His anointing. Scented oil upon the beard;
Running over robes and collar. That’s the way that it appeared!
This is where He gives His blessing, when His people are all one.
When all arguments are over; each and every squabble gone.
Once more we have crossed the Jordan, like God’s people on that day.
Will we stand as one together, or once more be Satan’s prey?
Will we be a mighty army? Turned aside by Achan’s sin?
Only if our God will help us, is it possible to win.
You alone make the decision. You and all of those you lead.
There will never be compulsion - honesty or human greed?
Take your pick then you must do it. This is where you must begin,
Stay with Jesus Christ forever, or forever trapped in sin?
Jim Strickland
Written 19th July 2012
48 So Israel conquered the entire area from Aroer at the edge of the Arnon Gorge all the way to Mount Sirion, also called Mount Hermon.
Deuteronomy 4:48 NLT
5 I will be like the dew to Israel; he shall blossom like the lily; he shall take root like the trees of Lebanon;
Hosea 14:5 ESV
2 Let my teaching fall like rain. Let my words come down like dew. Let them be like raindrops on new grass. Let them be like rain on tender plants.
Deuteronomy 32:2 NIrV
10 As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:10-11 TNIV
34 For He is sent by God. He speaks God's words, for God gives Him the Spirit without limit.
John 3:34 NLT
16 We have all received one blessing after another. God's grace is not limited.
John 1:16 NIrV
A song by David for going up to worship. 1 See how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in harmony! 2 It is like fine, scented oil on the head, running down the beard-down Aaron's beard- running over the collar of his robes. 3 It is like dew on Mount Hermon, dew which comes down on Zion's mountains. That is where the LORD promised the blessing of eternal life.
Psalms 133:1-3 GW