Thursday, October 20, 2011


In Caesarea Philippi, the strangest thing occurred.
Jesus asked his followers what was it they had heard?
Who do people say I am?. What is it that they say?
Tell Me what it is you’ve heard about Me anyway?
Some said John the Baptist, A Holy Man – no less.
Some had said Elijah; A prophet was their guess.
Then Jesus asked the twelve of them exactly what they thought?
They seemed to be a bit confused by what the Lord had taught.
Then Peter said “You are the Christ, Messiah, Son of God”
Jesus listened carefully and gave an inward nod.
This is what He was waiting for. His time was now at hand.
He knew what He was destined for, the way His Father planned.
But how would He go on from here. The time had come to chat.
With Father in His Heaven; what He was aiming at.
So He chose three disciples. Peter James and John.
They had to scale Mt Herman and when six days were gone,
The four of them began the walk to reach the mountain’s peak.
They’d see the Lord transfigured and hear His Father speak.
We not sure what they made of it when Jesus shone with light.
With Moses and Elijah it was an awesome sight.
For Jesus had the brilliance of all the stars that shine.
This told them without question that Jesus was Divine.
But it was overwhelming and Peter asked if he,
Could build three tabernacles, one each for all the three,
Who were in conversation. He couldn’t hold his tongue.
That’s when the voice of God spoke out as if a bell was rung
““This is My Beloved Son; It pleases me to say,
Instead of all your prattling, just heed His words today.”
This was the very apex of Jesus’ ministry.
From here he would go down the hill and walk to Calvary.
He knew what lay ahead of Him. His task was almost done.
He had to die upon a cross because He was God’s son.
The three had seen His glory in the most amazing way.
A vision that would stay with them until their dying day.
Recorded in John’s gospel there is a little clue.
“And we beheld His glory” We know that it was true.
For there upon Mount Herman they saw His glory shine.
And someday when my life is done, that vision will be mine.
Jim Strickland – Written 21st  October 2011