Sunday, March 11, 2012


Time with Jesus - Monday, 12 March 2012
Hi all,
Scripture makes it very clear that we are not to put God to the test. It’s no good my saying I can walk off a roof and not fall because I’m a Christian. I will fall on my nose; rightly so! The test has more to do with my big mouth than a call on God. Even Jesus would not put His Father to a foolish test. The message is very clear. But there is one area in which God invites us to put Him to the test. We find it in Mal 3:10.
10 "Bring the entire tenth to the storerooms in my temple. Then there will be plenty of food. Put me to the test," says the LORD. "Then you will see that I will throw open the windows of heaven. I will pour out so many blessings that you will not have enough room for them. Mal 3:10 NIrV
16 "You shall not put the LORD your God to the test, as you tested him at Massah. Deut 6:16 ESV
7 Jesus said to him, "Again it is written, 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.'" Mat 4:7 ESV
Now you and I are aware that today’s Scriptures have nothing to do with money. However, there is an important principle here. In Malachi, God invites the people to test Him. I have heard it stated that He refers to a “scientific test”. Consequently, on occasions we are permitted to, “put God to the test”.
Now science states categorically, that proof is required in order to establish that something is true. For example, the entire world believed it was flat until science came along and proved otherwise. The scientific principle is that you start with an unproved hypothesis. Then, by repeated test and experiment, prove your theory. The theory is then usually checked by others. Finally, the theory is proved correct and is universally accepted. The procedure is 1) hypothesis 2) test 3) proven theory.
Today I would like to invite the world to test the hypothesis that God exists and is real. All I’m asking them to do is what every scientist does. Accept the hypothesis that God is real and go about establishing whether or not it is true.
All that’s needed is to pursue the Lord as though He is true. Don’t begin by believing. Begin with the assumption that you expect your experiments to prove successful. Hebrews states, 6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him. Heb 11:6 NLT
My point is this. Conduct your own scientific experiment with the Lord. Believe He exists. Then test the truth of this statement. In Malachi, God stated that if they test Him with their money, He would “open the windows of heaven” and pour out such a blessing that they could not contain.
Now I am not God. However He has said I am one of His many authorised representatives. So, on His behalf, I’d like to invite you to take part in this small scientific exercise. God has already said, 8 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see-- how good GOD is. Blessed are you who run to him. Psalm 34:8 MSG Here is His personal invitation for you to carry out this little scientific test. Go for it. He will answer you in ways you never thought possible
Today’s meditation is an imagined dialog between an unbeliever (In red) and a believer. (In blue) Go ahead. Taste and see! You won’t be disappointed.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

The scientific Test

Do you believe in Jesus? I’m here to ask you why?    
What is it that convinces You? Perhaps it is a lie?
Please tell me where you saw Him? I’d like to go there too.
An optical illusion, I’m sorry, will not do!
You tell me He has saved you. From what have you been saved?
Was it a true conversion or a nice way to behave?
Don’t beat about the bushes. Relate the truth to me.
How is it you’re a follower of someone you can’t see?
Don’t give me your opinions. Religious platitudes,
Are not what I’m in need of. Be honest and be rude.
I find it fascinating. You say, “In God I trust”
But science says conclusively your dreams are only dust.
So what is it your trusting in? How can you say for sure,
That Jesus Christ is still alive and that His life is pure?
I thank you for the questions. So now please hear me out.        
The One Whom I believe in is here without a doubt.
Of course I cannot see Him. It doesn’t work that way.
But He is just as much alive as He was yesterday.
You challenge me with science. But science tells us how.
It cannot tell us where or why. It’s just a holy cow,
The people need to slaughter. You cannot reason God.
Perhaps you find that difficult, remote, or even odd.
You have to first believe in Him. Believe that he exists.
Perhaps you think it’s rubbish, but friend I must insist.
For if you can’t accept it, I’m sorry friend to say,
You really cannot know Him in an ordinary way.
We say that faith is needed to prove that He is there.
That’s when He starts to visit you and talks to you in prayer.
This truth is the first hurdle that you must overcome.
And if you don’t believe it, It’s rather sad, old son.
For He is a rewarder of those who seek to find.
And if you are not looking, I’m sorry, you’ll stay blind.
It’s really sad to tell you, no other way will do.
And if you do it truthfully, you’ll find He’ll come to you.
The Lord rewards a person, who diligently seeks.
To come in any other way, brings tears to both your cheeks.
I’m sorry to inform you, that if you do not try,
You’ll end up on the road to hell the moment that you die.
So let’s be scientific and put it to the test.
Say that you believe Him. He’ll see to it your blessed!
And you’ll be on a journey into the Master’s heart,
And have your questions answered, in every little part!
Jim Strickland – Written 12th March 2012