with Jesus - 11 July 2013
you ever been homesick? Have you ever felt like a stranger in a foreign land,
longing to be at home once again? We all know the song, “Be it ever so humble,
there’s no place like home!” Christians feel like this in a deep sense of the
We know only too well that, “This world is
not my home, I’m just a-passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere
beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from Heaven’s open door and I can’t feel
at home in this world any more”. We know that our home is in heaven with
Jesus and we can hardly wait to get there. But we are still a bit nervous about
the unknown experience of death and dying.
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David Kills Goliath of Gath |
To the choirmaster: according to The Gittith. A Psalm of the
Sons of Korah: 1
How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of hosts! 2 My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the LORD; my
heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God. 3 Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for
herself, where she may lay her young, at your altars, O LORD of hosts, my King
and my God. 4 Blessed are those who
dwell in your house, ever singing your praise! SELAH Psalm
84:1-4 ESV
today’s Scriptures, in Psalm 84 we read: 2 My
soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh sing for
joy to the living God. We read the words of someone who is “Homesick for
Heaven”. In this instance this pilgrim is longing to be with God Himself. Yes,
the temple in Jerusalem is fine. But even the temple, in all its magnificence
is no substitute for God Himself.

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Photograph of His Wife |
day, when the war is over and he returns to her, all their pent up love and
devotion will explode in a celebration of joy; of laughing and crying at the
same time. “Home at last” will be their joint expression of the inexpressible.
This picture is magnificently displayed in verse two. It could easily be the
cry of the exiles in Babylon. Likewise it is the cry of a Christian longing
for; aching for the presence of Jesus.
is part of the story is told mainly from the man’s point of view. There is also
the woman’s side to tell. Her story is somewhat more poignant because it
begins, “tucked away” in the title. “According to Gittith” gives it away. We
usually understand this (Gittith) to mean a musical instrument. It’s actually
more than that. “Gittith” is the feminine form of “Gittite”; a native or
inhabitant of Gath. (Yes, Goliath country!) Perhaps it was the marching tune of
the Gittite warriors? If it was a musical instrument as well, we see a picture
of the women playing their “harps” and singing as their menfolk march off to
He may not recall the event, but she most certainly will. She will
remember her man striding away to fight for and perhaps give his life for his
country. Can you see in your mind’s eye the women waving good bye to their
menfolk ±100 years ago as they marched off to fight in WW1?
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Troops say farewell as They go to war |
3 picks up the female refrain once more. Here we see the way God provides for
His people; in this instance for the women and children. She is looking for a
place of safety; a place of protection for herself and children. The sparrow
and the swallow have no difficulty.
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Swallows Nesting |
They will build their nests safely in the
nooks and crannies of the temple. No harm will befall them in this ideal spot.
They will be safe. Hopefully and prayerfully, the men will also find safety in
the midst of the fighting.
the mid 1970’s Phyllida was living in a home she and her husband were buying.
Divorce changed that. Her husband wanted to sell the house. What would she do?
Where would she go? She didn’t want to leave the family home, because she
needed somewhere for her children. Her name in those days was Phyllida Swallow.
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Solomon's Temple |
One morning while she was in prayer, the Lord spoke to her and said, “Meet Me
in Psalm 84:3!” She read “Even the sparrow finds a home and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young”.

Jim & Phyllida Strickland
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
Time with Jesus – Thursday, 11 July 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
These devotionals are the intellectual property of
Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and
distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
It’s called ambition; that which we plan on doing, or becoming. Most
young boys go through a phase of wanting to be a fire engine driver. In the
1950’s it was to be an engine-driver or a cowboy. It was strongly influenced
by such names as Gene Autry, Roy Rodgers and the Lone Ranger. From the
Saturday morning bioscope it was “Hi-ho Silver” and “Let’s go Tonto”! In
those days we could also have our fill of John Wayne, Tarzan and Superman. We
would swap comics and sing songs. “Hooray for it’s Saturday morning ….”.
Remember them? The little girls preferred dolls and their main ambition was
to be a nurse. Some wanted to be a Mommy, but neither the boys nor the girls
had any idea what was involved. Perhaps the closest we ever came, was playing
doctors. This seemed to bother our parents more than it bothered us! Ah, the
innocence of youth! It must have been 1950. I was playing with a young girl
in the hotel called Joan. We were both about 8 years old and decided to play
“barbers”. Joan had beautiful long hair. After she had cut mine, it was my
turn to cut hers. I’m told that she looked as though she’d been scalped! Mom
and Dad were furious. I didn’t really understand why. Joan’s mother laughed
and told her she would have to let it grow again.
Going on from Primary School to High School, I must confess that very
few of my school friends had any idea about what they would like to be. It
didn’t seem important at the time. I had no idea either. I was very “drawn”
to the church. But I thought you had to be “called” to become a minister.
Since I had no idea what that meant, it became one of those things I didn’t
do! I suppose I could have discussed it with someone. But I never did! It’s
just as well!
Since those dim and distant days, many things have happened to all of
us. Most of us “stumbled” into our careers. I qualified as an engineer. But
engineering was not my line. 32 years later I picked up the call I’d missed
all those years previously. One thing I found was that the ministry is filled
with two types of people. The one type is serving the Lord for what they can
get out of it. They have one ambition; to build a bigger and better ministry.
They get away with it because they are competing with others who are doing
the same. I’d love to meet men and women who are willing to put themselves
aside and serve Him for His glory. They are a very rare breed. They put others
ahead of themselves and step aside for them. They have one purpose. To help
others to become better than themselves. An attitude that says, “if you want
it, you can have it. I’ll help you get there by getting out of your way”.
They’ve only one interest and ambition. To lay down their lives for Jesus and
others. Which type are you?
Jim &
9 He gives those who are
thirsty all of the water they want. He gives those who are hungry all of the
good food they can eat.
107:9 NIrV
He gives those who are thirsty, all the drink they
And those who have gone hungry; they are the one’s
He’ll feed.
Like a new born baby, it’s milk which they require.
And this is what I’ll give. Whenever they desire.
It only takes a little sip. A thimble full will do.
To grow as new believers the way I want them to.
Every time they taste of Me, they’ll find that I am
And grow to become strong in Me, the way they always
O Lord, I’m looking for You. My mouth is parched and
My body has been searching and so to You I cry,
“Lead me to the water in this dry and thirsty land.
I am longing for you, in ways You understand.
I’ve seen you in the Temple and gazed upon your
I’ve beheld your glory each moment, every hour.
I long to come before You. O Lord, please let me in.
I cannot live without You. O Father, let me win,
Admittance to your courtyards for my body and my
Only You are able, to make my spirit whole.
Let me find a resting place. A place where I may
From everything around me that tempts me from Your
My God I long to be with You. I’d love to pass away!
It’s better to be with You than living here today.
But as I contemplate this, Lord from Your point of
It’s better that I stay here, so that’s what I will
So Master, in the meantime, until You call me home,
I’ll continue doing the things which You have shown.
I must help Your people; for they are mine as well.
If only one goes missing, What story can I tell?
But even so, like David, I long to see Your face.
This life on earth is tedious and only by Your grace,
Can I continue working in this world of sin and pain.
To die and come to be with You, for me would be
great gain!
To nevermore be hungry; to never suffer thirst!
Just thinking of it Master; my heart just wants to
To feast on Your abundance from Your rivers of delight!
To walk with you in “Son-shine” where it is never
This is my one ambition; my very highest goal.
To live with You forever; the Saviour of my soul.
Jim Strickland
Written 11th
July 2012
2 Like babies that were just born, you should long for the pure milk of
God's word. It will help you grow up as believers. 3 You can do it now that you have tasted how good the
Lord is.
1 Peter 2:2-3 NIrV
A psalm of David, regarding a time when David was in the wilderness of
Judah. 1
O God, You are my God; I earnestly search for
You. My soul thirsts for You; my whole body longs for You in this parched and
weary land where there is no water. 2 I have seen You in Your sanctuary and gazed upon Your
power and glory.
63:1-2 NLT
2 I long, yes, I faint
with longing to enter the courts of the LORD. With my whole being, body and
soul, I will shout joyfully to the living God. 3 Even the
sparrow finds a home, and the swallow builds her nest and raises her young at
a place near your altar, O LORD of Heaven's Armies, my King and my God!
84:2-3 NLT
23 I find it hard to
choose between the two. I would like to leave this life and be with Christ.
That's by far the better choice. 24 But for your sake it's
better that I remain in this life.
1:23-24 GW
15 And me? I plan on
looking you full in the face. When I get up, I'll see your full stature and
live heaven on earth. A David
song, which he sang to God after being saved from all his enemies and from
17:15 MSG
16 Never again will they
be hungry. Never again will they be thirsty. The sun will not beat down on
them. The heat of the desert will not harm them. 17 The Lamb, who is at the centre of the area around the
throne, will be their shepherd. He will lead them to springs of living water.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
7:16-17 NIrV
8 They feast on the
abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your
36:8 ESV
14 I will satisfy the
priests with abundance, and my people will be filled with my bounty," declares
the LORD.
31:14 TNIV