Thursday, December 1, 2011


Anointed with the Spirit. That’s how He went about.
It happened when He was baptised; from then there was no doubt.
A voice was heard from heaven, “He’s My beloved Son;
I’m pleased with Him” The voice declared. His ministry begun!
Then, standing in the river, the Holy Ghost came down.
Resembling some heavenly dove, it lighted on His crown.
We’re not sure what had happened; but from that very time,
As Jesus walked upon the earth, some thought He was Divine.
And that is very typical of how His Spirit acts.
He seemed to know instinctively just what comprised the facts.
From then on, Jesus understood exactly what to do.
The Holy Spirit prompted Him and kept Him safe and true.
The Spirit in His fullness, was resting on the Lord;
And showed Him what He had to do; The Spirit had been poured,
Upon Him from that moment; like an anointing oil,
And covered Him from head to foot, equipping Him to foil,
The devil and his purposes; He knew what lay ahead.
A contest with the devil and He would end up dead!
Then, miracle of miracles, before He had ascended,
He told his special followers just what He had intended.
And on the Day of Pentecost; exactly as He said,
The tongues of Holy Spirit fire descended on each head.
The Spirit brought them power, to minister His Word.
It started in Jerusalem and many people heard,
The sound of men and women, all speaking in strange tongues;
As though some new dimension, was deep down in their lungs.
Then much like the Lord Jesus and always in His name,
The Spirit moved among them and they could do the same,
As what the Lord had taught them. But everyone declared,
His Spirit worked the miracles, His power unimpaired!
Like Him they’d been anointed, to do the things He’d done.
There was a major difference; They said, God’s Holy Son,
Had caused each sign to happen. They just laid hands and prayed,
And in the Name of Jesus Christ each circumstance obeyed.
The Spirit was their helper; He is the paraclete.
And He empowered everyone, demonic powers to beat.
And right down to this very day, we know things are the same.
True Christians are empowered, to act in Jesus’ name.
And even in our weakness, the Spirit does today,
The self same things that Jesus did, before He went away.
So we have gone full circle; and in His name can do;
The very things that Jesus did through folk like me and you.
Jim Strickland – Written 2nd December 2011