Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Time with Jesus - Thursday, 26 January 2012
Hi all,
Somewhere in the depths of memory there is a hymn that went, “Changed in the twinkling of an eye”. I can’t remember the rest of it. No matter. These words express the essence of what Christians believe. Paul expressed it as follows: - 51 But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed! 52 It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. 53 For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies. 1 Cor 15:51-53 NLT
When we read this for the first time, we have that distinct feeling that if this was not in the Bible it would be out of a children’s fairy story! It sounds too incredible! But it’s not incredible. It’s a fact! It will happen just as Paul stated. For those of us who are pensioners, the prospect of having a body that works properly again is fabulous. To be able to touch my toes! At present it seems that they are just too far away. As a pensioner friend stated recently, “If the Lord wanted me to touch my toes, He would have put them on my knees”.
But what will we look like? I love the way the Eugene Peterson in the message gives us an idea of our future appearance. 2 But friends, that's exactly who we are: children of God. And that's only the beginning. Who knows how we'll end up! What we know is that when Christ is openly revealed, we'll see him--and in seeing him, become like him. 1 John 3:2 MSG
What will it be to be like Jesus? We don’t really know. It’s most unlikely that we will all be “clone look-alike’s” of Jesus. No doubt we will be able to recognise each other and Him. It seems that we will have bodies like His supernatural body! I can’t even begin to imagine what that will mean. Yes, He appeared to His apostles and many other folk. They touched and handled Him. Then He vanished. What kind of body is that? One instant He was “flesh and bone”. The next instant he was gone. But flesh and bone can’t pass through walls!
In the Old Testament, the Lord appeared to men and women occasionally. These pre-birth appearances are called “Theophanies” or sometimes, “Christophanies” In these instances, He walked and talked with people. He looked human. But then He was gone. In some ways we may be looking at the same thing. We can’t say this is true. But it does indicate that the Lord has the ability to “materialise” and “dematerialise”. I know this sounds something like an episode from Star Trek. But since Jesus is God, He probably has no difficulty in doing so.
From our point of view, does it mean that when we are with Him and like Him we can do the same? Will our new bodies be able to “materialise” and “dematerialise”? Frankly, we have no idea. All we know for sure is that when Christ is openly revealed, we'll see him--and in seeing him, become like Him.
Can we really understand this? I admit that I can’t. If you can perhaps you will assist me?
Today’s meditation takes a look at being transformed to be like Him!
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

Transformed to be Like Him

I’ve wondered what we’ll look like, the day the Lord returns.
We know we will be like Him. That flame within us burns.
We’ll have a glorious body. One that can walk through walls.
That floats into a cloudy sky, the instant that He calls!
It never will grow older. We’ll all be at our peak!
For men that is at 33. I do not have the cheek,
To comment for the ladies. I’ve heard it is eighteen.
But will there be a gender? If no, what does that mean?
It’s all too complicated. My head’s in overdrive.
The rest of me is thanking God, that I will be alive!
And what about our relatives? I hope they’ll all be there.
But who knows their condition! We’re mostly unaware,
Of whom the Lord has chosen to reign with Him on high.
And none of us know what they did before their time to die!
I’m not sure if it matters? Our master knows what’s best.
And everyone who loved Him will surely pass His test.
There has to be surprises! Who listened to His call?
The big surprise for me will be that I am there at all!
I know I don’t deserve it. It’s only by His grace
That there can be the slightest chance, I might access that place.
I’m sure it will be wonderful; beyond what I can think;
And He’ll transform each one of us far quicker than a wink!
I wonder what He’ll look like. But this I understand.
There still will be the nail prints in both His feet and hands.
I cannot guess their purpose, but this I know for sure.
Each time I get a glimpse of them, I’ll think what He endured,
So the people He’s redeemed, forever more can see,
How much the Master suffered, for folk like you and me.
I know He’ll wash away our tears. But I’ll still want to cry,
“O God, You did all this for me; a sinner such as I?”
For as I think about it now, my eyes just fill with tears.
Thinking just how much You’ve done to drive away our fears.
Perhaps I’m thinking far too much about this great event.
And tremble as I realise that this is heaven sent.
It’s time to get excited, because He’s coming soon.
The thought of a new body. It makes me want to swoon.
To be a brand new man again; once more back in my prime!
Renewed to be like Jesus! O what a thought Divine!
Jim Strickland – Written Thursday 26th January 2012