Saturday, May 28, 2011


We talk about “role-models” and the people we revere;
The people we would emulate each day throughout the year.
We speak of the example that men of God have set.
And trust that in our lifetime their standards will be met.
But they could be a criminal, a murderer, a thief.
Or even worse a con-man or a Russian Mafia chief.
The problem is in knowing the sinner from the saint.
For none of us are perfect no matter how we paint,
Ourselves in our disguises; that only runs skin deep;
The truth’s in our behaviour; and words are often cheap.
As Paul told the Philippians, it’s conduct that reveals,
If we are Christ’s disciples; for talking can conceal,
To whom we are committed. But it’s the things we do,
That shows the world our nature, albeit false or true!
And it is by their conduct Christ’s enemies are seen.
They’re headed for destruction for what they’ve really been.
The god they serve is appetite; they brag of shameful things.
They focus on their earthly life; not what salvation brings!
They don’t leave godless living or sinfulness behind.
This evil world’s controlling them; to righteousness they’re blind.
Instead of a devotion to Jesus and His law,
They hunger after wickedness; pursue it more and more.
But some of us know better; we’re looking for the day,
When Jesus will come back again and be with us to stay.
And while we are awaiting the coming of the Lord
The deeds that we are doing are always in accord
With what He has desired. For He has set us free,
From following a life of sin to living righteously.
We’re seeking after Godliness and longing to be pure.
We want to be at peace with God and willingly endure,
The trials of His way of life and our salvation’s goal,
Of following the Master with body, mind and soul!
For He is our role model; we follow every day,
The life He has prescribed for us; the straight and narrow way.
For someday all His followers together will proclaim,
“This is our God! We trusted Him!” and by His Holy Name,
He’s brought us the salvation that only He can bring.
“We trusted Him!; He saved us! He is the Christ, Our King!”
Our life style wasn’t wasted. He showed the way ahead.
We only had to follow Him and do the things He said.
Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 28 May 2011