Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Whoever’s heard of writing in a language that’s unknown?
Ever seen a hand that’s writing totally alone?
They couldn’t see a body and thought there’s no one there.
So they were all astonished as they began to stare.
They only saw the writing and what was on the wall;

But no one could interpret it; that scared them one and all.
The leader of the party was Belshazzar the King!
He knew that in the strangest way these words were meant for him
He may have been the master of the world as they knew then;
But this was in a language way out beyond his ken.
He had to understand it. The words that all could see.
Were more incomprehensible than words could ever be.
Who could tell the meaning? Who’d open up this door?
Then someone thought of Daniel and what he’d done before.
He’d told Nebuchadnezzar of what he’d dreamed at night.
When no one in the empire could get the story right.
But Daniel was an old man. If he was not deceased.
But he was worth their looking for to say the very least.
So Daniel came and looked at what was written on the wall.
He knew that God would tell him if, on His name he’d call.
Mene, Mene Tekel the meaning wasn’t dim.
And at the sentence ending the word was Uparsin. (Some translations state Parsin)
Daniel took his courage and trusted in his God.
Please reveal the meaning to this Babylonian clod.
Mene” – You’ve been numbered. Your reign is at an end.
Tekel” meant the king was weighed, on that he could depend.
It’s clear he had not measured up to what the Lord desired.
His reign would soon be ended, the way the Lord required.
Uparsin” meant divided, His kingdom soon would fall.
The Medes and Persian army would invade and take it all!
We know what happened later. King Darius the Mede
Invaded Babylonia and he was king indeed.
He made a fuss of Daniel and gave him a promotion.
A most exalted ruler, because of his devotion.
Devotion to the God who’d told him what the message meant.
So Daniel was rewarded for the message God had sent.
He’d go down in history as a prophet of the Lord;
And when he meets with Jesus, He’ll get his just reward.
Jim Strickland – written Thursday, 08 September 2011