Tuesday, November 22, 2011


When we think of protection, what do we have in mind?
A special type of glasses to stop us going blind?
Perhaps a special hearing aid to keep the volume low?
And then there is God’s armour to keep us on the go.
We know that this will help us. But we are flesh and bone.
A very small car accident could leave us on our own.
Our fear of drunken drivers is very, very real.
They take the lives of many folk inside their cage of steel.
The wars that we have heard about and some of us have seen,
Remind us of our frailty and how exposed we’ve been.
We think it is a lottery. The ones we sat beside,
Have vanished like the morning mist as all of them have died.
We hold on tight to what we have. We say that life is sweet.
But every one of us some day the Lord our God will meet.
We think we are protected from every sort of harm;
Provided we are carrying our favourite lucky charm.
Never go out in the cold without your woollen vest.
When you go to functions make sure you are well dressed.
But this is not protection! It’s leaving things to luck!
That in the face of danger that you know when to duck.
But there is a much better way, a way that’s guaranteed.
A way to get assistance, when in your time of need.
Turn to God Almighty and there beneath His wing,
You’ll find there is an answer to each and everything.
His armour will protect you. His life will be in you.
You’ll find His promise faithful in everything you do.
No enemy will harm you. For if they even try,
They’ll find they are attacking the apple of His eye.
No matter what is happening, if you will just stand firm.
You’ll find that His salvation will last an extra term.
In trouble He’s your refuge; your overwhelming strength.
No matter what’s confronting you, He’ll go to any length
To keep away the arrows which fly at you at night.
The power of His Spirit will put your foes to flight.
So do not be discouraged and do not be dismayed.
There is no need to tremble; no need to be afraid.
For you will find Him with you and granting you His peace.
This is your true protection which nevermore need cease.
Jim Strickland – Written 23rd November 2011