Monday, December 12, 2011


They call it perseverance. The will to carry on,
When things appear impossible and all your hope is gone.
It’s digging deep inside yourself to see what you can find;
And think whatever happens, you really do not mind.
Not many of us get there. Not many stay the course.
It’s easier to fall away, than battle to the source
Of what is right behind it. For some will not endure,
The effort that is needed to keep on being pure.
And yet there is a problem; unless our course is just,
The outcome of our action will see us going bust!
For others won’t support you, unless they too can see,
That if they keep on trying, they’ll get the victory.
Now this can never happen, unless God is on your side.
Its pointless persevering, no matter how you’ve tried.
But when our chief objective is the glory of His Son,
We have the motivation to keep on keeping on.
There’s only one conclusion, each one of us can reach.
If Jesus and His Gospel is the purpose of our speech,
Then He will be behind us in everything we do;
And what we’re persevering for will certainly come true.
So let us fix our eyes upon the God Who reigns on High.
Make it our ambition to serve Him till we die.
Then anything that Satan will use to make us stop,
Will, by our perseverance, cause all his schemes to flop.
So focus upon Jesus. You won’t be led astray.
Unless your perseverance is pointed in His way,
Your energy is wasted. For no one else but He,
Can come with the solution that He requires you see.
He is the only Person Who can give you joy in grief.
And when you’re at your weakest, His strength will bring relief.
You’ll be an Oak of Righteousness, a planting of the Lord.
His glory will be on display and He will be adored,
By Jews as well as Gentiles. For in Him they’ll be one.
He’ll help them fight the fight of faith if they will carry on.
And they’ll be compensated ; their perseverance crowned,
With everything He’s promised and all that can be found,
Described within the Scripture; this will be the reward,
For persevering in the faith and serving Christ the Lord.
Jim Strickland – Written 13th December 2011