Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Can anyone be righteous? If so, how can we tell,
If they have got a holy heart and live it out as well?
For righteousness implies a life that pleases God Most High.
Can anybody live like that? Can anybody try?
We think it is impossible, for we were born in sin.
This contradicts all righteousness and shows the mess we’re in.
Yet many people long for it and think it’s not in vain;
So they will go to any length and pass through any pain,
If they could only get there. They’ll sleep on beds of nails.
They’d run barefoot on broken glass. But they are bound to fail.
It’s not something that we can do! It doesn’t work that way.
For righteousness comes from the Lord to people every day.
It seems that we’ve forgotten what Jeremiah said.
His said the Lord would send a King who in God’s ways was led.
That He would reign in righteousness, like no one else could do.
And He would have a special Name; “Jehovah Tsidkenu”.
The Lord our Righteousness would be the King from David’s line.
He’d reign and rule in wisdom and do it for all time.
Judah - find salvation; and Israel be safe;
And those who loved His righteous rule would find it didn’t chafe.
He’ll rule the land with justice and righteousness would shine.
So even far off Gentiles would know He is Divine.
But here is something beautiful, which ought to thrill us all.
That He would give His righteousness, to anyone who’d call,
And know Him as their Saviour. They’d get it as a gift.
And if they’d try and live that way, they’d find their burden lift.
They’d get it by Divine exchange. Their sins He would acquire.
He’d give to them His righteousness. Far more than we require.
Of course it sounds impossible. That’s true in many ways;
But not when we are dealing with the God of endless days!
Some think it is immoral for Him to take our sin.
And give us all His righteousness. But who can fight with Him?
He didn’t have to do it and it was His idea.
He thought that it was justified to let us all draw near.
His righteousness is infinite. Our sin is much, much less.
So giving us His righteousness would clear away our mess.
We all forget infinity can never be reduced.
No matter how much sin we had, from which we were now loosed,
The righteousness that He possessed would not reduce at all!
So any man may come to Him and on His Name can call.
And He will take their wickedness and melt it like the snow.
And when He gives His righteousness, no man would ever know!
So where will I find righteousness? He’s given it to me.
And there are countless millions who’ve also been set free.
And He is just as righteous as what He was before.
O Lord please help me walk in it and help when I need more.
Jim Strickland – Written 7th December 2011