Friday, July 8, 2011


One hundred thousand million rand is what some folk would pay,
To buy for them the righteousness they long for every day.
The cost is astronomical. But some would call it cheap,
If by this cash transaction God’s righteousness they’d reap.
Perhaps some could afford it, but I’m not one of those.
They’d swim in baths of perfume to smell just like a rose.
If all the road to Cape Town was paved with broken glass,
Some people would crawl all the way if that would be a pass.
What do we do with hidden sin that haunts us day and night?
We’ve sinned against the Lord Most High and cannot get things right.
We’ve sinned against the Father. What is there we can do?
So I deserve Your Judgement for what is done to You.
I know that I’m a rebel. Sin is my favourite fruit.
I long to keep on doing it. It makes me feel so cute.
So I admit this morning, I’m in a dreadful place.
My sin is like a mountain and Lord, I need your grace.
We wonder what will happen and what the Lord will do.
Perhaps He will forget it? That never will be true.
There’s not one sin committed that God will overlook.
He has them all recorded in His Great Record Book.
Each one will have a consequence. Each one exacts a price.
Some one has to pay the bill and it will not look nice.
To God this was a “problem” He loved His people dear.
He wanted them to be with Him, but couldn’t let them near.
His “problem” was insoluble, At leat that’s what it seemed.
For Him it wasn’t difficult. “I’ll pay the bill” He schemed.
The debt was astronomical; The cost would make us weep.
But in the Lord’s economy, some people think it’s cheap!
And thus it was decided. He sent His Son down here.
To pay the total cost of sin. And made it very clear,
That those who come to Jesus, His Precious Son and Heir,
Would all receive forgiveness and be without a care.
The “Deal” would be so simple, That anyone could do,
Exactly what was needed to make God’s “dream” come true.
Men think it’s far too easy. They didn‘t pay a cent.
They get it as a gift of Grace, a “deal” that’s heaven sent.
They can’t believe the Father will ever be this “good”.
They surely have to play a part. At least they think they should.
And so we have salvation; a product of His grace.
Not one of us could do it. It’s more than we can face.
So this is now the Gospel. The very finest news.
He’s done all that is needed. Accept it or refuse!
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 08 July 2011