Friday, July 15, 2011


There’s much misunderstanding of the will of God today.
You hear it all around you by the things which Christians say.
You must be in the centre of the Father’s perfect will.
“I cannot go on holiday. I cannot go until,
I’ve checked it out with Jesus to say that I can go.”
“I wore a purple shirt today. The Master told me so.”
I’m sure you’ve seen the problem and it’s puzzled you as well.
So why is God’s direction so difficult to tell?
The first thing you must realise is you’re not a machine.
Instead you are a creature with a mind that’s sharp and keen.
That’s what the Lord intended. He’s given you a mind.
He hasn’t made a puppet. That’ not what He designed.
The pinnacle creation has a sovereign right to choose.
You’re not some sort of robot with a bunch of don’ts and do’s.
He placed a head upon you and right between your ears,
You have a certain something that will carry on for years.
It never was intended just to keep your ears apart.
He wants us to make use of it and wants you to be smart.
He wants you to make choices as you wander through the day.
Using your intelligence to keep you on the way.
It really doesn‘t matter the school to which you go.
He wants you educated so that you will always know,
The route that He’s intended to use the gifts He gave.
And that’s what He’s expecting from the cradle to the grave.
He also gave you something to help you do what’s right.
The Bible is the code book for walking in His light.
But you have got to read it so that you can put in place,
The principles intended for all that you must face.
It’s right to make decisions. That’s how you have to go.
He’ll make use of your errors for that is how you grow.
Both books of Thessalonians are clear as clear can be
They tell us of the will of God so unmistakeably.
It never was a matter of the pair of socks to use.
And even the selection of the spouse whom you will choose!
He tells us, “be selective”! It’s you who must decide.
Choose a marriage partner, a husband or a bride,
In line with all the preferences He’s placed within your heart.
That will be the person to choose if you are smart.
Ask for His opinion. He’ll tell you what you need.
But you make the decision. It’s you that does the deed!
Go to university, if that is what you desire.
Be a racing driver; if that’s what you aspire.
Talk things over with Him in humility and prayer.
Then He’ll show the way whereby it’s easy to get there.
Jim Strickland – written Friday, 15 July 2011