Time with Jesus - Thursday, 14 February 2013
Hi all,

Jim & Phyllida Strickland
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
Time with Jesus – Thursday, 14 February 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright
protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it
is for non-commercial Christian purposes
The Water Supporter
is not exactly my favourite topic. However, over the past fifty years or so,
it has become a necessary part of life. Perhaps the best illustration of this
is petrol for the car (gas for the automobile for the Yank’s). Those who have
only an “itsy-bitsy” knowledge would be careful to fill up before the car ran
out of “juice”. No one I know is keen on spending half the night somewhere
between Laingsburg and Beaufort West because the “tank ran dry”. For much the
same sort of reason, the housewife generally ensures, there is sufficient to
eat every day. Hungry children are inclined to be a bit grumpy! Oddly enough,
husbands don’t like it either.
years ago, I went on a course on what was called, “Supply Side Management”. I
found it was just another word for planning ahead. Mind you, I need to be
careful. There are professors of this stuff out there, who would have my guts
for garters, if they thought I was demeaning their expertise.
forward planning stuff helps you get prepared for each and every eventuality,
most of which alternatives, are never likely to occur anyway. One much loved
model was called, “Just in time” (JIT). The theory was, that as the last one
was taken away, the next one arrived in the warehouse. I liked this theory.
It’s wonderfully God-fearing. Only God can arrange anything that works like
that, 100% of the time.
By coincidence, I went to the course at about the
same time as I was reading the book of Exodus. Almost everything in that book
occurred JIT. At the time, I had the idea, that Jesus was the best JIT
specialist, this world has ever known. He is never early or late. With timing
accurate to the nearest tenth of a millisecond, things were there as needed.
Now that’s JIT. For me it now stands for “Jesus is Terrific”.
By way
of explanation, if there were 2 million people each needing 2,5 litres of
water per day – It was very hot; they would need 5 million litres of water
per day. Now that’s a lot of water. In simple terms, that’s 2,5 million
plastic milk containers? Where would you carry them? Certainly not on a Coke
we’ve all heard the story of the manna in the Wilderness. It was there every
morning on cue. There was never too much or too little. On Friday’s there was
enough to collect for two days. There was none on the Sabbath. What is not
mentioned is water supply. Obviously, it wasn’t a problem through most of the
journey. Why or why not, I asked myself? Then the penny dropped! It was not
mentioned, because it wasn’t a problem (after Marah). So who was their water
supporter? Only God could handle such a demand. Just don’t ask me how.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland
20 The LORD spoke to Aaron. He said, "You will
not receive any part of the land I am giving to Israel. You will not have any
share among them. I am your share. I am what you
will receive among the people of Israel.
18:20 NIrV
25 Whom have I in heaven
but You? I desire You more than anything on earth. 26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but
God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever. 27
Those who desert Him will perish, for You destroy those who abandon You
73:25-27 NLT
5 LORD, You alone are my
inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. 6
The land You have given me is a pleasant land.
What a wonderful inheritance!
16:5-6 NLT
24 "The LORD is my
portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."
25 The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who
seeks him.
3:24-25 ESV
111 Your written
instructions are mine forever. They are the joy of my heart. 112
I have decided to obey your laws. They offer a reward that never ends.
119:111-112 GW
A psalm of David, regarding a time when David was in
the wilderness of Judah. 1 O God, You are my God; I earnestly search for You. My
soul thirsts for You; my whole body longs for You in this parched and weary
land where there is no water.
63:1 NLT
6 I lie awake thinking of You, meditating on You
through the night. 7 Because You are
my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of Your wings. 8 I
cling to You; Your strong right hand holds me securely. 9 But
those plotting to destroy me will come to ruin. They will go down into the
depths of the earth.
63:6-9 NLT
16 My lover is mine, and I
am his. He browses among the lilies. 17 Before the dawn breezes
blow and the night shadows flee, return to me, my love, like a gazelle or a
young stag on the rugged mountains.
SoS 2:16-17 NLT
They wandered through the desert, for
nearly forty years.
There were two million people, is what
it now appears.
Six hundred thousand menfolk, their
children and their wives
Made up the total number. That’s what
my maths derives.
And then there were the animals; the
many flocks and herds.
The cost of feeding all of them can’t
be expressed in words!
The people lived on manna; it was
their daily food.
They ate it boiled, or baked, or
fried, or on occasions, stewed!
The problem would be water. The people
had to drink.
To keep the people healthy and living
in the pink,
Would be a major factor. So how much
was required,
To keep the people going before they
all expired?
It’s difficult to estimate; the land
was hot and dry.
They had their “air conditioning” from
God up in the sky.
The fiery pillar warmed them, right through
the long cold nights;
The cloud that covered them by day
kept their conditions right.
But they all needed water, three
litres each per day.
About six mega litres approximately –
Now that’s a lot of water. Enough to
fill a boat,
The size of the Titanic or keep the
thing afloat.
I’ve wondered where it came from.
There wasn’t much around.
It couldn’t be a trickle that came up
from the ground.
For God it was no problem. He speaks
and instantly,
They’d always have enough to drink no
matter where they’d be.
But did the Lord bring rain clouds? I
don’t think it was so.
The Bible then would tell us, so
everyone could know.
They’d need a daily miracle. The manna
came that way.
But water doesn’t come in blocks; not
even in that day!
And what about the buckets that they
would have to fill?
That’s also not an option to satisfy
this bill.
The only way to do it, as far as I can
Was that they didn’t draw it, from any
desert well.
Perhaps just like the jar of oil that
didn’t once run dry,
The Lord filled their containers with
a similar supply?
I know I am not certain. It’s only
just a guess.
But how could the Creator fix their
little mess?
If you know something better, please
won’t you tell us all?
The problem has been stated. My
friends, it’s now your call.
14th February 2012