Saturday, March 24, 2012


Time with Jesus - Sunday, 25 March 2012
Hi all,
It’s time to be different again. There are Eight Scriptures for the Evening so it was a question of quoting all eight in limerick style. For clarity the Scriptures are listed from A to H as is their respective limericks.
Finding a title for the poetry is a problem as usual. As a result, “Deep water planting” is a sort of a “catch all” that doesn’t catch all. This style is slightly more difficult to write, but it was fun anyway.
I’ve often wondered what exactly took place on the shore when Jesus told them to “go out into deep water to catch some fish”. Why did Jesus do this? Was He trying to embarrass Peter and the other fishermen? I don’t think so. It took place fairly early in His ministry. So I thought perhaps it was His way of paying Peter for the use of his boat that morning. As a carpenter, He would have been aware of good business practices. Similarly He may have wanted to demonstrate His authority, even over the fish in the lake. Another possibility is that since His time of speaking was over, the time was right for Peter to take charge of the boat again.
Peter’s reply is fascinating. The crowd had not yet departed. Many, if not most of them, were fishermen. Now Peter knew about fishing. You don’t go fishing at that time of the day. Experience had demonstrated that conclusively. So here he was, a thoroughly experienced fisherman, being told to go out and put down the nets! I can almost hear him say under his breath. “What a waste of time. We won’t catch anything. Many have tried it and it’s made them look like fools. So how do I do what Jesus says without other fishermen thinking I’m a fool”. To make the point, he says in a loud voice, “OK Lord we will do it because you say so”. Peter wanted to make sure all the fishermen present knew this was not Peter’s idea. He was just doing what he had been asked.
What we see next is what happens with us regularly. We are told to do something that others will think looks silly. That’s when the blessing comes. It’s clear, if they had not gone out to try again on His instructions, there would have been no fish caught. It’s a bit like Naaman being told to wash seven times in the Jordan. 10 But Elisha sent a messenger out to him with this message: "Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River. Then your skin will be restored, and you will be healed of your leprosy." 2 Kings 5:10 NLT
The end result for his obedience to God via Elisha was being cleansed of his leprosy. No other place for washing would work. Only after seven times in the Jordan did it happen. Six washings would not have been sufficient. Naaman must have thought he looked like a fool. Peter had similar misgivings. Peter had a huge catch! Naaman was cleansed. Obedience to the Lord always leads to blessings.
There are countless similar stories in Christianity. By allowing themselves to look foolish and weak, God’s power and strength was manifest! Our embarrassment is the least of His concerns. Obedience is what matters.
Thank you Peter for such a magnificent illustration of success coming from obedience.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Deep Water and Planting

“Go out into deep water and there let down your net”.
“We’ve worked all night,            
Without a bite,      
And we’ve caught nothing yet”.

“But Teacher, since You’re asking, we’ll do it once again.
Just as You wish.
We know the fish,
You stick with catching men”.

Reluctantly they did it. The nets went down once more.
They got a catch,
They couldn’t match.
Above what they could draw.

Just like God’s Holy Kingdom, with nets thrown in the sea.
They’ll take on board,           
The Slaves and Lords,
From each society.
Christ has all authority in heaven and on land.
Go and equip,                  

To folk on every hand.
“Teach them to observe the things I have commanded you.
Baptise each one,
Excluding none,
Is what you are to do”.
“Tell them I am with them wherever they may be.
My Spirit’s care
is everywhere;
The Holy Trinity,
He never will desert them and leave them on the shelf.
If they will just,
Give Me their trust.
I’ll Love them as Myself!”
“I have to preach the Gospel; there really is no choice.
There is no fee,                        
To pay to me.     
I have to use my voice,

To bring the people tidings of what the Lord has done.
Without a doubt,
I must speak out,
About God’s Holy Son”.

“I share in people’s weakness to draw them to the Lord.
I’ll be like them,           
To win the men,
And Christ can be adored!
Let us not grow weary of doing what is right.
We’ll reap a crop,             
Whom none can stop,
In God the Father’s sight!”

“The Words that I have spoken are never old and stale.
All men will see,               
What I decree,
And not one word will fail.

For I will make it prosper and achieve what I intend.
Man can’t resist .
My iron fist,
‘Till worlds without and end.”
“Who cares who does the planting? God makes the seeds to grow.
Without a doubt,
Each seed will sprout.               H
For God has made it so.
But planting and the watering God’s given unto man.
We play our part,
And see the start,
Of God Almighty’s plan!”
Jim Strickland – Written Sunday 25th March 2012