Sunday, February 5, 2012


Time with Jesus - Monday, 06 February 2012
Hi all,
How many of us remember the choruses we sang as children? For me there is one or two I remember sketchily. Included in one of them are the words, “He’s the Lily of the Valley, He’s the bright and morning star, He’s the fairest of ten thousand.” I’d love to remember the rest of the words but each time I try to recall them I get muddled up with “What a friend we have in Jesus”; which is rather a good place to get muddled!
There was a time when the meaning of “He’s the bright and morning star” puzzled me. Why would He be called the bright and morning star? In the beginning I thought it referred to Venus, the planet that appears just before sunrise and is sometimes called the morning star. But there is another and perhaps better understanding. 
During the night when we look at the stars, some are brighter than others. Then dawn approaches. One by one all the stars appear to switch off. They are still there, but we cannot see them because of the brightness of our sun. Finally, all the stars but one have “switched off”. This one seems to be reluctant to go out. This is the one that is sometimes referred to as the bright and morning star.
What is so attractive about this concept is to think of all the men and women who have lived and shone brightly on the stage of life for many years. Churchill, Napoleon, Julius Caesar. There are many such people. Slowly but surely in the light of God they have vanished. Rather like a star that seems to have been switched off. Finally, when all the other stars have disappeared, only one remains; that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
During our few brief years on this planet, we tend to follow those whom we regard as stars; Pop-stars; Rock-stars; popular actors and actresses. Each of them in turn has “shone” in the dark. But the passing of time causes them to lose their brightness and significance. An example that springs to mind is Bing Crosby. Internationally known and recognised during his day, he has faded from the scene and is probably only remembered for “Dreaming of a White Christmas”.
Then there is the only real superstar who shines brightly forever. He is the Lord Jesus Christ. Some 2000 years after His crucifixion, His Light still shines as brightly as ever. But it’s not surprising. After all, He is God!
This morning’s meditation looks at the Morning Star in a bit more detail.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

The Morning Star

Jesus, without question, is the bright and morning star.
We look up to the heavens; we can’t see very far.
But early in the morning, just at the break of day,
It seems as though the heavens are melting far away.
An optical illusion is what is taking place.
Perhaps we cannot see them, but they are all in space.
The stars begin to vanish, with the approach of light;
Until there’s one remaining from what was seen all night.
The “morning star” we call it. It simply scintillates,
As though it is revealing the way to heaven’s gates.
It’s just imagination. But many think it’s true.
Perhaps it is a reference, O Lord my God, to You?
Could it be a parable repeated every day?
The stars within our galaxy, keep vanishing away;
Like the many “heroes” who have ruled the realms of men.
They keep on disappearing and will not shine again.
Men like Aristotle, Nero and the Hun.
They’ve had their time of brightness and now their time is done.
But Jesus is the morning star. He never fades away.
And everyone can see Him, just at the break of day.
This tells us He is reigning and He will carry on,
When all our so called superstars have faded and have gone.
The fact we have forgotten? He is the source of light.
And even in the darkness He shines, forever bright.
He stays within our vision, right to the very end,
Because He is the Saviour, on whom we can depend.
There’s multitudes of other stars men look upon and serve.
But they are unreliable. Perhaps they have the nerve,
To try and deviate us from Christ, the only One,
Who always will outshine them when they are dead gone.
So let us all take courage and let us face the fact.
Jesus is the only One, Who has the power to act;
To take us all to dwell where He is shining ever bright.
Not only when the sun has set and given place to night;
But like a mighty beacon that dominates the sky!
The Master of the Universe Who will not ever die.
For man can see His brightness, revealed to you and me;
Shining in His brilliance for all eternity.
Jim Strickland – Written Monday 6th February 2012.