Wednesday, June 22, 2011


He’s called the Holy Spirit; the God Who’s everywhere.
No matter what you say or think, the Holy Spirit’s there.
The middle of the brightest star; that place is not exempt.
The power of the universe. No one has every dreamt,
Of any place where He is not. No person can conceive,
Of anywhere He isn’t. No force can make Him leave.
He’s like a throbbing dynamo that cannot controlled
The Member of the Trinity with qualities untold,
Who flows between the Father and His Most Precious Son;
The mighty energy by which the universe is run.
And yet He is a Person, He isn’t just a force.
He has a personality He’s not just a resource.
He’s quite incomprehensible to feeble human minds.
Could you describe a sunset to somebody born blind?
He always has existed. When time and space were made,
He caused it all to happen. God spoke – it was obeyed!
He’s always been amongst us. Old Testament and New,
Describe what He was doing and what He would still do.
Before the death of Jesus, He mainly came upon,
The kings and priests and prophets; they spoke and He was gone.
That’s how God’s Word informs us that “prophecy” took place.
He hardly ever dwelled within that fallen human race.
But when the Lord ascended, a new phase was begun.
He came to dwell inside those committed to God’s Son.
For Jesus Christ had promised His Spirit would indwell,
The ones who had believed in Him and cut their ties with Hell.
So now in the New Testament we see what He can do.
He sends His Holy Spirit to dwell inside of you.
He comes with all His power. He is our “paraclete”
Our Advocate, our Holy Guide, our Escort Who can beat
Anyone who’s influenced by Satan’s wicked touch.
The Holy Spirit active in a Christian is too much
For Satan and his forces to ever overpower.
In Jesus Christ we’ve all become a Holy Spirit tower,
That reaches to the heavens and Satan can’t defeat.
The only “weapon” he can use for Christians to beat
Is if we start believing deception and his lies.
Which merely are his demons approaching in disguise.
So let the Holy Spirit do His work through you.
He is the Christian’s victory in all we say and do.
Let us all take courage. Stand strong and firm and tall.
Jesus and His Spirit will never let you fall.
And when the battle’s over, as soon as you have won,
Give glory to the Father, His Spirit and His Son.
Jim Strickland – written Thursday, 23 June 2011