Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Humility, humility, If only I could see
A sense of deep humility at work inside of me.
But like so many others who want to serve the Lord,
Humility is something so few of us have stored.
Instead of deep humility and seeking to be true,
There’s evidence of arrogance in all we say and do.
We’ve learned this little lesson, by what is all around.
It’s typical of what is taught in ways that are profound.
Why bother about others. Claw all of them aside;
You’re better than the rest of them so arm yourself with pride.
Let them know you’re different. You are a self made man!
Do anything you want to do with anything you can!
Ooze with your self-confidence. Rise above the rest.
Who can ever stop you, for surely you’re the best!
This sort of thing is what is taught by our psychologists.
Of course it’s very popular, but think of what’s been missed.
No longer do we serve the Lord. We serve ourselves instead!
But who will solve their problems the instant they are dead?
Self confidence is garbage, if self is all we see.
The self must first be crucified. That’s how it has to be.
We’re told to look at others as better than we are.
In fact we find our purpose when Jesus is our star!
He’s all Who really matters. We find our life in Him.
Unless we’re serving Jesus, there’s no way we can win.
And this requires humility in all we say and do.
This means to look at others and not just look at you.
Of course it’s very difficult when we’re consumed with pride.
But if we do not do it, we will be set aside.
I’m not the most important; though that sticks in our craw.
But that is what our Master taught; we don’t need any more.
So practice being humble. It isn’t hard to do.
Serve your fellow Christians and take your eyes off you!
Don’t promote your purpose. It may not be your time.
Give to those who ask of you. Don’t tip them with a dime.
If they want to take your coat, give them your suit as well.
Don’t resort to gossip. The truth’s what you must tell.
If they think they are better than you, don’t disagree.
Let them do to you their worst; let only Jesus see.
Do not walk up to the front. The back seats are the best,

For those who want to serve the Lord and pass His “humble” test.
Be sure if you don’t do it, the Lord will intervene,
And you’ll be humbled by the Lord where every detail’s seen!
Jim Strickland – written Wednesday, 28 September 2011