Friday, April 6, 2012


Time with Jesus - Saturday, 07 April 2012
Hi all,
Patience is a virtue. That’s what we are told. The problem is endemic in today’s culture. “I want it and I want it now!” Alternatively, “Lord, please give me patience; quickly!” Of course, the Lord has us at a great disadvantage. He has all the time in the world. We don’t!
The fact is, God has everything under control and timed down to the smallest part of a nanosecond. But that seldom helps us. For example, in Genesis we learn: 13 Then the LORD said to Abram, "You can be sure that your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land, where they will be oppressed as slaves for 400 years. Gen 15:13 NLT Now I don’t want to be “picky”; but I’m not sure how I would feel if I was a slave. Then I found that there was a couple of hundred years still to go for me and my family. My comment would be something like this: “Lord, I know you have lots of time, but what do I tell my kids? It wouldn’t help, but it might make me feel a bit better.
In spite of all this, you and I have to get on with life. We either do so with enthusiasm and a passion for living, or we allow ourselves to sink into the slough of despond. The choice is ours. We can side with Solomon in his old age and say, 2 "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless." Eccl 1:2 TNIV or we can side with Jesus who said, 10 the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 TNIV
Our meditation looks at both aspects. We begin with a man asking “meaningless” questions; questions to which we have no answers. Then the tone changes and we meet the one Who is able to answer all questions; the One who wants us to have “abundant” life. The questions cannot be answered directly on this side of the grave. But the Lord has all the answers. The meditation concludes with Him giving us His assurance that all is well in Him and asking us to be a little patient.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Be a Little Patient!

Life is an enigma! No one seems to know,
The reason why somebody’s born: and why they have to go!
It seems so contradictory; we’re only born to die.
And no one I have known has ever said the reason why.
Are we just like the animals, who how have to find a mate,
To keep the species going and so they copulate?
Is this the only purpose? Then why be born at all?
Surely man’s extinction is better than his fall?
Why is it we continue? Why didn’t God see fit,
To finish with His creation and simply stop and quit?
I know these are big questions; but who can indicate,
His purpose in continuing with all our sin and hate?
How long has it been happening? About ten thousand years?
And man has still learned nothing; is how it now appears.
It’s like an endless treadmill that we can’t start or stop.
We’re born and keep on moving till finally we drop!
Where will we find the answer? Without theology,
Such questions can’t be answered; that’s how it seems to me.
God must have had a purpose; but where did it go wrong?
The fact is that the Father had known it all along.
It didn’t come and shock Him, or take Him by surprise.
He knew what Lucifer would say to spread his evil lies.
In fact He’d always known it. When Lucifer was made,
The Lord knew there would come a time when He was disobeyed.
That pride would be the reason for this archangel’s fall.
In spite of this, He knew that it was somehow worth it all.
The whole thing’s still in process. But Jesus knows the end.
It won‘t be interrupted; on this we can depend.
Some day the Lord will say to us, “My child can you now see,
It had to be all finalised to wind up history?
Look now at what has happened! See, It was all worthwhile!
Think back on your questioning. It’s sure to make you smile.
For sin and Satan’s empire, I had to bring to naught.
And that is why I came to earth. To fight the war I fought.
If I had quit the way you said, no one would ever see;
The awesomeness of Jesus and His Great Majesty!
While you were in the grip of time, I couldn’t then reveal,
The fullness of My purpose. You wouldn’t think it real!
How could it ever happen? But now it is so clear!
And in this new dimension, I am forever near!
So be a little patient and wait til time is done;
And you will have the answers directly from My Son.
Jim Strickland – Written Saturday 7th April 2012