Tuesday, July 5, 2011


There has to be a microphone that’s just above your head.
The words you say are listened to and taken down as said.
In some ways it would help you if you were deaf and mute.
Then nothing that you said could be contested in dispute.
Recorded is your snoring, although it sounds so bored.
And when you shout out in your sleep it’s noted by the Lord.
It’s noted when you’re happy. It’s noted when you’re sad.
All the good things that you say, along with all the bad.
It’s noticed when you’re blessing and also when you curse.
It’s all recorded in your book, each chapter and each verse.
I’m not sure if this bothers you. It surely bothers me.
The words I use of others are not complimentary,
At least on some occasions; and many times I lie.
The only reason that it’s done – please do not ask me why?
I think it makes impressions on folk I meet and see.
They have to get the right idea when they look at me.
So I’m evangelastic. I stretch the truth so tight
That people think I’m marvellous and always get things right.
I do not use foul language. I keep my comments clean.
But in the quiet of my house when I think I’m not seen
The coarsest of vulgarities keep flowing from my tongue.
I sing those ancient ballads that never should be sung.
I learned them as a young man. They’re etched into my mind.
I wish I could forget them, but they are not that kind.
So that is my confession. That’s what folk never see.
I think there’s lots of men out there who also are like me.
In some regards they’re better off. They’ve never known the Lord.
And so their conversation is permanently flawed.
But some of us know better. Their tongue has been controlled.
They know that ever words they speak are apples made of gold.
Their choicest words are brought forth upon a silver tray.
I wish that I could do it. Then I’d not go astray.
But I am in good company. The bulk of those who read
This very brief confession, will know they also need,
To take their tongues to somewhere to make them white as snow.
The problem is that just like me they don’t know where to go.
So Father God this morning set a guard before my lips.
The sort that will control my tongue from accidental slips.
I know that You can do it. I know You get things right.
I know You always speak the truth in clear and purest light.
And that is what I need today with many men out there.
There is no other way to give us speech beyond compare.
Jim Strickland – written Wednesday, 06 July 2011