Tuesday, September 20, 2011


One thing we know for certain; It’s that God cannot forget.
The Person who knows everything, and the enormous debt
The people have placed on Him. If memory could fail,
Then God would not be perfect, and we’re just as well in jail.
God has a perfect memory. No instance has gone by
That He cannot recall it, and tell the reason why.
But that’s to be expected from Divine Omniscience.
So how does that affect us? What is the consequence
Of coming to our Maker, and asking to be free,
If He cannot forget about what’s in our history?
The answer is quite simple. Because our God is King
He says He won’t remember that ugly dreadful thing.
It’s not that He’s forgotten it; that never could take place!
He says He won’t remember the source of our disgrace.
So if He won’t remember it, for us it is the same,
As if He had forgotten it. And that’s why Jesus came!
It wasn’t just a matter of setting sinners free;
But asking of His Father, Please block that memory.
It’s not that You’ve forgotten. It is a great deal more,
Than sitting on the sideline and adding up the score.
And just because He loves us He lays that all aside.
We know it’s not forgotten, but will not be applied!
Which means that for our purposes, the outcome is the same,
As it was forgotten and cleansed in Jesus Name.
The implications of this are surely staggering;
He welcomes us as children who have not committed sin.
His Son has worked a miracle. God’s memory’s in check.
And He will not recall it and lay it on our neck.
This means that everything we do has favour with the Lord.
We may think it’s disastrous but take Him at His Word.
He says our situation will always ‘come up trumps’,
While Jesus is our Master who deals with all the bumps!
So even though our bodies grow weaker day by day;
Our spirit man grows stronger in each and every way.
And though the opposition may last a little while;
We know that ultimately, we’ll look back and will smile.
So when we are confronted by troubles that annoy,
Aware that very shortly, our tears will turn to joy!
Our faith may have been tested but in it we have grown,
And we have learned endurance in ways we’ve never known.
Let us therefore be thankful; He’s perfecting us each day;
To be more like Him regardless, come what may!
Jim Strickland – written Wednesday, 21 September 2011