Sunday, January 29, 2012


Time with Jesus - Monday, 30 January 2012
Hi all,
As I looked at the evening Scriptures, I found I had a bit of a problem. Not with the Scriptures but with the theme behind them. They seemed to reflect discipline, suffering and God’s promises related to them. Since I’ve written a couple of meditations this year along these lines, I felt that something different was warranted.
To be different, I changed the style to truncated limericks and focused on God’s promises in each of the seven Scriptures. For identification purposes the Scriptures are numbered 1 to 7 and the limericks have the corresponding numbers.
As stated previously, God’s promises are nearly all conditional. If we do ------ God will do ------. One or two are “automatic”. The following from the book of Jeremiah is an example of this. 10 This is what the LORD says: "You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised and I will bring you home again. Jer 29:10 NLT The only “condition” appears to be the passing of time. However, if we look further back in history we will find that they went into exile because of God’s promises. God had told them through the prophets that if they were disobedient to Him, they would be thrown out of the Promised Land.
There is a tendency among Christians today to forget the less “favourable” of God’s promises. A good example is: 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom 6:23 NLT. This is a promise from God. Each and every one of us has sinned. Sure, some have sinned less than others. But it only takes one sin and the “reward” is death. These are our wages. We are always entitled to our wages. We work for them. So we will be paid in full. Just one sin is all it takes. God said so. So, in spite of hyperinflation or depreciation’ the “reward” is the same. So unless Jesus comes first, we are all going to die. It’s a “promise” from God; so much for the negative side.
On the positive side we have the promise of eternal life! Yes, it is conditional. But it is a promise. In a way it is God’s guarantee. We will all be resurrected; some to eternal life, others to the second death.
The most wonderful thing about this is that it applies to everyone. There is no pecking order. It’s true for the Pope the same as it is for me. It’s the same for Billy Graham as it is for Desmond Tutu. There is no favouritism. Personally, I’m glad it’s this way. Not glad we are going to die. I’m glad that we will all be treated the same way.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

His Promises

If you’ll depend upon the Lord,
His goodness will appear.          1
If you will wait,                    
He won’t be late.
You’ll find that He comes near.

Just wear His yoke of discipline,
Submitting from your youth.
Sit quietly,
And you will see,
The things He said as truth.
It never is too early,                    2
To train a Child God’s way.
You’ll never scold,
Him when he’s old;
He’ll follow Him each day.
The Lord will bring His discipline,                                     
And love to everyone.                 3
If you endure,
He’ll keep you pure.
You’ll want to carry on.

Yes, He corrects His children,
The way that fathers do.
And He will beat,
You on your seat.
To keep your lifestyle true.

Indeed the Lord is righteous,
And He will keep us right.
A holy life,
That’s free from strife,
He wants by day and night.
Before you made me suffer,
I’d wander and I’d stray.     4
Those days are gone,
I won’t go wrong.
With You I’ll always stay.

No longer can I ever be,
The way I was before.
For day and night,
You’re my delight.
While teaching me Your law.
The teaching You have given me,                                      5
Means more to me than gold.
You’ve filled my head,
With what You’ve said.
Your riches still unfold.
The Lord spoke to His people;                                6
When seventy years are done,
You will return,
From your sojourn,
Back home to Me you’ll run.
My plans bring satisfaction
And you’ll be glad to hear.
Till your release
You’ll know my peace
For I am always near.
A person who is humble     7   
Beneath God’s mighty hand
Will know His care
Regardless where
He goes within the land.
Jim Strickland - Written  Monday 30th Jan 2012