Friday, November 25, 2011


Is there a comparison between the Lord and me?
The Lord God is dimensionless, yet fills infinity.
That really is humungous! The Cosmos is in Him.
And we are like a grain of sand when all the lights go dim!
To say that man is nothing, suggests we have some worth.
But we’re less than an insect, when it has given birth.
So here then is the paradox. He is the Lord Most High
And we amount to nothing. Too small to catch His eye.
So when He says He “sees” us. His “vision” is acute,

To see us in infinity! But we cannot refute,
The fact that He created us. He made us out of dust.
It’s smaller than a grain of sand; and so my mind goes “bust”.
He sees us and He loves us. He says we’re His delight.
He says He’s going to marry us. Our troth to Him we’ll plight!
The whole thing seems incongruous. A tadpole and a whale!
How ever can the marriage work? It seems destined to fail.
But Jesus has no limits. With us He can relate.
So can we say our marriage is merely tempting fate?
Perhaps He has a microscope about as big as He.
How else could Jesus ever spot the likes of you and me?
But Jesus can do anything. He tells us not to fear.
He says He’s called us all by name and is forever near.
He tells us we’ve been ransomed. We’re His and His alone.
There’s no way to forget us. He has already shown,
That if a nursing mother, with her baby at her breast,
Forgets about her baby. That is the acid test.
She never will forget her babe. That’s how much Jesus cares,
For each and every Christian. That’s how His love compares,
For each one of His children. The nail-prints in His hands,
Are like some great engraving that we all understand.
He tells us that our houses are constantly in sight.
The walls that they are made of are always His delight.
We are His “Pocket money”. Although He owns it all;
We are the “special treasure” with whom He has a ball!
He says He has compassion like a father for a son.
Each one of us is “special”. No matter what we’ve done,
He longs to share each one of us. To take us to His Dad.
And live with Him forever. For dust, that’s not too bad!
Jim Strickland – Written 26th November 2011