Thursday, April 12, 2012


Time with Jesus - Friday, 13 April 2012
Hi all,
Trying to visualise something can be totally impossible. For example, before the Lord started creation, what, if anything existed? If we say nothing, does that include the “space” into which creation was “placed”? My supposition is that before creation, only the “spirit realm” existed. In other words, God created time, space and the material that fills the space. My logic is that if anything existed before creation, God would not have created it. In this way “space” would be infinite. But we know that only God is infinite. So the answer to the question, “What lies beyond the universe?” Will it be either infinity or God! If that doesn't makes sense, join the club.
So what took place when God began creation? “Light, be!” Is how some experts state it. It could well have been the “expression” God used to begin our time, space continuum. One of the biggest problems with this for me is the origin of darkness. Where did it come from? All we know is that God separated the light from the darkness. The light He called “day” and the darkness He called “night”.
Just to complicate all this, Scripture informs us 5 This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in Him at all. 1 John 1:5 NLT How all this fits together is beyond me.
Nevertheless, today’s Scriptures focus on light and darkness, day and night in the New Jerusalem. In this situation, the Bible gives us just enough information to stir our curiosity. I’ve no doubt that everything stated will be true. How it fits together is anybody’s guess. What we can say is that the truth will emerge into the light! For you and me it will be our own personal experience of, “Light be!”
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Light and Night

Right at the beginning, the Lord created light.
He separated darkness and called that darkness night.
So right from the beginning there were these two great fields.
The light by which all men can see; to it the darkness yields.
It only takes a little light to penetrate the dark.
A little ray of sunshine, perhaps a little spark,
A golden tinge of twilight, that heralds in the day,
Is quite enough to make the darkness turn and run away.
The Bible tells us clearly That God Himself is light!
Darkness is impossible when He comes into sight.
So when we live with Jesus, the light within Him shines.
Eliminating darkness because He is Divine.
This means when we are with Him, our vision will be clear.
Nothing can get to us when Jesus Christ is near.
So in the New Jerusalem, it is forever day;
Illuminated by the Lord; not in the present way.
The sun will not be needed. At night the moon won’t be,
Shining on the people, for all they need is Thee!
But Master, in the meantime, we are a chosen race.
We are the Royal Priesthood whom Jesus will embrace.
Your very own possession, where darkness cannot be,
Called to be proclaiming, Your Glorious Majesty!
Taking part in everything which You have called us to.
Rescued from dark dungeons, to always be with you.
Thank You Lord and Master for all that you have done.
Putting us forever in the Kingdom of Your Son.
Taken from the darkest pit where we were out of sight.
Lifted by your Spirit into realms of glorious light.
Father we remember, how bad we used to be.
Now in realms of glory we’ll stay eternally.
It seems to be ridiculous, that I committed sin;
And Jesus paid the price for all the mess that I was in!
I know that my salvation’s by grace and grace alone.
Indeed, I had no righteousness, at least none of my own,
And now, because of what He’s done, Your wrath won’t fall on me.
How can I ever thank You for what You’ve caused to be?
A monster of Iniquity; a candidate for hell
With You has now been reconciled! But why, I cannot tell?
Jim Strickland – Written Friday 13th April 2012