Friday, July 29, 2011


We wonder where we’re going and what we’re going to do.
We’ve all been seeking wisdom that will work for me and you.
The followers of Darwin say its millions of years.
A theory he concocted for atheistic fears.
But where can we find wisdom to sort this whole thing out?
Is everything evolving, or is this still in doubt?
The theory seemed a good one. The logic made good sense.
But Darwin’s theory’s bankrupt. The error is immense.
We’re starting to appreciate that science can be wrong.
That we were all created and to the Lord belong.
Darwin had a theory; but theories are not fact.
It’s only a hypothesis until its science backed.
That’s where it takes much wisdom to sort out the dreams of men,
And what the scientists declare as absolutely “gen”.
Where is the common ancestor they’ve talked about for years?
The only missing link we find is in between the ears.
So what has really happened? It’s you who must decide.
Is everything an accident as Darwin has implied?
To get an honest answer we must ask everyone;
If God created everything, where has this “science” gone?
It’s not an easy question. But all of us must pick,
Either we believe in God, or science that’s gone sick.
Believing nothing’s easy. God will not intervene.
But we have an inheritance that still remains unseen.
For God gives us a future where evolution fails.
The prospects for the Darwinist are simply fairy tales.
If everything is random, a sort of twist of fate,
Why does it make a difference to either love or hate?
If everything just vanishes when you are dead and gone,
Where will you find the purpose to simply carry on?
It makes a massive difference whatever you decide.
When all of life is over, you cannot run and hide.
But friend, if you believe in God, accountability
Is what He is expecting and that is what must be.
Of course you can ignore Him. But what if He is true?
Then you will be responsible for everything you do.
There isn’t an alternative. He is, or He is not.
Darwin or Christ Jesus. It puts you on the spot!
Jim Strickland – written Saturday, 30 July 2011