Friday, December 16, 2011


Time with Jesus - Saturday, 17 December 2011
Hi all,
Attached herewith, please find a copy of my latest Daily Light Meditation in rhyme and metre.
The people of God are divided into two camps. I’m referring to Bible believing Christians, not denominationalists and Roman Catholics. There are many beautiful born again, Bible Believing Christians in both. I am of course referring to Evangelicals and Charismatics. The division usually centres on the work of the Holy Spirit in the 21st century. Generally speaking, evangelicals believe that gifts of the Holy Spirit were no longer required after the apostles died and the New Testament was in the hands of the Church. These beautiful Christian men and women believe that the Bible is the Word of God. They believe in the inerrancy of Scripture and seek to live life as best they can in terms of Scripture. Generally they are well versed with the Old and New Testaments. In the main, experiences tend to be mistrusted. Indeed, they are inclined to say, “The Word says it; that settles it; I believe it. This group of people have much to be commended. To a large extent it is from this group of people that most of the evangelistic work of the 19th and early 20th century was carried out.
Generally, the Charismatic movement began early in the 20th century and gave birth to modern Pentecostalism. This group believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are alive and well today. They tend to be experiential and believe that the gifts did not cease with the receipt of the New Testament. There is evidence to suggest that the gifts of the Holy Spirit have been active throughout the past 2000 years in small pockets of born again Bible believing Christians. These men and women have been heavily persecuted by the church. Charismatics have faults primarily because of the way the gifts are abused. In some respects, many of the same excesses which prompted Paul to write his first letter to the Corinthians, is apparent today.
Personally, I believe that both streams need to be together. The Charismatics need the Biblical knowledge of the evangelicals. Likewise, the Evangelicals need the spontaneity of the Charismatics. My wife and I claim to be both. Charismatic-evangelicals,
This introduction is necessary because today’s Scriptures and meditation looks at the prayer in the Holy Spirit and leans more toward the Charismatic position. And yet, having said that, there is also a thread of the evangelical position.
The verse and rhyme content from previous days can be seen on my blog – http: //
Please forward my poetry to others you think would enjoy it. All I ask is that it is not used f or commercial purposes
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.


O Lord we come and pray to You, “Revive us once again.
We need to turn once more to You for all our hopes are vain.
O Lord of Heaven‘s Armies; please make Your face shine down.
Salvation is in no one else, in any earthly town.
Please send Your Holy Spirit; in Him alone is life.
Only speak Your Living Word and end our earthly strife.
We are all weak and helpless; we don’t know how to pray.
But when Your Spirit dwells in us, He knows just what to say.
We do not understand Him; His prayers are far too deep;
And when He groans inside us, those prayers are never cheap.
He knows our hidden motives; He knows what makes us tick.
To try and do without Him; that thought makes us feel sick.
Please come now Holy Spirit; Please come and intercede.
We cannot cope without You; You are the Lord indeed.
You know the circumstances; You know what’s going on.
And when Your Spirit in us prays; The problems are all gone!
In every situation Lord, we all make this request.
Help us pray for others, so that they may be blessed.
Help us change our focus and help us be alert.
How can we make a difference; if with this world we flirt?
Our flesh is not important; it will all pass away.
It’s only in the Spirit Lord, we benefit today.
And Lord the words You’ve spoken, alone can give us life.
No other factors matter; they only cause us strife.
O Father, by Your Spirit, You’ve caused us all to be,
Competent as ministers, of something new and free.
A wonderful new covenant, inscribed upon our hearts;
Where, by Your Holy Spirit, a brand new life now starts.
A life that’s filled with Jesus, Your Spirit and with You.
Where we can hear the Words You say and do what we should do.
A special place for meeting; a home where we can be,
Constantly united in love eternally;
Talking with the Living God and knowing You will hear,
The prayers that we are praying Lord, for You are always near.
And we will call You Father; Your Holy Name we’ll praise;
Your Spirit will empower us to speak of Jesus’ ways.
How else can we be faithful? How else can we be true?
Unless the Holy Trinity is Lord of all we do.”
Jim Strickland – Written 17th December 2011