Friday, October 11, 2013


Time with Jesus - 12 Oct 2013

Hi all,
I'm a conqueror and victorious;
I'm reigning with Jesus! 

I'm seated in Heavenly Places 
With Him, with Him! 
And the Kingdom of God 
Is within me, 
I know no defeat only Victory! 

For the Kingdom of God is within me 
I know no defeat but His 
Strength and Power! 
For He strengthens me, 
He strengthens me, 
With joy in my heart 
And Peace in my Soul, 
He strengthens me! 
Yes, I'm a conqueror, 
Reigning with Him 
Secure as the Blood of Jesus 
Cleanses me within!
Having been brought up on a “diet” of Hymns from the Methodist Hymn Book, (1936 edition) the songs of the Charismatic renewal; were very strange to me. 
Being accustomed to “Jesus lover of my soul”, “Abide with me”, “He who would true valour see” and “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine”, the freedom of the worship style and physical participation were strange. I’d never seen people worship with their hands in the air and a foot tapping rhythm. So when I heard people sing, “I’m a Conqueror” ......
It reminds me of an old story about the very enthusiastic lady who visited a denominational church while she was on holiday. She was exuberant, filled with energy and found it difficult to restrain her natural willingness to express herself as she usually did. She wasn’t quite sure where she should sit. Her charismatic friends normally jostled with each other for a place near the front. 
But since she was a stranger, she opted for a place somewhere in the middle, right next to the isle so that she could slip out if necessary. The fact that the congregation filled up from the back had her a bit puzzled. But she was comfortable where she was so felt there was no need to feel intimidated.
The hymns were slow and approached the level of boring. “Thank God for the choir” she said to herself. If they hadn’t been singing she would have been stuck. Even so, there were a couple of verses she recognised from her school days. 
These gave her the chance to sing lustily, in spite of the looks on the faces of the congregants sitting close to her.
Finally, the minister took his place in the pulpit. She responded to his, “Good morning!” in her usual boisterous manner. Then he began with his sermon. In spite of it being delivered in a monotone, she recognised some of his words. 
“Amen” she responded when she thought he had said something appropriate. “Praise the Lord” she commented in a loud voice as he continued. This she did as he proceeded with his sermon. In fact as her ear tuned in to his verbal delivery, she continued to interject with the occasional, “Hallelujah” or “Praise the Lord”. She was just getting into the swing of things when she felt the hand of a stranger tapping her on the shoulder. “We don’t praise the Lord in this church!” the man said.
In spite of our charismatic leanings, Phyllida and I spent several years in the Methodist Church. We found that our hearts were knitted with the people called Methodists. How this happened is an interesting story. We had just moved from Camden Power Station to Hendrina Power Station and were at something of a spiritual “loose end”.
Camden Power Station
That’s when the Lord told us, He wanted us to go back to our roots. We weren’t sure where that would be. My roots are in Methodism. Phyllida’s are in the Congregational and Anglican Church. We decided to settle the issue by “trying them both out” and see if we had any preference.  The next Sunday we went to the Anglican Church in Middleburg. For some reason, the service we attended happened to be one of the very old-fashioned services complete with participative singing from “Hymns Ancient and More Ancient”. On the way home after the service we were able to say with conviction, “This is not our roots”!

The next Sunday we went to the morning service in Middelburg Methodist Church. Our charismatic leaning prompted us to walk in and find seats in the front row. Like the lady in the above story, we got a few odd looks from others in the congregation. We had already decided that we would sing out and respond the way we usually did. You can do this easily from the front of the building. You can’t see the pained looks on the faces behind. 
The service that morning was conducted by the local Methodist Minister; a man whom we have both grown to love and value and with whom we have forged bonds of a firm friendship. On our way home that evening, we concluded we had found our roots.
The following day, I took Phyllida to Sandton Clinic for an operation. She was scheduled to be there for at least a week. The next morning, (Tuesday) I phoned and made an appointment to visit the minister in Middelburg. On Wednesday evening he and I met and had a long discussion. 

By the time I left for home, I’d signed up to be trained as a Methodist Local Preacher. Furthermore, I’d also signed Phyllida up for the same thing. Fortunately, we know each other well enough to be confident in the decisions we make. I’m glad I did. Phyllida has become an excellent preacher. She has all the qualities required for doing so.
Worldlings prize their gems of beauty,
Cling to gilded toys of dust;
Boast of wealth, and fame, & pleasure;
Only Jesus will I trust.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Only Jesus will I trust.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Only Jesus will I trust.
Since mine eyes were fixed on Jesus,
I’ve lost sight of all beside -
So enchained my spirit’s vision,
Looking at the Crucified.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Looking at the Crucified.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Looking at the Crucified.
 There is one thing the above mentioned lady in the story, along with Phyllida and I, have in common. It is our love for Jesus! Some would say we are passionate about God. Some go so far as to say that Jesus Christ and His Kingdom is our sole interest. What can we say about this? For as long as we can remember, He has been the focus of our lives. We can’t imagine life without Him.

By way of illustration, I’ve included a couple of verses from a Hymn called, “All for Jesus”. The words of the two verses describe what we both try to express albeit so inadequately. “Worldlings prize their gems of beauty; cling to gilded toys of dust; Boast of wealth, and fame, & pleasure; only Jesus will I trust. / Since mine eyes were fixed on Jesus, I’ve lost sight of all beside - So enchained my spirit’s vision, looking at the Crucified.” 
We have found experientially, that as we have looked to and at the Saviour, all else is valueless. He is the Pearl of infinite price. Everything else is insipid!

Jim & Phyllida Strickland

Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
Time with Jesus
12 Oct 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give
These devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it is for non-commercial Christian purposes
Childhood is very often a time of fantasy. I recall how, at a very young age, I started to read comics and newspaper cartoons. Back then, Prince Valiant was popular reading in the Sunday papers. I can’t recall who wrote the series back then. But I do notice that “Val” is more or less the same age as he is now. That was some 60 years ago. Val has clearly found the “elixir of youth”. Either that or it is now written by the original author’s grandson. “Val” was also connected with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table living in the kingdom of “Camelot”. I didn’t manage to figure out how it all fitted together; but it’s far better than RSA in the 21st century.
Chivalry was most important in that series. It was not only permitted, it was encouraged among youngsters of the 1950’s. Young men and boys automatically offered their seat on a bus to a lady. Not to do so was unthinkably. My dad “encouraged” this way of thinking. If I didn’t give a lady my seat, he would “visit” my seat; if you follow what I mean! It was always, “ladies first”. Always walk on the road side in the street if accompanying a lady. Help her by carrying heavy parcels. I was brought up with this behaviour and was disappointed when it passed away. To some extent the ladies changed this when “Women’s Lib” came on the scene. The comment at the time was “We are equal to men”! I found this rather sad. I’d been brought up to think that etiquette was more important than “women’s rights”. More than that! As a child I was taught that ladies were a slightly different and special species of humanity. As a young man I was supposed to treat a lady with dignity, courtesy and respect. Personally, I enjoyed doing so. That’s how men were supposed to treat women. Then “women’s lib” came in and turned everything on its head. That “kingdom” became a “queendom”. If you stood up for a lady on the bus, you were some sort of freak. More than that; some male would jump in before she was seated. You didn’t stand aside for a lady anymore. She became just another member of the melee, fighting to get into the lift or onto the bus. Today the situation has reached the point where heavily pregnant women remain standing on the underground trains, while young schoolboys sit and take no notice. That’s intolerable. Initiated by some female who no longer wanted to be thought of as special.
In my young days, we all lived in “Camelot”. This wasn’t a place; not even a mythical place. It was an attitude toward life and right living. Frankly, I loved it. Mostly, girls were safe in our company. Sure there were rapists back then. But nothing like it is today. We had a standard of behaviour that wasn’t exactly righteous. But it was respectful. It was a time of peace. The ladies enjoyed being ladies. We also had lots of fun together. They were happy days. Almost joy-filled. I think we were a lot closer to living in the Kingdom of God than today. Not in a place; in the heart!
Jim & Phyllida
10 May your kingdom come. May what you want to happen be done on earth as it is done in heaven.
Matthew 6:10 NIrV

The King is in His Kingdom. That’s what a Christian sees.
It isn’t food or drinking or doing what you please.
It isn’t a location; a geographic place.
It’s surely not a venue, in earthly time and space.
You needn’t travel anywhere, because it can’t be found.
But if you are a Christian, you’ll find it all around.
When you come to grips with it, you find it’s nothing less,
Than living for the Master in imputed righteousness.
The sort of righteous living, which no man can attain.
We find that all our efforts are absolutely vain.
But as we look to Jesus and let Him take control,
He gives to us His righteousness to permeate the soul.
Of course we don’t deserve it. It’s granted by His grace.
The finished work of Jesus by faith puts it in place.
He has made us righteous; our hearts are filled with peace.
Not the sort that varies as conflicts start and cease.
It is supernatural and no man understands.
It’s planted in our spirit by the Master’s loving hands.
Peace beyond our knowledge, or human circumstance.
Nothing that’s obtainable, by leaving things to chance.
These are from the Father, assisted by His Son;
Aided by the Spirit and the work in us He’s done.
Giving us a joy that fills our body, soul and heart.
Even overflowing and setting us apart,
From the none believers; and providing a desire,
That if they come to Jesus, He’ll set their hearts on fire,
The Kingdom is contagious. It’s something that is caught.
It is inexplicable and really can’t be taught.
It’s a life of holiness that other folk can see.
Gloriously flowing from deep inside of thee.
Giving a contentment, that only can be found,
When He is your Master and He lets His grace abound.
This then is God’s Kingdom. “Utopia” within!
Garlanded with righteousness, where just the thought of sin,
Has become repulsive. Where joy is manifest.
Peace flows like a river and His followers are blessed.
All this is available! Why do men hesitate;
And resist the Master until it’s far too late?
Jim Strickland
Written 12th Oct 2012
44 "During the reigns of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed or conquered. It will crush all these kingdoms into nothingness, and it will stand forever.
Daniel 2:44 NLT
34 As you watched, a rock was cut from a mountain, but not by human hands. It struck the feet of iron and clay, smashing them to bits.
Daniel 2:34 NLT
6 Then he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.
Zechariah 4:6 ESV
20 Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, "The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed, 21 nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There!' for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you."
Luke 17:20-21 ESV
11 He told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables
Mark 4:11 NIV
26 He also said, "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain--first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come."
Mark 4:26-29 NIV
44 Therefore, you, too, must be ready because the Son of Man will return when you least expect him.
Matthew 24:44 GW
17 The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" Let those who hear this say, "Come!" Let those who are thirsty come! Let those who want the water of life take it as a gift.
Revelation 22:17 GW