Saturday, December 17, 2011


Time with Jesus - Sunday, 18 December 2011
Hi all,
Today’s Scriptures are filled with the goodness of God. He has done so much for us and we can do so little for Him. That sounds contradictory. It isn't. One of my favourite preachers describes us as “monsters of iniquity”. That is true before He gives us His righteousness. So from the point of view of the Scripture, we are sons and daughters of the Most High God. Sometimes it seems to me that His righteousness is only a sort of spiritual veneer. Certainly when I look back over my life, the expression “monster of iniquity” seems far more appropriate. But in some incredible way, Jesus transforms me into being what I could never be without Him.
We have a wonderful word in English that describes what He has done. The word is grace. Do I understand grace? Not really. Does anybody really understand grace? I’m not sure. It isn’t something you understand. It’s something He gives us. It’s His gift of grace which transforms someone from a monster of iniquity into a child of the Living God. How? I haven’t a clue. It’s not something we earn or deserve. It’s a free gift!
Hebrews 4:16 seems to take grace one step further. “So let us boldly approach the throne of grace. Then we will receive mercy. We will find grace to help us when we need it” We are invited to come before the throne of God. He calls it the throne of grace. This is where we really need His righteousness. Without His righteousness, the Holiness and Purity of God would destroy us. Nothing sinful can come into God’s presence. It would be completely annihilated.
Now we are told that we can come before the throne of grace boldly. To do so without His righteousness is impossible. Even with His righteousness, I must confess that I feel a bit intimidated. This is no tin-pot man imagined god that we humans seem to be able to concoct with our minds. This is the Creator of the Universe. You don’t get on the wrong side of God and survive. At the same time, He is the One extending the invitation!
Our meditation today reflects on the throne of grace and is an attempt to express in English something of the exhilaration and awe of such an occasion.
Please forward my poetry to others you think would enjoy it. All I ask is that it is not used for commercial purposes
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.

The Throne of Grace

It’s time to get excited; it’s time for being bold.
For entering the throne room, with confidence untold.
The reason we can do this, is purely by His grace.
For if He had not given it, we daren’t come near this place!
And so because of Jesus, we overflow with joy.
For if He hadn’t done it, we’d still be Satan’s toy.
And so instead of worrying, we worship God Most High.
We talk to Him of everything. He is “the reason why”.
We thank You Lord for listening and “lending us an ear”;
For You have made it possible, for us to enter here.
Your grace is supernatural; its by-product is peace.
Its value is eternal and doesn’t wane or cease.
It guards the inmost being, The heart; the soul; the mind.
So we say, “Abba Father” You’re merciful and kind.
Lord Jesus, I’m your brother! I’m an adopted son!
A member of Your family, in spite of all I’ve done.
And You have told us plainly that nothing is concealed.
     Nothing’s done in secret; it’s openly revealed.

Some folk try to hide it, but it’s a waste of time.
Jesus Christ will publish every Christian’s crime.
So when we come and seek You, you’re never far away.
You entered the Most Holy Place, our sins are void today.
No wonder we have confidence; Your blood has washed us clean!
You’ve opened up a living way, where none of us had been.
You made a declaration, the doorway’s open wide.
So we have full assurance, where grace and truth abide.
Our consciences are sprinkled and cleansed from sin and stain.
Our sins have all been pardoned; we have been born again.
And we hold on unswervingly, to that which we profess.
A hope that never falters; a faith which You can bless.
You’re our Priest in Heaven; the Son of God Most High.
The One Who made it possible, for us to all draw nigh.
The One Who has instructed us, that we must carry on.
Be faithful and be diligent, until this world is gone.
Be diligent and never turn away from confrontation.
But constantly forgiving those who seek the Lord’s salvation.
Helping fellow travellers; and spur them on each day!
Until our life is over and we come home to stay.
Jim Strickland – Written 18th December 2011