Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Time with Jesus - Wednesday, 07 March 2012
Hi all,
All the promises of God are Yes in Christ. In his second letter to the Corinthians Paul stated, 20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. 2 Cor 1:20 TNIV
At the same time, all God’s promises are conditional. Is this a contradiction? Not at all! God’s promises to the entire human race are made possible to the recipients in and through the finished work of Christ Jesus. We cannot add to them or take away from them. You will find that most of them are “If/then” statements. E.g. If you keep My commands then I will be your God and you will be My people! By implication, if we don’t keep His commands it’s possible that He will not be our God and we will not be His people. It’s a bit severe. But I don’t make the laws. I only have to keep them!
The word “Testament” gives us a clue about this. We get our expression, “Last will and Testament” from this concept. The New Testament is a bit like God’s “will”. In this case, Jesus has signed it at the bottom in His blood. His signature makes it valid. Thus everything God has promised is ours by virtue of Jesus’ “signature”.
The question is whether or not you are a beneficiary? I can’t answer that. It’s a matter for you to settle with the Lord. Check the “If/then” clauses to see if you are or are not!
John Gill (1697 – 1771) in the quaint language of the 18th century summarised the promises of God as follows:
 1.     There are some which concern the temporal good of the saints; as that they shall not want any good thing; and though they shall be attended with afflictions, these shall work for their good, and they shall be supported under them.
 2.     Others concern their spiritual good; some of which relate to God himself, that he will be their God, which includes his everlasting love, his gracious presence, and divine protection.
 3.     Others relate to Christ as their surety and Saviour, by whom they are, and shall be justified and pardoned, in whom they are adopted, and by whom they shall be saved with an everlasting salvation:
 4.     Others relate to the Spirit of God, as a spirit of illumination, faith, comfort, strength, and assistance, and to supplies of grace by him from Christ: and
  5.     Others concern everlasting life and happiness, and are all of them very ancient, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; are exceeding great and precious, suited to the various cases of God's people; are free and unconditional, immutable and irrevocable, and will all of them have their certain accomplishment.
They are a little difficult to follow. But with perseverance, you’ll find that they are worth reading. I must state that this man’s commentary is excellent. It’s untarnished with the opinions of later commentators. I particularly enjoy this. It’s too easy to comment on Scripture by quoting our own “flavour of the day”. It’s one of my shortcomings. Some 30 years ago, Malcolm Smith pointed this out. He was right.
Our meditation today looks at the promises of God.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland

The Provision Decision

We’re never isolated, though we may think it’s true.
No matter where we go to, My God we’re near to You.
We know you are more able than a multi-millionaire;
That all the money in the world, cannot buy Jesus’ care.
When I first started knowing this, I really wasn’t sure.
You may do this for others; but I am far from pure.
I really don’t deserve it. You’re much too good for me.
Perhaps one day I’ll qualify; then maybe You I’ll see!
And yet there’s something in Him that still commands our trust.
We know that He has made us, from a little pile of dust.
And yet the dust has feelings, so desperately we cry!
My God I long to be with You. How do I qualify?
I know I have to trust You! My life is in Your hands!
Teach me how to serve You and follow Your commands.
I’ve done this every hour, since I was but a lad.
Help me know You love me and make my spirit glad.
Your Word tells me I’m holy. Why don’t I feel that way?
I feel more like a little boy who’s wandered far astray!
So Lord Please help me follow. I cannot trust my mind.
For every time I do it, it seems as though I’m blind.
Perhaps Lord, Like Elijah, You’ll send me to the brook?
Perhaps you’ll send the ravens with food for me to cook?
Perhaps there is a widow, already standing by?
Perhaps You’ll send the manna which comes from You on High?
Lord, teach me not to worry. It doesn't help at all.
It shows I only trust myself and not Your Holy call.
I’ve looked around at nature. The birds, the flowers, the trees.
They surely lack for nothing. You take good care of these!
So if I’m feeling nervous about what You’ll provide,
Help me look above it. For when I’m at Your side,
I’m amply provided for. For clothes and food and drink,
Will come to me in such a way that I can never think.
In fact there will be plenty. For surely You’ll provide!
For You are Yahweh Yireh. Who came to earth and died.
Yes! You provided Abraham a sacrificial ram.
He didn’t have to slay his son. For You’re the great I AM.
You gave him what was needed. And Lord You are the same.
You are the great provider, In Christ the Saviour’s Name.
So Lord. please take my worries and all my cares and fears.
Teach me that from here on in, through my remaining years,
That You are the provider of food and clothes and drink.
And all of the necessities my mind can ever think!
Jim Strickland – Written 7th March 2012