Sunday, December 18, 2011


Time with Jesus - Monday, 19 December 2011
Hi all,
Back in the days of Springbok radio, there was a programme I loved. It was called, “twenty questions”. There was a team of three or four men (always men as far as I remember) There was a Question Master and a mystery voice. The mystery voice would tell the listeners the “object” e.g. a telephone. The question master would then tell the team what the object was in terms of animal, mineral or vegetable. Sometime the object would be “abstract”. A tune would be “abstract” because it could not be classified as animal, mineral or vegetable. The team was then given 20 questions to identify the object. To my amazement they identified the object in less than 20 questions. In fact they managed to give the right answer most of the time. It wasn't long before I realised that abstract things are difficult to describe.
Christianity also has things that are hard to describe. “Love” is a good example. How can it be described? It has strong connections with “animal” In fact minerals and vegetables can’t love. (I understand that some “animals” love vegetables - But I digress) However, I can love my wife. I can also love God. So love could be described as “abstract with animal connections”?
Today’s meditation looks at behaviour and our relationship with God. It’s very much “abstract with strong animal connections”. It’s not easy to express. So if today’s verse and rhyme appear to be a bit “abstract with human connections”, don’t be surprised. Bear in mind that love is a lifestyle. Likewise, walking with God in obedience to Him is abstract. The problem is putting behaviour and our relationship with God into action.
Jim & Phyllida Strickland.


Light shines in the darkness for the upright in the Lord;
They’re gracious and compassionate and great is their reward.
Those who walk in righteousness, the Lord will not despise.
He will vindicate them in everybody’s eyes!
Lord, You are my helper; My Master and my King!
On those who would condemn me, the grapes of wrath You’ll bring.
They’ll wear out like a garment that moths have chewed away.
They’ll stumble in the darkness and won’t see the light of day.
The Lord delights in people who listen to His voice;
Who do the things He tells them; and follow Him by choice.
He does let them stumble; He takes them by the hand,
And leads them through the darkness, into the Promised Land.
You treat us like a Father; we do the things You say.
You treat us like the Mother we are eager to obey!
We carry your instructions, like a cord around the neck.
We follow in Your footsteps and use Your Word to check,
That everything we’re doing conforms with Your desire.
For being with the Master has set our hearts on fire.
We know about the dangers of immorality;
We keep away from prostitutes wherever they may be.
We praise You for Your discipline, although at times it’s sore.
You do it for our benefit that sin shall reign no more.
You are a God of Justice. You always do what’s right.
No man can run away from your all perceiving sight.
My enemies have shamed me. At least that’s what they thought.
But You are right beside me so their curses come to naught!
For surely You’re omniscient; Your eyes don’t miss a thing.
I’m sure to be rewarded, while unto You I cling.
Your eyes will see their downfall and they will be ashamed.
No longer will they look at me, as someone to be blamed.
They’ll put away their taunting and admit that I was right;
And say I am not guilty in God the Father’s sight!
They’ll make the declaration that Jesus Christ is Lord.
The only One who’s worthy to be worshiped and adored.
Jim Strickland – Written 19th December 2011