Saturday, October 8, 2011


The world is on a journey as fast as it can go.
And when they think of Jesus, they think He’s rather slow.
They far prefer to worship the god of breakneck speed;
They don’t have time to have a break, their inner man to feed.
At least they are consistent, convinced that they are right.
And so they will not listen to God and see their plight.
I think the word is stubborn. The Jews would not obey,
The messages God sent them. “Perhaps some other day”,
Would seem to be more accurate. They thought they should return,
To slavery in Egypt. But soon they were to learn,
That God does not give options. He tells us what to do.
And if we’re disobedient, his Judgement will come true.
They thought they had a “talisman”. The temple in their town,
Just had to be inviolable. No man could throw it down.
They thought that if they had it, the Lord would surely keep,
Invaders far away from them, so they went back to sleep.
And so the time rolled by them. The temple was secure.
And if the enemy attacked, they would be saved for sure!
And then one day it happened. The temple was erased.
Their “lucky charm” had been destroyed and all of them were dazed.
The people were all led away with no one left behind.
Except the few who hid themselves and so were hard to find.
They’d learned a dreadful lesson. God’s judgement was so sure.
The only way for blessings was if they all were pure.
The Lord is very patient. He gave them ample time,
To do what He had told them. They didn’t care a dime!
So off they went to Babylon; they were no longer free,
To do the things they wanted. Their former godless spree,
Was rudely interrupted; and all the people wept,
Thinking of the covenant that very few had kept.
The moral of this story is what we see today.
If we are  insubordinate and simply disobey,
The Lord will surely judge us, no matter what we think.
He’ll take away our “temple props” and all of us will sink.
Because He has no favourites. He treats us all the same.
For that’s one of the reasons why the Messiah came.
We think that we are special and we are free to sin;
And that’s the basic reason for the problems we are in.
The Lord’s been very patient. The warning signs went out,
When Christians lost their reverence and then began to flout,
The laws that He had given and said they don’t apply;
And judgement is upon us and shortly we will die.
He’s said the show is over. His wrath is on the boil.
His judgement is approaching. The only way to foil,
What’s tearing down upon us, like a supersonic plane,
Is genuine repentance in Jesus’ Holy Name.
Jim Strickland – written Sunday, 09 October 2011