Time with Jesus - 11 Dec 2013
Hi all,
Today’s meditation is an attempt, on my behalf, to
present seven of the daily Scriptures in Limerick form. Basically they are two
eight “beat” couplets. There is a slight difference. The first and second line
rhyme, along with the fourth and fifth lines; In addition, the third line
rhymes with the sixth.
It’s an interesting method of composing poems. Since
they do not follow the exact pattern of a Limerick, I’ve called them Jimericks.
When experts in the English language tell me there is no such thing, the only
comment I can make is, “Well there is now”.
Writing the sort of poems I write is fun. I’m not trying
to be a Shakespeare, a Milton or a Wordsworth. I never will be. Their language
and style of writing is different from mine. Their works are “classics”. Good
English with masterly style and grace. That’s not me. I’d like to be in their
league. I’m not. If Jesus tarries, 100 years from now, their writing will still
be known.
That’s the beauty of writing poetry. It may easily be forgotten.
However, the author has had the satisfaction of stringing the words together in
a simple way trying to convey a very simple message.
In this regard, Phyllida and I have given considerable
thought as to how long to continue with what we are presently doing. We’ve
concluded that from 1st January 2014, we will be taking time off to
establish the next step.
What is happening at the moment? I’m compiling an
anthology of what I’ve written. It’s being published and will come out next
year as an e-book, probably toward the middle of the year. There may be one or
two books in paper-back which could be made available for sale to those who are
I’m not sure what the cost will be. However the book will have ±500
X A5 pages. (250 X A5 sheets printed on both sides.) The book is a daily
devotional. It will have a Scripture reference, followed by a poem, similar in
style to those published by a number of well-known writers. The difference is
mine will be mostly verse and rhyme.
January will be our Sabbatical and we are both looking
forward to it. Not that we plan on going anywhere. As an old “comic” said, “We
are going to Romania and do the garden route”. i.e. We will remain here; go out
the front door, round the garden and back in again. No external costs. No hotel
bills. No petrol to buy. It should be great fun.
We will also spend time with
the Lord establishing what He wants us to do next. Christians seldom retire; they
usually re-tyre!

Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
Time with Jesus – Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Matt 10:8
Freely you received, Freely give |
devotionals are the intellectual property of Jim Strickland and copyright
protected. You are welcome to copy and distribute them to anyone provided it
is for non-commercial Christian purposes
this introduction is being written, I’m vividly reminded of the story of the
genie in the bottle. Not the “Open Sesame” variety. It must have been his
little brother. The story goes that one of our great golf lovers had a
question he would like to ask someone who could answer. He wanted to know if
there were golf courses in heaven. With this thought in mind he found a magic
bottle. He opened it and a huge genie appeared. “I’m a different sort of
genie” it said. “I only answer questions and always tell the good news and
the bad news.” “You are just the genie I need to talk to”, said the man. “I
have a question to ask you.” “Fire away” replied the genie. “Remember I will
tell you the good news and the bad news.” “Fine. Tell me are there golf
courses in heaven” the man asked. “Do you really want to know?” asked the
genie somewhat perplexed. “Yes!” replied the man. “The good news is that
there are definitely golf courses in heaven! The bad news is you
tee-off at 01h23 tomorrow morning!
mentioned this story because of the similarity it has with Christian life. We
don’t have a genie living in a bottle. We have the Son of The Living God in
our heart! He is always available, so we don’t have to coax Him out. In one
respect, Jesus and the genie are similar. Jesus will always only tell you the
truth. It could be good news or bad news. He will tell it, as it is! This is
very important for all of us. If you are feeling smug and comfortable in your
Christian walk, here’s a question to ask Him. Ask only if you really want to
know. The question is, “Lord is there anything in my life You want me to
change?” I must confess that I’ve never had the courage to ask this question.
I’m not sure I’d be able to cope with His answer.
for the perfectionists among us, I must confess that today I’ve missed out
one Scripture and the associated poetry. There was no way I could include
them in the space available.
a beautiful theme running behind today’s Scriptures. Jesus’ love for His
bride and His bride’s love for Him. This is a love that is more than anything
we have experienced or can experience in this dimension. It is a supernatural
love. On our behalf it stems from our realisation of the lengths God went to,
in order to re-establish a relationship with us. When I think of the way I
was when He went looking for me, I get carried away with the wonder of it
all. What I mean is I have no problem loving and being loved by people I like.
Also, those who have the same attitude toward me. That’s easy. But to think
that infinite love and perfection would even consider bothering with me. That,
I do not and probably never will understand!
Jim & Phyllida
11 Some of you were once
like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right
with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the
Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:11 NLT
Darkness or Light”?
You were made right,
By the glory that
comes from the Lord.
You called out His
And Jesus Christ came.
Now He is loved and
His blood washed you
From all you have
His righteousness
shines in your eyes!
Satan’s retreated,
Because he’s defeated,
And you have expunged
all his lies.
7 But
if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have
fellowship with each other, and the blood of
Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 1:7 NLT
Follow His ways,
For the rest of your
In fellowship with one
If you do this,
You never will miss,
The wonder of knowing
your brother.
His blood is the glue,
In all that you do.
Keeping brother and
sister in place.
His blood disinfects,
Our dreadful defects;
And lets us look into
His face!
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was
crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the
chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5 ESV
He was wounded for me.
When He died on the
My sins and
transgressions are gone.
He felt Himself
As his flowing blood
From Him who had done
nothing wrong!
His body was stripped,
And brutally whipped.
A flogging that
brought us all peace.
And it is revealed,
By these stripes we
are healed,
And all of our
sicknesses ceased!
25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ
loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the
washing of water with the word, 27 so
that he might present the church to himself in splendour, without spot or wrinkle
or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.
Ephesians 5:25-27 ESV
Men; lay down your
Love your wonderful
By His word wash her
thoroughly clean.
Without any spot;
Wrinkled are not;
She is your glorious
With a soft velvet
Place all of your
On the woman you chose
to make yours.
Give her your all.
Make her feel ten feet
And you’ll be the man
she adores.
She’ll always be
If the holiness route,
Is the way she is
constantly led.
Do this every day.
She’ll submit and
And continually make
you her head!
8 She has been given the
privilege of wearing dazzling, pure linen." This fine linen represents
the things that God's holy people do that have his approval.
Revelation 19:8 GW
It’s a glorious sight.
His Bride is in white.
As pure and as white
as the snow.
No spot or defect,
Can onlookers detect.
She’ll follow wherever
He goes.
The linen she wears,
Are the hopes and the
And deeds that God’s
people have done.
They’ve been prepared,
For a life that is
As the Bride of God’s
wonderful Son!
22 let us draw near with a
true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from
an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
Hebrews 10:22 ESV
With a heart sprinkled
From all we have been,
And a conscience
that’s been purified.
There’s nothing to
As we seek to draw
No reason for wanting
to hide!
With faith in our
We need not stay
Come; let us draw near
to our God!
His Son’s made the
So let’s enter today.
The Master has given His
A Maskil of David. 1
Blessed is the one whose transgression is
forgiven, whose sin is covered. 2 Blessed
is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit
there is no deceit.
Psalms 32:1-2 ESV
Blessed is the one,
Whose transgressions
are gone.
Since Jesus Christ
suffered and died.
They feel they’re in
Their Sin’s covered
From God, they no
longer need hide.
Iniquity’s ended,
Christ Jesus has
The bridge between
heaven and man!
Deceit doesn’t stay,
In our spirit’s today.
There’s no other way
that it can!
Jim Strickland
11th December 2012