Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We live in a society where people love to fight.
If just a bit offended, they want to scratch and bite!
They say that they are Christians. I wonder if it’s true?
For that is not what Jesus Christ taught all of us to do.
His method is far better. The outcome far more sure.
If you have been mistreated, it’s best to just endure.
Perhaps you have been beaten for standing for the Lord.
That’s actually a victory, in which you’ve surely scored.
The cost may feel so painful. But that is not the point.
By giving it to Jesus, you’re letting Him anoint
You with a special fragrance, that God alone will know.
And in your Christian journey, He’ll watch you as you grow.
What Christians don’t remember is, there’s victory in defeat.
But we like to retaliate, if we are getting beat.
We like to show society that we are in control!
That attitude is poison to body, mind and soul.
If they would take your overcoat, give them your shoes as well.
Don’t resort to vengeance. That’s better left for hell.
But if you are mistreated for doing something wrong.
Tell the people what you did. There is no finer song!
Take responsibility for all your evil deeds.
Finalise the matter and quickly be agreed.
It is the Lord’s injunction. So if you will obey;
He’ll see that you are justified in each and every way.
Never cast aspersions on anyone you meet.
He may just resort to, turning up the heat.
Then when he has finished, they’ll scrape you off the wall.
You would be far better off, by speaking not at all.
None of this is easy. In fact it’s very hard!
You may be their whipping boy and constantly on guard.
But in your Father’s heaven, there’ll be a mighty cheer.
Knowing that a Christian and what the Lord holds dear,
Are in complete agreement. Your actions will support,
Everything the Master came and personally taught.
Perhaps they’ll call you “weakling” and say you are a “wimp”.
But in God’s righteous kingdom, you will not be a shrimp.
You will have obeyed Him, so that He can decide.
Are you being genuine, or has your Christ-life died?
Jim Strickland – Written – 2nd November 2011