Monday, June 13, 2011


Success without some suffering is very seldom seen.
Unless it is inherited by someone like the queen.
How often does that happen? Eight billion to one.
In other words, let’s get it straight. It’s virtually none.
So suffering’s a given. There’s sure to be some pain.
Unless you think you’re better off, if life goes down the drain.
But that is just a cop out. The pain that’s left behind,
Is worse for the survivors. So why be so unkind?
Of course we may avoid it by going on a “trip”
But drugs do far more damage, though some folk say it’s “hip”.
So put aside objections and let’s all face the facts.
For suffering will dog your steps; the “boo’s” as well as “claps”!
But suffering improves us and helps us move ahead.
An athlete doesn’t practise by sleeping in his bed.
He gets down to the stadium at some unearthly hour.
He tries to get a better time and all within his power,
He does and keeps on at it; if he thinks there’s a way,
To win some fancy medal he can look at every day!
Perhaps he’ll get his name down in someone’s record book.
But he will not forget about the effort that it took.
The same is also true today of Christianity.
It takes a lot of effort to be what you can be.
It happens through discipleship by someone in the know.
Someone who’s in training and knows the way to go.
Your “spiritual muscles” you’ll find you have to train.
For living in God’s Kingdom; no pain and there’s no gain!
We know that God has given us His grace and it is free.
But that is at the starting point; the rest is up to thee.
He’ll send His Holy Spirit; the blessed paraclete.
But you must do the work it takes to get to Jesus feet.
It is a competition and Jesus is the prize.
The only way to get to Him is focus on His eyes.
Through hell and through high water is how it’s been expressed.
You’ve got to face right up to it, if you want to be blessed.
Get off your rusty dusty, shape up to what you need.
Break your own pain barrier and let His Spirit lead.
Do not think of quitting. There’s far too much to lose.
Your trainer’s name is Jesus; The King of all the Jews.
Start by rising early. You’ll find it’s for the best.
Get down to your stadium and face up to your test.
Know that you’re in training for the One Who’s done it all.
Beat your body under and be just like St Paul.
Will you go through suffering? There’s much you will endure.
But Jesus Christ is beckoning and you’ll get there for sure.
Jim Strickland – written Tuesday, 14 June 2011