Sunday, June 5, 2011


Persistent Prayer
                                      (Luke 11:5-13)
The problem in this fast computer age,
Is surely that there is so little time,
To fight the prayer battle we must wage,
And overcome all wickedness and crime.
This has grown endemic in our land.
So we search for answers fast and quick.
We ignore the Masters clear command,
Consistent prayer is what will do the trick.
Faith and patience guarantee success.
God will send the answer we desire.
If we do not quit, He’ll answer “Yes”!
If it’s what we need and we require.
If we ask for fish persistently,
Would He give a stone to you or me?
Jim Strickland – written 6th June 2011

Father God, today I bring my crime
And make contrite admission unto You.
That, Lord, I seem to spend so little time
In prayer. So Lord I ask please show me who
Should be the subject of a time of prayer?
Enlighten me; Illuminate the face
Of him or her who's burdened down with care;
O help me Lord, their problem to embrace
In intercession, Lord, before Thy Throne.
Give the words to speak that I may say
What's needed to be heard by You alone.
But, Father God, it seems I need to pray
Not for these others but, instead, for me.
For all the time I've wasted prayerlessly!
Jim Strickland – submitted Monday, 06 June 2011


What’s the “job description” of a servant of our King?
What should you be doing? Can you say, “Anything”?
Take a low position? Work for Him for free,
Even if you’re working in complete obscurity?
Could it be you’re “using Him” for fortune and for fame?
What is your agenda? To glorify whose name?
Would you be His servant if you suddenly went blind?
Would you still be faithful if you were to be confined,
In a filthy prison with no hope of getting out?
Would you go there willingly, or would you scream and shout?
Could you face the prospect of a journey through Tibet,
Spreading Jesu’s Gospel when exhausted, cold and wet?
What if you’re the victim of a terrible disease?
What if you can hardly walk because of painful knees?
Many of these challenges His other servants faced.
They continued loving Him, because the Lord had placed
A special burden on them which couldn’t be explained.
They had just one purpose; to glorify His Name.
Few of them had titles. They really didn’t care.
All they knew was Jesus had told them to be there.
And they were determined that they would carry on,
Doing what He told them till their final breath had gone.
Jesus hinted at this. We can read it in His book.
Recorded in the Bible in the Gospel of Saint Luke.
Written in the tenth verse of Chapter seventeen.
Is the Christian answer to what servant-hood should mean.
We are “unworthy servants”. Our duty we have done.
We are merely bond slaves of the Father’s only Son.
We have no ambitions; no purpose of our own.
We live each day to worship Him and do what He has shown.
We don’t have a vision; we don’t have a goal;
All our “rights” we’ve given to the lover of our soul.
What is your reaction to this “normal” Christian life?
Would you still obey Him if you never found a wife?
Will you give Him everything? Your family, your home;
All of your possession and live for Him alone?
Very few will do it. The price is far too high.
But they’ll be rewarded the moment that they die.
Far beyond all treasures which they’ve gladly put aside.
Living with the Master as His Most Holy Bride.
Jim Strickland – written Sunday, 05 June 2011